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Topics - xevenis

Mods / Possibly incorrect UI/Missing build items?
August 11, 2015, 09:07:16 PM
Hi guys,
So I downloaded the Ultimate Overhall Mod Pack for A11d.  I followed the instructions explicitly a few times!  But I'm obviously missing something because I keep getting the same issue... (first time trying to mod Rimworld)

I think the user interface is wrong.  A lot of options I think are out of place and I think there are some missing build items that should be available I think.  Or maybe I'm wrong?

I can't build double beds, solar power, wind power, the single beds or turrets I can build are only one type of material (such as boomrat leather or muffalo) which changes per new game.  Also for beds, turrets and a few other items, there is no option to change the materials to build with something else. 

Essentially I think some items I thought should be available are not available to build.  Or am I totally wrong and need to research stuff?  I did check on youtube at other people playing and their architect UI does not look like mine.  See picture for example.

Any ideas what I did wrong and how to fix?

Much appreciated!

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