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Topics - Carlyscarlet

Stories / A Medieval Tale
August 15, 2015, 04:32:19 PM
I like making stories in my RimWorld games, giving characters motivations and goals. So one of my stories is that a princess, Big Red; her knight, BigFace; and one of her farming peasants, Dave; crash landed onto a Rimworld. Big Red is clearly displeased by this, but her motivations was to create a medieval Kingdom in one of the Rimworlds anyways. So with that, she names the place Bastion and makes the area her capital for a great city and castle. BigFace, loyal as a dog, swears to make it happen and Dave is dragged along with the threat of violence.

The first job is to make a room to house the three, extra large as it will become Big Red's room once the other accommodations are made. BigFace and Dave do the labor while Big Red relaxes and hunts the game in the area. Dave is also tasked with planting a crop of potatoes to feed the three.

As the small building is finished, a wanderer joins the settlement. An aged lord named Pidoux. A former duke to a kingdom which collapsed on the world years ago, Pidoux swears fealty to Big Red as a retainer. The years were not good to him, having a bad back. But he still kept his sword arm strong and his wits sharp. He became Bastion's researcher and warden.

Things progressed in the small settlement. workshops for cooking and crafting were set up along the building walls with stockpiles for stone, wood, and items nearby. Raids struck, usually tribals and pirates. In fact, one such raid brought another member of Bastion. Finlay. A medieval oaf turn pirate. his arm was chopped off by Pidoux in the assault, but he was patched up quickly. Despite chopping off his arm, Pidou showed compassion and tried convincing him to join the kingdom, telling him he and his children will live as counts for his service. Finlay, slowly convinced by the sound of wealth and the weeks of prison, agreed and swore fealty to Big Red.

Things were going well until tragedy struck. A well known assassin named Vladimir dropped down to the planet, bent on killing Big Red and her pawns. He succeeded. While out on a walk, big red was struck center mass by a Gauss rifle projectile. She died instantaneously. BigFace, hearing this,immediately went into action along with Finlay, Pidoux, and Dave. Vladimir then shot off Pidoux's right leg, neutralizing him as a threat. Bigface, full of fury over his liege's death, engaged Vladimir. Dave supported him with his own pistol fire. Finlay, ever brave from his buccaneering days, charged Vladimir. He struck the man with his cutlass, but taking a shot from the gauss rifle weakened him greatly. He was beaten to death by Vladimir quickly. A long firefight ensued. Vladimir had superior firepower, but he didn't have the accuracy. Bigface hit him with his rifle consistently, with Dave , too nervous for violence, acted as a meatshield. Eventually, Vladimir died from his injuries.

With the battle over, BigFace took a long pause on what to do. This world was cruel, taking his liege's life. But he must not abandon it. Bastion was Big Red's will to tame this world, and he meant to execute that. Dave meanwhile helped Pidoux to bed and healed his injuries. BigFace, his resolve strengthened, looted Vladimir's power armor and gauss rifle and then buried Big Red and Finlay.

Now, the situation is pretty dire. Only one character can fight, with the others incapable either by backgrounds or not having a leg. I haven't played much farther into it. Might finish it some time.