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Topics - shentino

One of my generators had a breakdown.

Paradoxically though it was still burning fuel!
Support / Random raider deaths are pissing me off
December 04, 2018, 07:00:13 PM
So what exactly causes raiders to die when I beat them up with fists?

Besides the obvious causes of death that would kill anyone of course (metabolism or consciousness to zero, loss of a vital body part, fatal disease, etc).
Bugs / [1.0.2096] Refusing to feed starving prisoner.
December 03, 2018, 02:42:31 AM
Warden is refusing to feed my starving malnourished prisoner.

I have a fresh turkey corpse in the fridge, and now in the same room as the prisoner and still refuses to feed the prisoner even though I can still force-consume the corpse myself as the colonist.

I confirmed that the prisoner had lavish food restriction.

I do have mods active but I don't think they're interfering with the food system.

Save file is too big to attach
Bugs / [1.0.2096] Icons on globe view not sorted
November 29, 2018, 04:19:15 PM
The icons on the globe view aren't sorted properly.  Often times, especially at the edges of the globe, icons for colonies behind others Z-wise are drawn after.  The ones closer to the camera/eye should be drawn last because they should be the ones doing the obscuring.

Suggestion: Before drawing icons, sort them from back to front and draw in that order.
Ideas / New medicine selection API
November 12, 2018, 04:29:06 PM
I currently run Pharmacist by Fluff, and am considering Smart Medicine as well.

Herein lies the problem.

Presently IIRC the medical API just looks at the worst wound and then grabs a bunch of medicine for it without even checking to see how much is really needed.

What if instead:

1.  When a doctor job is run, take the patient and iterate through all their wounds and do the "pick a medicine" hooks.
2.  When each wound has been tallied, add up all the results and pick up that much medicine.
3.  Go to the patient, and use the medicines as directed one at a time.  It's ok if the medicine is good enough to treat multiple wounds at the same time, but if this is the case then don't forget to skip medicine selections for a wound that has already been treated.  This implies that each wound needs to be tracked separately.

Presently, Fluffy's pharmacist mod is unable to tell the doctor to only grab one medicine to treat a patient that has just a single deadly wound but a bunch of simple bruises with it.  For obvious reasons I'd like to only have the doctor bring one medicine and save the rest for my other patient having a nasty case of malaria.
Ideas / [1.0.2059] Bills: select source stockpile
November 05, 2018, 10:21:36 PM
You should be allowed to specify what stockpile a work bill should pull its ingredients from.  The ingredient radius thing is nice, but its fixed shape (a round circle) interferes with my freedom, and if I want to retain flexibility it interferes with an "industrial" layout of packed kitchens that have specialties.

For example, it would make it much simpler to implement a "feed stockpile" by plopping a stockpile square right in front of the stove and then picking it as the stove bill's input.
Support / [Resolved] Can't feed cat with survival meal
November 05, 2018, 02:00:33 AM
I have 34 survival meals in a stockpile, but colonists can't feed my starving cat.  The info list for the cat says its diet includes meals.

Bugs / [1.0.2059] Typo in description for peaceful mode
November 04, 2018, 06:06:34 PM
Peaceful mode says "recommendeed" instead of "recommended" in the description
1.  I was playing rimworld on linux


Fairly reliably, when I switch away from rimworld, and then switch back, it changes the cursor to its own version and then nothing.  It's like it gets stuck.

Interestingly enough the music keeps going.


That it wouldn't get stuck


Just keep switching back and forth from rimworld and other applications

5.  Save game is not applicable since it's happened across many many many invocations.  Also sometimes it happens even before I start a game.
Support / Reset merciless
October 19, 2018, 05:22:36 AM
How do I reset the "merciless" flag?

I force-enabled it before it got unlocked, but my attempt ot reset it by deleting local config didn't work.
Support / Where should I report bugs?
October 19, 2018, 04:56:51 AM
I noticed awhile back that we have both a bugs forum as well as a mantis bugtracker.

Which one should we use to report bugs?
Ideas / New feature: Allow All
October 08, 2018, 02:41:10 AM
I would like you to add "Unforbid All" as an order.  Presently I use the allow tool mod for this but I think that the functionality is useful enough to put into core.

Whenever I start a new game the first thing I always do is unforbid every item on the whole map so that I can collect all the perishables and put them safely under roof and behind wall to avoid deterioration.
Bruises should be treated with no medicine at all.
Cuts, should be graded and the medicine chosen based on severity.
Infections should use the best, as should lethal diseases.

Make this configurable.

The Pharmacist mod was nice, but it doesn't work for B19 and hasn't been updated in awhile, plus the functionality should be merged into core.
Ideas / Different medicines for different wound types
August 14, 2018, 05:13:00 AM
The pharmacist mod did good at this, and I think it's a feature that should be made core.

Set different medicine types for different kinds of wounds.


Be able to save glitterworld medicines for infections and operations, but only use herbal medicine for cuts and burns and frostbites, and eschew medicine entirely for mere bruises.

This is especially useful given that there doesn't appear to be a way to micromanage a patient's medicinal settings in such a way as to pick and choose which wounds get treated first.
Ok, so you have a construction blueprint obstructed by a big fat tree.

Your builder is stellar in construction, but is lousy at plants, so it'll take him AGES to cut it down.  Or worse, what if his plant skill is completely disabled?

Idea: Instead of having constructors cut plants down, have them mark the plant for cutting and wait for a gardener to chop it instead.
Version: 1.0.1974

I can't plant trees.

I can plant trees.

Start a new game, make a grow zone, try to plant the same trees seen in the biome.

[attachment deleted due to age]
What the circumstances were.

Starting a new colony

What happened.

Switching away and then back in fullscreen mode hung rimworld

What you expected to happen.

It wouldn't hang, and would keep running in the background (or at worst pause)

Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine. This part is important! We need a set of steps which we can follow to get the same results you're seeing. Ideally you'll test these steps to make sure they work from scratch.

Install gentoo linux
Install steam
Install rimworld
Set full screen
Start a colony, 100 percent globe fill
While it's generating, switch windows with alt-tab
Repeat until rimworld hangs
Observe via a process monitor that CPU usage for rimworld hits zero.

This also happens often when alt-tabbing during an actual running game.
My resolution is 1024x768 and I have an i7 CPU with intel graphics drivers if it helps.

Savegame file
It's very helpful to include a savegame, especially when you have trouble reproducing the bug.

N/A, it happened before the colony was created

Other information:

I used GDB once, it seems to be hanging on a futex?
Ideas / Suggestion: cloud saves
October 18, 2017, 01:56:30 AM
You should be able to save your game data to the steam cloud.  Prison architect does this already.

It would allow you to maintain the same game across multiple devices, useful also to keep your game backed up.
Bugs / [a17] Colonist refuses to feed hungry downed animal
September 13, 2017, 06:47:01 AM
I have an animal asleep in an animal sleeping spot, a terrior

He is suffering from extreme (90%) malnutrition and his food need is empty.

I debug spawned a hunk of raw beef right next to it, and my colonists all still refused to give me a menu option to "feed this animal", not even my doctor.
Support / Access to development alphas for testing
September 07, 2017, 02:55:44 AM
Is there a way I can become a tester for the early alphas?  Like the in-progress A18?