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Topics - exbeer

Ideas / add canned goods
December 12, 2014, 12:05:16 PM

i woude like this mode or something that is close to this mode to get in, how can they not be able to make this,  metal = cans :D  easy peasy, make it so :)
General Discussion / loding game and mods||
December 09, 2014, 02:10:34 PM
just wondering wen one lodes up the game with mods, that it takes a loong time before getting into the main menu. if enybody else has the same problem, well it mite not be a problem just a looong lode time, but if it is not, is there something to do about it ?`

eny help if there is eny is possible woude be very nice.
Unfinished / more mods
October 11, 2014, 11:10:23 AM
this has prob. been askt and said before, but now thta meny has done there A7 mods, and i see alot of mods that are cool and intresting that is yet to been uppgraded from erly versions , woude some people come together and make them possible for A7 or newer wen that happends ?i see some few has taken it up to take some few older mods. woude be nice to se some older mods get a new finish :) just getting it out there, i am a suuper mod hoarder , if i coudei woude cram all i coude into my games :)  want and need more mods, :)
Mods / better marking for mods?
April 16, 2014, 11:34:44 AM
i love the game and all the mods, but im having some trubble seeing what mod is upptodate with what the current game, is itt possible to mark it better ? i see ingame the newst release but i cant figuer out what number the mods put in to what version i am having, sorry to be a pain but i do have problems with it. is it possible to mark it better and or what version is working with what release ? or if enybody can help me figuer out what mod goes to what build  ? ide be for ever thank full :)