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Topics - Bruxy

Stories / Bitter irony and the fourth wall
February 17, 2016, 07:49:31 AM
I thought I'd share a slightly depressing yet, hopefully, darkly-humorous story of the time Rimworld crossed into my real world and made me question my personal morals. Let's make things clear up front though - I'm not after sympathy here so don't feel the need to give me any!

In late November my dad crashed his motorbike, crushing his spine. He'll never walk again. I went to see him in hospital where he lay in an induced coma and I whispered in his ear: "You pain in the arse; I'd bought you some new running shoes for Christmas."

A few days later I'm playing Rimworld and a raid comes in. I manage to take a couple of prisoners who all heal up nicely, apart from one from hadn't left his bed after four days. On closer inspection I saw why: "Spine: Shattered. Movement: None". Now I'd only had RW for a month or so but this was the first time I'd seen such an injury and I had to chuckle at the timing. I was also stuck on exactly what to do next with the guy.

I couldn't release him because obviously he couldn't walk himself off the map. I briefly considered fitting two bionic legs to see if that worked, but rather than experiment (or ask here) I just kind of assumed that logically it wouldn't so I didn't bother. Someone by all means confirm for me if they know.

Then I realised that wheelchairs would be a very useful thing in this situation so considered adding the suggestion, but a quick search revealed a few references on the forum though no obvious entry in the official suggestions area. Maybe I will stick something in there; I'd like to think I'd fleshed out something a bit more contributory than "we needz weelchairs plz".

Eventually I harvested as many organs as I could before he carked it and incinerated the rest, and I reckon I felt the -15 mood modifier as much as any of my colonists (though probably not for as long). I'm considering getting dad a copy of Rimworld as it should run nicely on the laptop he has in hospital for Netflix and it's right up his street, but for some reason I can't quite bring myself to recount this story to him.

So cheers, Tynan, for showing me what a terrible son, and indeed person, I really am! Keep up the good work :)
Hi guys. New to the forum; loving the game.

I'm wondering if there's any way to apply blanket bans on people/animals eating certain food types. I've invested in a few cobras to breed for profit, with a dedicated storage zone for hatching purposes, but they never get to full term as someone always decides to eat them first. I've got 6000+ in various raw food items stashed around, both frozen and unfrozen, and usually (barring the recent malaria outbreak that took down both my chefs for a week) keep a stockpile of over 30 prepared meals. There are plenty of other food sources available, including the emergency paste dispensers.

Aside from an overly-complex collection of storage zones and area restrictions, which still wouldn't be foolproof, is there any way I can just tell people to stop it?