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Topics - Wexit

Help / Troubles with IEnumerable
September 23, 2019, 09:51:42 PM
So I keep getting TypeLoadExceptions any time I use IEnumerable objects. When trying to use 'yield return instruction' in a Harmony transpiler, of even just using a regular old enumerable like so:

IEnumerable<Pawn> pawns = pawn.Map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(pawn.Faction).Where(x => x != pawn);

Once this code is executed, the below exception occurs. Best I can tell is that it is a dependency or reference error.
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Func`2' from assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.

HugsLib 6.1.3
.net 4.7.2

I've seen examples where other mods are doing the exact same thing (especially transpilers) code-wise, so I doubt that that's an issue. Any ideas what I've screwed up?
General Discussion / Difficulty Over Time
April 01, 2017, 07:59:30 AM
So I've been playing hardcore SK on Phoebe rough. After 7 years, I got an event that I was in no way prepared for with 13-ish colonists and mainly light arms (Phoebe it admittedly too slow.)
During the event, all of my non-combatants loaded as much food as possible and some other basics and left out to the north in mid fall, while my fire team bought time and then escaped via drop pods ~60 tiles away. Really interesting turn of events to be honest, as my fire team then had to setup a temporary base with no provisions while the caravan made the 2 week trip to the new location.

Now, having left 99% of my wealth behind, losing several colonists in the fight, travel, and to disease, I have started Spring in the new colony. My first raid was a terminator. So the way I understand difficulty scaling, is that it is based on wealth, number of colonists, and time. With the way colonys can be abandoned and reformed, I feel like the last factor doesn't make much sense. Unless we're going to pull ourselves out of the world and say "difficulty scaling by time is to force an end-game condition," it seems to me like this factor should only be based on a colony's age - not total time played.

Does anyone know exactly how time factors into this? I would not have expected 9 colonists with shoddy light arms and tattered clothes (no power armor, cybernetics, etc) in an new base to get any form of mechanoids. I always figured the time component to be along the lines of how your enemies are aware of your existence. Moving a month's travel to the south ought to really dampen raids, as I've basically started a new game with slightly more skilled colonists.

Any thoughts? Any ideas on how time is factored in, or how it could be changed?