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Topics - Lowkey1987

General Discussion / Hate the Blight
August 01, 2017, 03:34:33 PM
Hello everyone,

i searched for the topic (Blight) but recently it was very quite.

So normaly i think Blight is okay. Half your crops jada jada. If you have a small colony, you can work against it.

But i have no small colony. My colony is 15years old and strong. I have conquere a new field (i play in the mountains) and planted like 1500 plants. Also i have only one month were crops can grow outdoors. And normaly the get destroyed because of cold snap (yeah, the slower Blight).

I dont like it. I dont like, that it kill everything of the map. Okay, 50% but...its not an event which gives me a challange. I cannot react.
I posted recently on the "Fallout" thread, because fallout is nice. You know what happens. Get your plants harvest as fast as possible. Gather the animals on the map.
Even a cold snap gives me some time. I dont like it too, because normaly it strikes on the few last days on summer and every moment i think "Give them a day longer, or harvest them to be sure."

But Blight?
I started this small colony and didnt have much crops to grow. So when i am small, it didnt bother me much. Okay i need more meat for the winter, but okay.
When i play on a milder bio, i also think "Naaa i have to plant it again." But thats also okay. Because you have this way.

In late game, you try to secrue great farm-lands. While you colony is growing, the spots between the buildings shrink. Its not easy. But you will do it. Perhaps because of the booze, because of the weed.

I wouldnt mind mechs, which come from abouve. And they set everything on fire. Thats okay.
But simply vannishing everything? It hurts my little feelings.

And i know, every summer there will be shit happening. Cold Snaps are common enough. I never harvest a crop at 100% because... the story teller didnt give me the time.

So ... the mod pests isnt updatet for A17. I think, maybe we can go another way. Like 1/4 crops dying, 1/4 crops will die in a week and 1/4 will have  a set back (from the current grow to the half. Like from 80% to 40%).

My english is a little bit rubbish, sry, not my main language. My holidays got cancelt and i find myself with rimworld, Blight and middernight (a coffee liquior). So sorry. But atm Blight makes me sad.

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Bugs / A17: Centipede dismantle crashed poison ship
August 01, 2017, 09:59:01 AM

i dont know how to recreat this bug.

What happens:
I just bombed a crashed poison ship with fire, EMP and normal mortas.

What happend:
After the stun, some centipede begun to dismantle the ship.

What i expect:
That it didnt dismantle it own ship.

Note: The ship landet in an enclosed space. As you can read in the screenshot the centipede dismantel the ship. Its in german, but you see the indicator how much of the ship is left 25%.

I made a screenshot and a save. But i have mods (dont thing they change the behavour).

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]

I like the new mechanic of the sunlamps. You dont waste your energie if you using them, to grow crops.

But...i not only use them for crops, but also in my hospital. For inportand operations or, if i got a raid and have 10 Prisioniors.
It boosts the light in the room too 100% which rise the tending of this man wounds. And perhaps i get less wound infections.

Now it is night. Bad time for a raid, because i can not use sunlamps to make the room lighter.

What could be a way, to geht 100% light without them? Or schould there be an option on the unlamp to disable the 12hour rythm?
Hello together,
i play A17 now for quite some time. Also i like the changes to the infestation. I was realy suprised that every bug (even when the hives are seperated) attack, if you burn hives.
After this i wishes for a second infestation, to test with the insects. I play with mountains, but didnt build in them (only -20°C storage rooms).
After 8 years i got my second infestation (now i am heating the mountain caves in winter). And i attack one of them, because i build some defence at the entrance. And every bug attacked.
Now all hives will die again.

If something happend, which pull every bug from the hives, dont sent EVERY bug. Send 90% or no small bugs.

There are two problems (in my opinion) which would benefit from this.
First: The attack force is reduced. The chance of survivel increase! And if you beat this wave, you can go in and fight the small rest pest.
Second: This hives dont die. The hives need maintenance. After EVERY bug died... they will die, too.

Of course, this will only happen, i the next time for spawning bugs is to far away. 
Ideas / learning helper: wealth
July 18, 2017, 12:03:57 PM
I think, new players could have problems with wealth.

Old dogs know: If i increase my wealth by mining plasteel, i get a hell of a raid.

And as a new player, you didnt think something evil. You think "hey... this is the best building material. Better catch it now!".

It should tell you, that raiders are attracted by wealth and everything you have counts to it. If it is on the ground or in your store.
    What the circumstances were.
I used dev-mode to execute an incident (RefugeePodCrash). I wanted to test, if i see the healthtab when the refugee is rescued.

I send a pawn to rescue the refugee. The refugee wears clothe so he could survive -5°C  to 32°C. Start temperatur of the incident was -13°C and endet with -4°C when the refugee was in my hospitel. Had taken some hours because of deep snow and larger map (not extrem large but a bit larger than standart).

I play randy random intense and have 15 pawns.

I repeaded this 12 times (because of bug report)

    What happened.
While my pawn was carrying (hope this word exists) the refugee to my hospitel, the refugee joined my colony because i rescued her. While being unconscious (because the pawn carry her on).
Note: The enterd one door, which is homezoned. Its one tile (sappers digg trough a mountain, i closed the entrance with doors. This door have a homezone.)
Tests: Pawns join, even when "only be rescued". No doc, no food, only warm bed.

    What you expected to happen.
That my pawn will carry a refugee into my base. And after i have patched her up, she would decide to stay or to leave.

    Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.

I just let 12 refugee pods crash. None of theme joined my colony while being carried. One joined, but his wounds wasn´t take care of.
So there is only a small chance that this is happening. Let droppods crash while there is a negative temperature.


I have mods, so i dont know if  a savegame will help. List as a pic.

   Log File

My bad, tested on and didnt log.

bug3: Modlist
bug4: Showns 2 refugees in my hospital. Lour has joined before entering my hospital. William was the second test (i tested for another bug report).

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General Discussion / A17: Sleepy Trader
July 10, 2017, 04:46:05 AM
Before i go to the bug-forum i want to ask if other people see the same behaviour.

I have slightly moded game (Medieval and Advancded Protheses). Also i use Trading Point.

Many of the caravan traders which come to my town, a tired after entering the map. One the way into my homezone the simply start sleeping on the ground.

This is simply annying. Sometimes the trader sleeps and i have to wait half a day for him. Also they get delayed when leaving because of sleeping pawns. Some stay by the pawn others leave.

Did anyone have similar issues?
Ideas / marriage spot arrow
July 09, 2017, 05:25:10 AM

when you place a marriage spot it have a direction. But you dont know which direction until the first weeding.
A little indicator like a arrow would be nice!

Ideas / Buying not jet discovert devices
April 06, 2017, 01:24:59 PM

at the moment i try playing with many Mods (so far seven). As i try the medieval way with a tribal start, i thought to myself:

"Wouldn´t it be nice to by some devices i can´t build yet?" Like one moisture pump, because its a very long way to research it but there is so much water!
I would pay much silver for it. For the game, i would say there is a multiplyer for undiscovert tech like [price*4].
Also, this device couldn´t be installed, so it could be a one-use blue print!

What do you think?

MfG Lowkey

Bugs / Chemfuel did not explode
March 15, 2017, 03:45:21 PM
Hello together,

my chemfuel is burning. I expect a explosion.

But it didnt explode. Perhaps it should act like a shell.

Have a nice day!
Bugs / Map Edge, Deconstruct
October 22, 2016, 03:32:17 AM
Hello together,

i noticed something strange in my new colonie. At the moment i decontruct everything on the map, because there are not many trees.

1 What the circumstances were.
On the map edge is a building. I want to deconstruct the walls and floor.

2 What happened.
After the Building Border , where you cannot build, i can deconstruct the walls. But i cannot deconstruct the floor.

3 What you expected to happen.
That i can deconstruct the floor as well.

4 Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine. T
Search the map edge for walls. Deconstruct them. Then try to deconstruct the floors which are now visible.

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Ideas / Attack without notification
September 28, 2016, 11:44:37 AM
Hello together,

at this moment i rember a moment at my beginning times in rimworld. I good a mental breakdown, but didnt notice it.
For a good gamer, not nice.

For a noob, i notice "some strange person" in my bunker with a knive. And thought "This hell of a guy (Tynan) put thiefs in the game. Very cool."
I shot the thief... okay it was my cook... a new problem and a corpse.

But now i think of this idea as a feature. 2-3 thiefes which come at night without notification. The only try to steal and will leave then. Perhaps the can open doors after 3 seconds (the time they need to break the ... how is the english word... to break the lock).

And by know, when i let the game run a whole day at high speed... i woulnd notice it. :D

Is it possible?
Ideas / Pyro Problem
September 28, 2016, 11:37:44 AM
Hello together,

i think the breakdown time for Pyromancer should be shorter. I like the effekt, but its only harmful the first minutes.

After this time, its only managing someone the whole time, puting the fires out. And this is only anoying.

Or disable the notification... so she sets a fire, and anybody thinks "Where did that come from?"

Could be nice, too.
General Discussion / My Opinion: Ship Crash - Event
September 26, 2016, 12:04:42 PM
Hello together,

recently i start playing again (didn´t play since A13). Now my new colony in A15c doing good, except my medic McKoy didnt get any women and need drugs.
This told, now i got the second ship crash event.

And again i wonder: Whats the difference between a poison ship and a psycho ship. After looking it up in the wiki, i tought "Why do both ships create this snow field around them?".

My problem is: The psych ship is a threat, because of the mood penalty. The poison ship is a threat because it kills all plants on the map.
But both ships kill any plants around them in a increasing radius.

Until i read the wiki i didnt even notice, that the poisen ship will kill every plant. Is this just me?
Anytime i thought "The psych wreck is harder, because it kills plants AND shrinks the mood."

So, what do you think? I think, the psych wreck shouldnt create a snow field around it, to show it is different.

Bugs / Problem with small animals
April 05, 2016, 05:59:54 AM
from reddit:

Hello everyone,
i want to adress a problem here. Small animals like rabbits. Hopefully my english is good enough.
Sometimes there are fires or a fallout. Many plants are dying. But some survive this, ready to spread there seed. On my maps sometimes only a few grases and flowers survive this events only to get eaten by little animals. I try to shot them with turrets, to hunt them down, but there are so many of them.
So, how do control this pest? I would like to see, how the gras grow back, but its seems impossible to stop every rabbit.
I think with A13 the problem could be solved, when animals start to hunt each other.


Because this is a bug forum which the bot on reddit shows me, i have searched "problem small animals" and didnt find anything here.
I consider this as a bug, because the animals gnaw away the rims of the meadowns, causing desertification. It seems, that smaller animals take longer walks away from the mapedge, eating the last gras away.

Perhaps this helps. Or it was adressed somewhere else. :)

BtW: Great Game!