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Topics - sc4s2cg


I would just rephrase the first sentence.

Adulthood backstory: Illegal shipwright

"There is a law that say that you're not allowed to put terawatt-range grasers on a cargo scow."

Mod Edit (Calahan) - I've added "in Illegal shipwright backstory" to the title to better summarise it. Plus I've added the text from my 2nd post to the OP (below the ---) so that people don't have to click the image to see the typo.
General Discussion / Building copying
August 29, 2016, 03:53:51 PM
I remember reading that there is a new copy feature in A15, but the only one I see is to copy whatever you select. So if I select the bed, the copy button comes up. If I select two beds the copy button still comes up, but it only copies the first bed. If I select a wall block, I can copy the block. If I select a whole room, or the layout of the room before it gets built, then copy it, it copies the the first thing my mouse touches and nothing else.

Is it possible to copy an entire room and paste it to build again?
Bugs / [A15] Spelling error: widthdrawal
August 23, 2016, 10:35:27 PM
Drug addiction tab in the learning helper: 3rd paragraph, withdrawal is spelled "widthdrawal".

Minor, but figured it's easy to correct.
QuoteWhat the circumstances were.

My colony got raided, a colonist got kidnapped. Couple days later we got the ransom note.

QuoteWhat happened.

I had 700 silver in stock, they asked for 200. I couldn't accept, the game thought I was poor.

QuoteWhat you expected to happen.

I expected to get poor Loser back.

QuoteSteps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.

This is the second time this bug happened to me, I'm assuming just try to get kidnapped? I only had two mods enabled at the time, one that added new hair ( and another that added new music (

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