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Topics - Pax_Empyrean

Ideas / Couple of simple tweaks to infestations
August 26, 2016, 03:15:37 AM
At present, an infestation can kill people with no chance to save them. Hives appear, bugs appear, and if they're too close when they spawn in there's nothing the player can do about it.

There is an easy fix and a harder (but cooler) fix. The easy fix is to have the bugs appear ~5-10 seconds after the hives appear just to give the colonists a chance to get out of certain death. The harder fix is to have the hives appear inside the mountain near the excavated areas and then mine their way into the base.

Compare two scenarios: the first is what we've got already. Bugs appear out of thin air in Bob's bedroom and Bob is dead before he can do anything. The others rush in to help, but killing the bugs before they kill Bob just isn't going to happen. Might as well just have an event that drops a meteorite on one of your pawns for all you can do about it.

The other scenario is an infestation warning. Bugs are trying to break through the wall into Bob's bedroom. You assign Bob to repairs on the wall; it won't hold forever, but it slows the breakthrough down enough that the others can rush into Bob's room and get set up to unload everything they've got into the chokepoint before the bugs can spread out inside the base.

Bugs appearing out of thin air and killing your guys isn't fun or fair, and there's nothing the player can do about it. Giving the player an opportunity to react, even if it's a fairly short window, is exciting. Scrambling to set up a firing line before a tide of bugs breaks through the wall is awesome. Increase the number of bugs as necessary to maintain an appropriate challenge.
Title says it. Currently, melee is suicidal, and the payoff for training melee is really minimal. The greatest swordsman in the world with an adjusted hit chance around 99% loses to two amateurs with their hit chances of ~70%.

I would overhaul the system as follows:

Remove the post-process curve. Chance to hit starts at a flat 50%. Each point of the attacker's melee skill increases chance to hit by 10% (additive). Each point of the defender's melee skill decreases chance to hit by 10% (additive). Increase damage of melee weapons to account for the lower hit rate.

In practice, this would mean that any melee fighter with an advantage of 5 or more Melee skill would be undefeatable by lesser opponents. While this is a pretty big deal, there is no shortage of enemy pawns with high melee skills to challenge even the best swordsman, and if I can't reliably cut down less skilled pawns in melee then I'll just sit back in my wall-and-sandbag bunkers and reliably cut them down with gunfire like I'm doing now.
Mods / How to make quality rolls more consistent?
August 17, 2016, 04:51:46 PM
I'd like to make it so that quality rolls have less variability. For example, I'd like to see results that are no more than one step above or below what the crafter's skills would get you on average. Where would I need to go to find the formula responsible for this?
I noticed a "Kakashi Hatake" running around. This is a character from the popular anime/manga series "Naruto." Just giving you a heads up in case you're trying to avoid this sort of thing.
At present, a stockpile and a dumping stockpile are differentiated only by the default items allowed. What we need is a trash zone, where items placed there are automatically forbidden, and any item on the map can be right clicked and marked as "trash" to be hauled away to the trash zone.
Mods / Any reasonably sized weapon mods out there?
August 17, 2016, 02:14:32 AM
I'm looking to expand the weapons in my game, but every mod I've seen so far has been loaded with clutter and redundant weapons. I'm looking for maybe a revolver, a battle rifle, a short-barrel shotgun, a medium machine gun, an anti-materiel rifle, and possibly some heavier weapons like a flamethrower or grenade launcher.

Are there any mods out there that add weapons like this without trying to include every gun made since 1850? I don't care if they are balanced or Combat Realism compatible; I'll likely be redoing all their stats from scratch to suit my preferences. I'm also indifferent to whether they are real-world guns or not (seriously, after over a thousand years, the same guns? Okay, maybe with enough cosmoline).
I'm in the process of creating a spreadsheet to aid in the creation of weapon mods, but in order to make it accurate for a given range and skill of shooter, I need to know what the formula is for the "post-process curved" stage of the accuracy calculation. Does anyone know what it is?
At present, opinions exist pretty much entirely in isolation. It's all 1v1 stuff. But what if, when pawns spoke to one another, instead of just raising or lowering the opinion of the speaker, they could raise the other person's opinion of a random person that they like, or lower their opinion of a random person that they hate? Maybe tie it in with a Social skill check to influence the opinions of others, or base the odds of success on the listener's opinion of the speaker. Pretty simple thing, mechanically, but the potential implications are huge.

Consider the following situation: Alice and Bob are married, but their love dies like a polar bear in a desert heat wave, and they get divorced. Now they hate each other. With opinions in isolation like we have now, they'll fight each other, but that's pretty much the end of it. But what if Alice and Bob started badmouthing the other one to everyone that would listen? Now Bob's friends hate Alice, and Alice's friends hate Bob. Insults fly. The negative opinions that each group of friends have toward Alice and Bob would sour the opinions of Alice and Bob toward the other group of friends, although to a lesser degree than their dislike for one another. There would even be minor impacts on the groups of friends toward one another, with those effects diminishing the further away from the original haters you get. This kind of social conflict is cool, makes for interesting stories, is pretty realistic, and can be implemented with a pretty minor addition to the game.

Consider another situation: Alice is good friends with everyone. Bob joins the colony. He's met just about everybody and made a few friends, but he hasn't met Alice yet. Even so, he likely has a positive opinion of her just because all of his friends say good things about her.

One last scenario: Your colony has a few "Hates Men" and "Hates Women" characters running around. They each dislike about half the colony, and spread those opinions to their friends to some extent. This will lead to greater male/female conflict in the colony as a whole, instead of just having it limited to the characters with those traits (although they will definitely be generating more hate).
When you select the menu option to go back to the main menu or quit to the OS, the button on the left says "Go back" and the one on the right says "Confirm."

The button on the left is almost always the "Yes, I want to do the thing" option and the one on the right is the "No, I don't want to do the thing" option. That, combined with "Go back" being the first button you'd read and it sounding like the thing that you actually want to do when it really means "Don't go back to the menu" makes for an annoyance until you remember that the button that looks like the one you want, and is placed where the button you want would usually be placed, is not in fact the button that you want.

I would put the "Confirm" button on the left, and replace "Go back" with "Cancel."
Ideas / Allow Tech Level as a World Parameter
July 27, 2016, 05:35:53 AM
What I would like to see is an option to set the technology level of the world you land on, both starting level and maximum for yourself and for other factions. I'm not sure if this is planned for implementation at some point; I think it might be since the game makes a distinction between neolithic, modern, and advanced technologies, but I'm not sure and didn't see anybody talking about it in a quick look at the first few pages of the forum.

It would be nice to be able to set this independently for your own faction and the other factions in the world. so if you wanted to you could play cowboys and indians (or cowboys and robots) or try to fight off a more advanced force with nothing but rocks and pointy sticks, or whatever you happen to trade/loot from the other factions.

There are already a few tech levels in research and item descriptions (Neolithic, Modern, Advanced), but I'd like to suggest a couple more between the stone age and modern stuff, as follows:

Neolithic: Stone and wood items only. Clubs, spears, bows, etc. Steel is not available.
Iron Age: Metal weapons and armor. Crossbows. Catapults.
Pre-Modern: Wild West stuff. Still no electricity. Revolvers, lever-action rifles, break-action shotguns, cannons. The atmosphere for Rimworld practically begs for an option like this.
Modern: Pretty self-explanatory. This is where electricity shows up, along with automatic weapons, modern body armor, etc.
Advanced: Lasers and robots and bionic enhancements. Personal shields. Let us build this stuff instead of just trade for it from off-world. Pew pew pew!

At present we're limited to Modern tech, although Advanced stuff can be traded for. It would be cool to have more flexibility in that regard. Also, if players could mod in their own tech levels with a built-in functionality for controlling item/technology access, that would add even more to the game with no work on the developer's part beyond making sure that tech levels are moddable. Hell, if you'll put in the infrastructure for distinct tech levels, the modding community would do all the rest.