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Topics - boates

Stories / Rimworld Book?
July 15, 2017, 08:29:33 PM
Hello, I am writing a Rimworld book about a pirate woman named Tattana "Taya" as she calls herself.
She lands on a planet named Onhea as part of her Pirate Party.
She is saving money to buy her sister out of the slave trade and using the money she gets from pirating to pay her sister out.
Would be curious if anyone would be interested in giving me feedback about this Rimworld Story, I am currently on chapter 18 so there's plenty more if people want to see it.

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I've made a few Caravans after playing A16 for a while and just wanted to post a few different suggestions.
Firstly it's annoying that I can not designate where the colonist go to form a caravan and that this area will always be outside the home zone... It makes packing difficult and managing prisoners atrocious. Prisoners will wait infinitely as long as a caravan is being formed... but if it stops being formed for some reason, they all suddenly get the idea to break and run. As well as when you return from a caravan and suddenly you have to scramble to get all your prisoners back into the prison barracks, or they'll try and run... eventually. I feel you should be allowed to just designate where your caravan will depart and return to. It honestly makes more sense for them to pack inside the home zone.
Secondly, while traveling you should be given the option to set camp. This halts your caravan for a while but allows you to do some crucial things like stop someone from bleeding out, which there is currently no way to do unless you decide to randomly attack some area just to heal up (Which I've done before). It should generate a small ambush sized map where you're also able to forage for a little bit of supplies and then can leave when your ready. It should be limited to once per day and only last a couple of hours or so, to make sure players don't just spam create new maps for supplies. Or maybe only happen at night when you're not moving.
Thirdly, there should be more prisoners in Rimworld that aren't in your colony. I personally think now that Rimworld is a much more open game. You should be able to find colonies that just have a prison network. I rarely ever see slaving caravans with prisoners, and haven't seen them in any of the towns I've traveled to... If you have the money there should be some places where you can reliably buy people.
This is all however my opinion, hopefully it connects with you if your reading it.
General Discussion / Poison Ships
November 15, 2016, 09:37:06 PM
Just a minor post here to comment on how fun it is to line up poison ships with Explosive IED's before attacking the ship and then watching all the centipedes blow sky high when you attack it. If you have the resources (18 Artillery shells and Components for total surround) it is definitely worth it.
General Discussion / Surviving the Ice Sheets
October 04, 2016, 10:00:26 PM
So I'm curious and somewhat amused at the fact that this game lets you try to survive on literal Ice Sheets. I've found that normally what will happen is you have about a handful of muffalo and some polar bears at the beginning, and if you don't kill and eat every single last one of them you'll die within the first few seconds... and after that you'll die because there's zero vegetation on the map and animals won't spawn/stick around cause they have nothing to eat. It stays about 0 degrees Celsius during the summer time (32 degrees Fahrenheit) So crops don't grow. Even if you make indoor farms there's hardly anywhere to grow anything on. I even started with 800 packaged survival meals... and managed to loose about 200 before making more than 30 simple meals from other animals. Is this just a troll in the game or is there actually a way to survive Ice Sheets (without mass cannibalism.)
General Discussion / Tribes Vs. Colonies.
September 27, 2016, 10:20:46 PM
     In short Tribes need a major buff, (or at least be labeled as more challenging than colonies.) and for many different reasons. Not sure if this has already been posted, but I love playing as a tribe and I've just noticed somethings that are relatively problematic with playing as one. I figured I'd make another lost post in all the posts on the forums to initiate discussion.
     1. Tribes can't even begin to fight machines, not until the very late game. Bow and arrows just don't do all that well against centipedes (Especially with inferno blasters.) And maybe you get lucky and get some EMP's and charged rifles. But without some significant pirate drops that you manage to kill, you can just call it a done deal. I know that normally machines don't drop until fairly late, but if they drop too early it can be devastating for a tribe.
     2. Colonies get a better chance to recruit pirates, while tribes get a better chance at recruiting tribes, pirates are normally who you are fighting. Since raids are ironically the main way of gaining recruits, Colonies have a better chance at gaining them. Unless you are at war with a tribe. Which for a tribe can cause a number of problems.
     3. Being at war with a tribe as a tribe. Since numbers is your primary advantage as a tribe, when you are at war with a tribe that advantage is taken away. The main way I've found of dealing with tribes insane numbers is having a lot of fire in a limited area. But as a tribe facing a tribe, the opposing tribe will always be much better than you in firepower and melee, and there are a lot less tactical options available to you, unless you set some really good traps. Which can be difficult outside of mountain type terrain.
     All this coupled with the staggeringly low research speed just makes tribes much more challenging than colonies. However facing pirates as a tribe is almost always very easy. As you normally have the numbers advantage and can ambush them around corners and kill them quickly. The problem becomes if you loose even one person it's very difficult to get them back.
Ideas / I Can See Clearly Now
September 12, 2016, 02:35:10 AM
This is something I just recently found out, however Colonists (or prisoners) that don't have eyes will operate no different than colonists with eyesight. It may be someone strange to implement, but having no eye sight at all definitely would lead to some rather awkward situations in rimworld and should not be overshadowed simply because you aren't firing a gun. They should have trouble finding things and be a general mess when it comes to exploration of any given territory. Just a thought.
Ideas / Replacing Berserk
September 05, 2016, 12:49:44 AM
I'm not sure how set the developers are toward keeping the berserk policy, but I think it would be better suited if it were replaced with more of a revenge/trauma system... First off. Non violent people (those guys that you probably try with all your power to not get in the opening colony manager.) shouldn't, if they still can, go berserk. I've seen hilarious instances where non violent people go berserk and just walk around aimlessly and get beat up by other colonists.
I think realistically that a revenge/trauma system would work better. At extreme breaking points colonists have a chance of just caving in under the pressure and going prone and needing to be rescued, (trauma) or seeking vengeance against that one guy who called him a mean name one too many times, or that one prisoner that killed her husband (revenge). Colonist just going absolutely crazy and killing everyone in sight should be reserved for extreme psychic influence, prisoners, and mind altering drugs. Colonists going nuts in this fashion just seems like a comical way to up the difficulty and force you to risk killing one of your own.
Ideally I would think the psychopath would be less likely to experience trauma, but I also think that they'd be more prone to exact revenge, same with bloodlust. and non violent would never seek revenge but be more prone to trauma, but these are just some spit ball ideas that I think would still pose a challenge to players without throwing a random nut case trigger in every colonists.
Ideas / Some general Q's and Suggestions
August 15, 2016, 05:05:21 AM
I just wanted to drop some general questions and suggestions I have about the game so far.
     First, at the moment dogs drink beer as a consumable food item. I don't believe this should happen. Not only is it really annoying, but just down right unrealistic. I doubt dogs would figure out how to operate beer lids to be able to get them off. (Not without causing a huge mess.)
    Second, you can't stop two people who are social fighting from doing so. Not even if you try and arrest one of them. At least with the mental breakdowns if it gets too bad you can just arrest them. But if some whack job do nothing in the colony decides to pick a fight with a really important doctor or cook. There's no course of action you can take to respond to the social fighting. While I would really love a social check "break up fight" option, any response to this would do.
     Third, the AI can sometimes (At least for me) Have difficulty recognizing when it would be better to flee and regroup as opposed to fight. My last play through I gang jumped raiders individually 1 by 1 as they spread out to attack my settlement, raid after raid. When someone is alone and going against 3 to 5 enemies, it doesn't matter how good of a fighter you are, you're gonna loose. They should try and regroup or flee instead of charging in head first.
     Fourth, giving colonist the same amount of mental discomfort from knowing they lost their sister (or whatever) in a raid, when their sister was one of the raiders, as when they are part of the colony. Is rather demoting to having family members in vs. outside the colony, (Not that there is a way to exile people from the colony, which I think there should be.) It's almost as if there's no sense of, this person was here to kill you, in their mental breakdown. If it affects them, I believe it should be at a reduced value from the original colony cost.
    Just shooting some consumer complaints that I don't think I've seen too much over the forums.
Ideas / Colony Ethos
July 30, 2016, 12:09:10 PM
     This is an idea I had and I'm just gonna shoot it out there and see what sticks. I'm not sure if any of you have played Stellaris, but the idea basically falls along a similar line is the governing ethos of your government there.
     In my opinion Colonies should have a universal ethos that effects many aspects in the game. I personally have a specific scenario set where I virtually just force my starting colonist to be psychopathic blood lusters, because I get infinitely tired of colonist crying about the fate of same bat crazy raider who was trying to murder them five seconds ago. Almost all my playthroughs have had my starting colonist with these traits and its fairly difficult for me to put them down. Instead of trying to create colony wide ethos traits we could just have colony ethoses.
     This can have a variety of effects over a lot of things in the game and over all just be a cool system to implement. It can make certain types of prisoners more likely to join and reject other types of prisoners. It can create colony turmoil where a select group of colonist who share feelings about the colony try and change the colony ethos. It can create easier manageable penalties for certain actions and more difficult manageable penalties for others. It can open up rightful executions of that cleaner/hauler who went berserk because someone wasn't there to tie his shoe and killed a doctor. Maybe even disowner ship and abandonment from the colony to have him come back on a path for vengeance. Maybe it's a bit of wishful thinking, but I think in the situation that these colonists are in, having a colony wide ethos for handling situations seems rational and somewhat needed.
     This could also create leaders in the colony, say a designated warden. Who gains mood buffs and has a particular amount of power when it comes to making arrests and colony political governing management. I'm just shooting from the hip here but hopefully maybe someone can see the target I'm firing at.
General Discussion / Going Crazy
July 28, 2016, 03:13:12 PM
So I've played this game for many hours at this point and I have many things good and bad to say about it. First off it is very well designed for an early world beta and before I get into the negatives I want it to be known that I absolutely love this game and want to see it do well. There is, however, one major issue I currently have with the game that I have not seen on posted too much on the forums... Berserker colonists need a major tone down. While there are some elements in the game that are somewhat reaching and I completely understand that the developers want to make a challenging game. Berserk is the nail in the coffin for many of my play through experiences. I by no means am saying that there aren't situations where colonist wouldn't go berserk and I don't think the mental break down should be removed from the game, but when some raid that we just barely fight off rolls through and I've got to struggle to get all my doctors to heal everyone and constructors to repair things and there are two or three people that just aren't happy about who just died, it's a tad ridiculous that I either have contain them in a prison cell, where they'll still go nuts, or just wait for my whole colony to become a ticking time bomb of ravaging self destructing murderers. The likelihood of Colonists going ape crazy and attacking everyone in sight (even other colonists and potential friends.) Should be very very very low. I get stuck in a never ending loop of healing people only to watch them go berserk, then having to heal them again, only to have them go berserk again. I've lost whole ironmans and many important colonists to my own colonists half as much as outsiders. Since your own colonists very much need each other to survive and replacements are very hard to come by, internal threats of such a grand caliber are unmanageable, crippling, and in my opinion far too illogical for even the most distraught early citizen.