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Topics - pez5150

Stories / Untamed Pet Lynx Eulogy
July 29, 2016, 08:09:18 PM
I have the Adogsaid mod installed just so you guys know.

I decided to start a colony in a mountainous tundra that is kinda warm during summer. Just warm enough grow crops for a couple of months. Since my colony wasn't in shape enough to large scale farm I had a small rice farm and I supplemented that with lots of hunting.

One of my colonists, Henri, was hunting out in the middle of winter and around the first year. My goal was to tame wolves and kill most other predators. Mostly, I wanted to keep the wild game alive because my fridge wasn't big enough to hold all the meat. As a minor goal was to train attack wolves. Generally, the other ways to procure food wasn't that reliable either. My colonist I directed to hunt went out after a lynx that was in the area. Previously I already killed a lynx because they are pretty vicious killers as you can imagine and kill a lot of game. This one was no different.

Henri eventually comes into range and takes his first shot. To my surprise, the first shot shattered the lynx's spine and it was incapable of walking. Wow, incredible shot with a sniper rifle! I felt pretty bad because it wasn't supposed to suffer, just die quickly, so I took it in out of pity.

There it is now, laying on the cold ground outside my building in a quickly placed animal spot since I didn't have a bed for it. Eventually I had my untamed pet lynx placed in a soft elkhide animal bed placed in a corner of my base where it's warm where my doctor would make sure the lynx was fed. In the meantime i'll just take care of it until a trader comes by with an animal bionic spine for trade. This stayed this way for almost 2 years.

The day of the lynx's death I decided I was going place all my wolves beds in the corner with the lynx and they can all share a kennel togather until I get that spine fixed. This is also when I found out that wolves are jackasses cause one of them got hungry and instead of walking over a few feet away to eat some kibble it killed my pet lynx and ate part of it. That wolf now sleeps outside from now on. Also if I ever take in another untamed animal with a shattered spine it gets it's own room. May the untamed unammed pet lynx rest in piece.