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Topics - Skaliri

I tried to search this, but did not find anything, so if it's already answered somewhere, apoligies in advance.
I'll get straight to the point:

Had two Thrumbo's in my area, to keep them there, I wanted to down and rescue them (it tends to let them stay in the map long enough for me to try to tame them for a while).
I engaged them while they were near my main defence area. Got them both downed, then proceeded to rescue them. During the treatment (mind you, they had about 50 wounds each, both of them bonded to my main healer. (Medicine 17, animals 4), thus, instantly taming them. I was mostly wondering what the mechanics behind this are and if anybody else had similar experiences.

Is it just because of a certain time spent with the animal and thus it bonds? For that matter (although I suck with search engines) I could not find anything about bonding mechanics either. Anyone able to satisfy my curiosity?

PS: While on the topic, is there any way to decrease the speed or chance for infections on thrumbo's? I don't mind having the chance for infections, but it is a bit annoying that because they easily get so much wounds and you cannot focus the infection. my guy spent over 14 hours treating one of them before finally moving on to the infection. I lost one of them not much later...