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Topics - Reize81

Unfinished / [1.0] uncraftable weapons
October 05, 2019, 08:04:34 AM
For now this is a personal mod in progress. My goal is to add a bunch of slightly unbalanced weapons with special abilities that cannot be crafted. Raiders should be able to spawn with them and traders should be able to sell them. This means to get them you have to loot them or trade them.

For now I made these 4 weapons:
- Recurve bow with fire arrows. Has a 0.5 chance to ignite the target
- Hellfire pistol. A pistol damage-wise between revolver and autopistol but with a chance to ignite it's target due to incendiary ammunition
- BlastGun. A shotgun-style weapon with an explosion radius on impact.
- MultiBlaster. A minigun-style weapon with an explosion radius on impact.

Planned: Poison arrows, Tranquilizers, satellite gun, a gun that spawns a swarm of hungry bots .... and so on.

I guess most of it has been done already but I am having fun making it work. Because I am old, occupied, got a family and no programming background expect the progress to be slow. For anyone who cares, feel free to download the status quo
I am working on a personal mod which adds a variety of guns with special abilities. One of them is a pistol which fires incendiary rounds that have a chance to set the pawn which got hit on fire. I made this part work.
White phosphorus is a substance which ignites when it dries and which was used in WWII phosphor bombs. To simulate this behavior I would like to add a chance for spontaneous self-combustion which is acquired when the pawn is hit by the bullet and which leads to self-combustion a day or so after the battle. I want to simulate bits of white phosphorous which cling to the pawns clothes and ignite when they dry, for example during surgery/treatment when the bullet is removed.
Basically I want to add a randomly applied timer for spontaneous combustion. I thought something like a hediff which is given like carcinoma or dementia during toxic buildup.

          <li Class="HediffGiver_Random">

Then I would have to create a hediff which results in spontaneous combustion. Can I somehow make a hediff apply a damageDef like "Flame" ?
I could use <becomeVisible>false</becomeVisible> to hide the acquired hediff and <severityPerDay>1.0</severityPerDay> to reach a severity of 1.0 after one day and then the stage of severity 1.0 would have to apply the damageDef "Flame". Could this work?
I thought of rewriting the damageDef with a radius restricted to one tile and without any sound. If a mote is required, I could use a transparent one and I could set the damage to be really small. The desired result would be spontaneous combustion. Any ideas how this could work?
Another question about the <mtbDays> - is it correct to assume that smaller numbers represent a higher chance of acquiring the hediff?
Because I couldn't figure out a working way with the damageDef I thought maybe I could create a mental state which leads to spontaneous combustion. Like Fire Starting Spree but with the pawn itself as the only target. Unfortunately, I guess the behavior of the Fire Starting Spree isn't controlled by .xml code and requires more programming than I am able to do.
In Job_Misc.xml there is an Ignite JobDef - so maybe I could somehow make the pawn ignite itself? Any ideas?
Help / How to make an item untradeable?
May 06, 2019, 03:15:14 AM
Hi everyone,

I've got a little mod which works fine. However I need to make an item untradeable for balancing. It would be even better if traders would buy it but never have any quantity with them . Either solution would be fine.

Can anyone teach me? ;D
Help / How do fermenting barrels work ?
March 20, 2019, 04:00:51 PM
I am working on a mod that makes the production of beer more complicated and that adds hard liquor to the game.

The hard liquor is distilled from mash. It would be great if said mash could be fermented first but I cannot figure out, how fermentning barrels work.

Here is the link to my mod:

I think that a fermenting barrel works like a stockpile. A stack of wort has as max size of 25 as is the storage size of the fermenting barrel. So this fits.
This entry in Buildings_Production.xml seems to set the acceptable temperature and the speed of the fermenting:

      <li Class="CompProperties_TemperatureRuinable">

...and I found the job that fills the barrel and that empties the barrel but I don't understand how especially "wort" is set as the accepted item.

For my mod I would like to fill fermenting barrels with "wort" and with "mash". Does anyone know how this can be achieved? I don't want mixed stacks. Each barrel should contain either wort or mash and no mixture. Once emptied it can be filled with the other, no problem. Or would I need two different barrels ? This would be ok, too but less optimal.
I figured out how to create the items "mash" and "fermented mash". That's no problem. I just can't get colonists to load fermenting barrels with mash.
Unfinished / [1.0] Beer brewing and alcohol expanded
March 20, 2019, 03:36:35 PM

This is my very first mod that finally has reached a playable state  :). Please note that english is my second language. Please do also note that I am very new to modding and that I have no clue about incompatibilities.

What does this mod aim to do?

The goal of this mod is to make the production chain for beer more complicated and to change beer in a way that it is based on a starch containing plant suitable for brewing (corn, rice) and hops. Furthermore the mod introduces the production of empty bottles (by pottery) at the sculpting table and it introduces hard liquor, which is more potent than beer and more valuable.

What has been achieved?

There is a new workbench named "mash tub", which can convert sugar containing vegetables (corn, rice, potatoes and agave) into mash. Additionally the mash tub can be used to make wort out of corn/hops or rice/hops. The brewery can no longer be used to make wort and has a different purpose now.
Mash can be distilled to pure alcohol in the biofuel refinery. Pure alcohol is as unstable as chemfuel so don't store it above power conduits or you might blow your base up.
Wort still is stored in fermenting barrels but the barrels no longer yield ready-to-drink bottled beer but fermented beer which has to be further processed before it can be consumed (with delight).
The sculpting table can be used to make stoneware bottles "stein" out of stoneblocks by a sort of pottery style attempt. Since there is no glass in Rimworld this seemed to be the next best thing (I am not 100 % happy with this one).
Pure alcohol and fermented beer can be processed into bottles at the brewery. Here all the necessary steps like filtration, dillution, carbonizing, bottling, sealing and labeling are done.
Update March 21: The "universal fermenter" mod by Kubouch has been incorporated (thx to Mehni for the tip) and now fermenting barrels accept mash and wort. You can switch between what the barrel is supposed to ferment by clicking on the barrel and then on a button. Mash ferments much faster than beer but has to be distilled afterwards. Works like a charm!  8)
Update march 22: Added a primitive mash tub that does no require electricity. That way tribals can at least brew beer again. It works slower and is less efficient than the powered version.

What is planned?

Right now I cannot figure out what makes fermenting barrels accept wort. I would like to make fermenting barrels accept mash as well because mash has to be fermented before it can be actually distilled. Right now it takes a shortcut. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction ? Help is definitely appreciated. - that's done now.
I want to introduce a second type of hard liquor: A herbal medicine elixir like cough syrup that boosts immunity gain speed by a tiny amount and which of course can be consumed just for the fun and buzz all at the risk of becomeing addicted ("I got hooked on this in the service." - Moe, trying to hide the secret ingredient of the Flaming Moe).
Consuming fermented beer right now gives the negative thought related to the indigestion of raw food. This is on purpose but I plan to add an appropiate text/thought to match the consumption of unprocessed beer.


Steam workshop upload:

Help / What makes a wall capable of defining a room ?
January 10, 2019, 03:35:44 AM
I recently started modding. And I figured out how to make walls with custom graphics and how the wall_atlas works.

Now I want to make thin walls like drywalls which cannot be done usesing the wall_atlas. So they need to be separate rotateable objects (straight, corner, "T") that form a room when arranged correctly. So what makes a room a room ? Which parameter is responsible ?
Mods / Help me with my very frst mod
January 08, 2019, 02:36:38 PM
Hi there  :D

(english is my second language, please don't be offended by anything).

First things first: Sorry, I meant to post this in the help section but failed  :-[

I got some time on my hands and decided to start modding rimworld. I watched some tutorials and achieved the correct folder structure (about, defs, textures) and my first try for a new mod is a new texture for walls in rimworld. I wanted to add a chiseled or embossed wall that has less hit points, needs more resources and time to build but has some beauty by itself.
As a first test i just tried to make a new wall with custom graphics.

I managed to get my mod into the game and to see my wall under the structures tab in the game (see attached screenshot). But when I try to build it i get the following error:

Exception printing ChiseledWall38432 at (99, 0, 132): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Verse.Graphic_Appearances.get_MatSingle () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Graphic_Linked.get_MatSingle () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Graphic.get_Shader () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.GraphicData.GraphicColoredFor (Verse.Thing t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Thing.get_DefaultGraphic () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Thing.get_Graphic () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Thing.Print (Verse.SectionLayer layer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.ThingWithComps.Print (Verse.SectionLayer layer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.SectionLayer_ThingsGeneral.TakePrintFrom (Verse.Thing t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

I thought that it would be enough to have to edit Wall_Atlas_Bricks.png (which i named chiseled.png) and then store it in a folder to which my .xml references under  <texPath>Things/Building/Linked/Chiseled</texPath>

This seems to be not enough. What am I doing wrong ? I attached a screenshot and .xml file  - any help ?

[attachment deleted due to age]
English is my second language (please don't be offended by anything, I am trying to be polite).

Everytime my colony reaches a big amount of colonists (more than 15) I start to get confused because I cannot remember who does what. Right now I help myself by renaming my colonists to the job they are doing. But this destroys immersion. It is something different if the game says "Hauler 05 has been shot to death" Instead of "Mie has been shot to death". I am loosing flavour. I like my colonists as people.

That's why I would like the game to show the name & the title of the colonists. I attached a .jpg to show what I mean. Perhaps a mod that does this already exists ? I browsed the steam workshop for a while but couldn't find anything. Can I get someone to do this ? Is it a good idea ?
If it's doable it would be even better if it could be color-coded. For example by defining let's say 15 titles in mod options and then by assigning these 15 titles 15 different font-colors to be shown.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Mods / I've got a plan to make pawns more "alive"
December 13, 2018, 11:24:19 AM
I am playing this game for some (rather long) time now.

It always felt strange to me that pawns use their private room for sleeping and that's it. Yes I know, they meditate and they pray and they spend time hiding in their room when they have a breakdown. But to be honest this does not feel like "doing" something. At least not to me.

The next thing that always bugged me is that one should not place tables in private rooms because all pawns will use them to eat their meals. That ruins the immersion. I would like to place tables in rooms. Rooms without tables feel incomplete to me. I like the mini table mod - but because of the meal consumption problem it makes no sense to me to place tables in private rooms.

So the solution for me would be a "personal recreation work table". In essence that would be a crafting spot that looks like a table and that automatically restricts all available jobs to the pawn or pawns that are assigned to a bed within a 5 tile radius. To make it more personal I would like it that the player could not choose which jobs a pawn does at his personal recreation table. The pawn could do anything. Craft a gun. Tailor a duster. Make a statue. Cook a meal ... and so on. Just like anybody does at home. I/ve got friends who like to paint. Others like to cook. Skilled people create amazing stuff in their free time at home. This could simulate that behaviour.
I would like it if the jobs would be done in the time set for "recreation" in the restrict tab only. And obviously there should be at least a 3x multiplier for the time/amount of work needed to be done at the personal recreation table.

What do you think ? Good idea ? Doable ?

Sadly I can't mod myself. But I thought I would share this idea.
Ideas / Assign Titles or Job Descriptions
February 08, 2017, 12:04:14 PM
I keep having hard times to get back into games or back into colonies which I haven't played in a while. I just forget which pawn does what. And the work tab is no big help. Because when you have enough pawns in a colony the work tab is confusing. SO I would like to assign a title to my pawns which ideally would be readable under their picture at the top of the screen. I am thinking of helpful titles like "master builder" or "kitchen chef" oder "chief medic" and so on.

It wouldn't have anything to do with the actual work that my pawns are assigned to do. It would be a reminder for myself. Because everytime a pawn dies my first question to my brain is: "What did that guy do ?" "Do I need to replace him ? Darn I've forgotten what he was good at".

SO if I had assigned a title it would help me.

Just my thoughts.
Ideas / I'd like a different win condition for tribes
August 29, 2016, 04:56:40 AM
I love to play as an unpowered tribe. Unfortunately you cannot exist like this for much more than a year - at least not in desert or tundra biomes.

I would love to see the tribe theme expanded. Why would a tribe want to build a space ship to escape the planet ? I think a tribe needs a different win option. Something spiritual. Perhaps like bulding a mega-totem to their god or a massive temple. Like Angkor Wat or the pyramids or the temple of Jerusalem. Something that needs massive amounts of stone and wood and gold and jade but no electricity.

I would like it if tribes couldn't research electricity. The should have their own research tree. Like more elaborate guerilla traps or effective poisons. Maybe they should be able to research real slave trade without penalties - or even blood sacrifices to boost moods. Yeah I'd definitely would love some blood sacrifices. So the research tree for tribes should be more religious/spiritual and more biological/down to earth. They could research other things than pemmican to make food last. Like holes in the ground that can be sealed of (like cryo pods) where fermented food can be stored for a long time (cabbage) or the ability to dry meat in the sun to make it last. They could research totems that instill fear in attackers to give them an accuracy penalty or make them flee earlier.

To balance everything of I would set tribes to be more hunter/gatherer: Disable growing zones and as I said electricity for tribes but give them more efficient ways to gather food from the native environment. They could use all the parts of an animal instead of just the meat. Like fat an bone marrow. Especially fat to make food last. Or they could just get mor meat from any given animal or the ability to cook with leather (like the pirates did).

I still like them to use captured weaponry and clothing. Like the native americans did. Imagine Winnetou with a charge rifle instead of the Silberbüchse (silver gun). I like that image.
Ideas / DLC or Expansion
August 22, 2016, 04:02:12 PM
My suggestion might not be popular but I suggest this:

Create downloadable content or an expansion that costs money.

My reasoning is this: Rimworld is one of the few games I see myself playing for years to come. I want permanent support by the developer. This support costs money. So give us good extra content in exchange for money which allows you to concentrate on this game and no other project.

General Discussion / How do hoppers work ?
August 12, 2016, 10:54:11 AM
I am reading the forum for a while.

Often reading that you can use hoppers and a food dispenser to feed prisoners. But how does a hopper work ? I never built one. I am tight on resources right now and don't want to waste any. Help ? Thx !
Ideas / Dual Screen support / resolution
August 12, 2016, 10:30:15 AM
I got two monitors.

I'd like to see the game on both. Would help me hunting. Would let me see most of my base all at once
Would help with top left messages overlapping the faces of my colonists. Might be not so hard to mod or include (at least I hope)