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Topics - zlj

Releases / [1.1/1.0] Static Quality Plus 1.3
August 20, 2016, 02:40:41 PM
Be aware that 1.3 currently has quite a few bugs, please use 1.2.2 instead

Version 1.3

This mod allows you to tweak certain skill, passion and item quality settings (and now also completely unrelated stuff =p) :

- modify item quality rolls
- modify skill degradation severity
- modify whether or not you can lose skill levels due to degradation
- change xp modifier values from passions
- modify daily xp cap
- turn off daily xp cap
- allows pawns to gain passions
- caps the amount of passions a pawn can have
- enables 24h plant growth
- turn off crafting notifications for masterwork/legendary
- can enable legendaries only when Pawns are inspired
- allows you to adjust the XP bonus for the Great Memory trait

Static Quality+ (should probably be called something else by now =p) now combines all features from Static Quality, Static Quality SR and Mad Skills (all variants), as well as the features mentioned above and can be configured "on the fly" via the Mod Options panel.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the questionable use of private variables in the original game code settings are saved to the root of whatever your RimWorld config folder is, not the actual /Conf folder.

Contributors: Killface (CCL stripping on A15), mazacik (some code fiddling on A16), noobinall (bugfix in A16 release), Jaxxa (for the 24h plant growth idea), HawnHan and Huang Junhao (ChineseSimplified translation), Ratys (inspiration for the GMT slider)

Changelog for 1.3:

Added ChineseSimplified translation thanks to HawnHan and Huang Junhao
Added slider to adjust Great Memory trait bonus XP
Added slider to adjust the chance of gaining a passion on levelup (if the slider is at 100, it uses the old passion gain routine)
Added slider to adjust legendary crafting chance

Changelog for 1.2.2:

Added support for translations (currently supported languages, English and German)
Fixed crafting notifications

Changelog for 1.2.1:

Updated for Rimworld 1.1, but is still backward compatible to 1.0

Changelog for 1.2:

Added switch to disable daily XP cap

Changelog for 1.1:

Fixed issue with the labelling error that has appeared with 1.0.2096
Added tooltips for the options that had none

Changelog for 1.0:

Updated for 1.0, congratulations to the RimWorld Team on the release! (and also for not messing too much with the code from B19 => 1.0 ;D)

Changelog for B19.1:

fixed the age old bug in the daily xp cap modifications
fixed the perma sun lamp (it overwrote the original in B19)
added a switch to turn off crafting notifications
added a switch to enable legendary items only when pawns are inspired

Changelog for B19:

Updated for B19
Modified code to reflect the new (reduced) number of quality levels in the game

Changelog for B18:

Updated for B18

Changelog for A17.1:

Implemented RimWorld Mod and ModSettings classes (essentially moved the configuration tab that was on the main menu into the new built in mod configuration menu). Added Perma Sun Lamp, that works around the problem with the Sun Lamps that turn off at night, without breaking any other Sun Lamp mods (just be sure you select the proper one when you build em!).

Changelog for A17:

Updated for A17, added bugfix for map component

Changelog for A16.1.2:

Mod configuration tab moved back to ingame Tab due to clash with hugslib mod option menu. Retained save feature.

Changelog for A16.1.1:

Mod configuration tab moved to general game option settings. Settings are now saved on exiting the option menu and loaded from file once the game is started.

Changelog for A16.1:

Upped to A16


Changelog for A15.1.1:

Added an option to enable 24h plant growth similar to ED-24HPlants mod which is currently broken due to CCL dependency.

Changelog for A15.1:

Changed version naming to be more coherent with Rimworld version. Implemented Killface's modifications to remove CCL depencency.

Changelog for 1.3.2:

Added, new switch that can turn off level loss due to skill degradation

Cleanup, some code lines that didn't make sense in the original

Known issues: daily xp cap switch doesn't really work as expected

Changelog for 1.3.1:
Customization madness!

Added, radio buttons (finally figured those out! =p) for skill and item quality options.

Added, additional skill degradation options. You can now choose between vanilla skill degradation, halved skill degradation, "mild" degradation (the amout of xp lost is no longer level dependent) and no degradation.

Added, a quality setting to revert to vanilla values (in case someone wants the other features of this mod but not the static quality part)


Changelog for 1.3:
Added a passion for passion ;) And also some cosmetic/configuration tweaks

Modified, Passion Tweak/Learning Saturation: Modified values now also show up properly when mousing over the skills in the charater sheet.

Added, Passion gain: Pawns can now gain passion when they level up a skill. The chance increases with level, e.g. Level 0 => Level 1 == 10%, Level 1 => Level 2 => 20% and so on. At 10 and above the chance is 100%.

Added, Passion cap: To balance out the Passion gain feature, you can now turn on passion caps, so each time a Pawn gets a passion point and has more than 4 passions, a random skills passion will be lowered by one.

Modified, Mod Options Panel: Grouped related items and made sure the settings are also saved properly.


Changelog for 1.2:

Modified, Static Quality: Added an additional checkbox that allows you to set the quality spread to +/- 2, WARNING: Since i haven't figured out how to do radio buttons in CCL yet, you need to check BOTH +/- 1 and +/- 2 to actually get the proper spread.

Added, Passion Tweak: Enabling this changes the passion XP modifier to 1, 1.25, 1.50 (from 0.33, 1, 1.5), but retains the original joy gained from working.

Added, Level dependent Learning Saturation: Enabling this, changes the 4k daily XP cap to a level dependent value (level * 500 + 1000. E.g. Level 0 => 1000 xp cap, Level 1 => 1500 xp cap and so on).


Default Settings are:

- skill_switch is set to NO DEGRADING
- quality_switch is set to STATIC QUALITY
- no level loss is OFF
- Level dependent Learning Saturation is OFF
- Passion Tweak is OFF
- Passion gain is OFF
- Passion cap is OFF

Item creation quality Table:

Skill Level Range:Resulting Item Quality
0-2 Awful
3-5 Shoddy
6-8 Poor
9-10 Normal
11-12 Good
13-14 Superior
15-16 Excellent
17-19 Masterwork
20-20 Legendary

Items can be +/- 1 or +/- 2 of above table (if the appropriate option is selected) e.g. 0-2 skill has a 2/3 chance of being awful, and 1/3 of being shoddy, 17-19 => 1/3 excellent, 1/3 masterwork, 1/3 legendary, 20 => 1/3 masterwork 2/3 legendary.

WARNING: Be aware that running the MadSkills Mod in parallel will actually cause characters to gain experience, rather that lose it, when not using the skill =p (Since RT used a different approach than i did with circumventing the skill degradation).

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