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Topics - ArtisticFarmer


Started a new colony this morning to check out the features. Phoebe Basebulder, 3 crashlanded settlers like I usually do, and I never mod. Everything was going great for awhile. Then I got the notification about a friendly AI sharing information about a hidden ship on the planet. I was excited and wasn't sure how accessible the information was going to be after the fact, so I started snapping pics with my phone and then trying to switch between fullscreen mode and windowed so I could do screenshots. After messing around and switching back and forth between fullscreen and windowed a couple times - all of a sudden it would no longer scroll up/down when I moved the cursor to the top and bottom. It would go left/right, but not up/down. Using arrow keys and WASD still work, but I prefer the cursor scroll.

Edited to add: I tried exiting and reloading the game. It let me sporadically edge-scroll up a little, then I couldn't get it to scroll down.

I have uploaded a savegame to my Google Drive, but for privacy purposes - would prefer to PM it to an actual moderator than post a link.

Other note:
I don't like the new checkmarks indicating when an animal has completed training. The color is hard to distinguish, and I have a pretty good eye when it comes to color - so colorblind people are going to have a REALLY hard time. The yellow dots were much better.
Support / Verification statement incorrect
August 18, 2016, 08:54:29 AM
Verification statement says:  "The primary colors are red, green, and _____."

Green is a secondary color. 

The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. Yellow is not considered a correct answer.