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Topics - Feyda

General Discussion / Unlikely Speech Outcomes
August 25, 2020, 03:38:40 PM
I have one Countess pawn in my settlement.  I had her give a speech with level 16 social skill... and she gave a terrible speech.  No worries, it technically is possible though unlikely.  Dealt with the mood debuff and didnt give any speeches for a long time.  Then I got a 2 pack of social trainers from a mission and boosted her up to level 20 social.  Figured she could make up for the last time.   Speeech time.... annnnd... another terrible speech.  Anyone else experiencing any issues with speeches?  It isnt that it was impossible for the back to back results, but with a 3.17% chance to have a terrible speech, having back to back ones should happen statistically less than 0.1% of the time.
Ideas / Auto Rebuild Include Bills
August 22, 2020, 12:37:00 PM
Auto rebuild is a nice feature for when sappers wreck your walls or an infestation spawns in the durn middle of you base and wipes out half your infrastructure, but is there any way to include whatever bills you had set up to be put back on an auto rebuilt workstation?  I just lost all of my workstations to annoying bugs and now I have to go back in and set up a whole bunch of bills again.
Ideas / Add Bedrolls to Caravan Autosupply
August 10, 2020, 08:39:24 PM
Love the new auto add meals and medicine.  Just one more suggestion to add bedrolls automatically from stockpiles for each colonist / prisoner assigned.  I am always forgetting to add those things :)
Ideas / Stockpile Permissions Suggestion
January 15, 2018, 06:54:16 PM
Was just thinking how I would like to be able to manage what foods my colonists eat or what drugs / manufactured apparel I want them to use / wear vs saving them for sale.

A quick simple fix would be the ability to trigger stockpiles as "Forbidden" and "Allowed".  This would not affect hauling TO the stockpile in question but would allow or deny colonists use of the items IN that stockpile.  Seems like it could probably be pretty easy to code as well, it would just be a matter of any item that is hauled to the stockpile is automatically tagged with forbidden if you have forbidden stockpile setting turned on.