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Topics - daduhweewah

Bugs / Development Console scripts flooding my game
December 30, 2016, 02:21:31 PM
I have a large game running, I have 3 colonies with 48-28 and 14 people (last I counted, might be  a bit higher now also have a few prisoners) and I have approx. 60 animals.

Performance has been bogged down as expected, but over the last couple in game days I have been getting scripts popping up in the bottom left of the screen and at the top it says Devlopment Console and then the scripts are all starting with a pawn name it looks like and usually ending with "wait" or "waiting" I cant remember/really tell the box pops up and off the screen really fast but is doing it at a rate of a slowish strobe light.

So I am not sure if this is caused because I am currently in the development unstable branch of the game, if I switch to the stable A16 branch will I lose my saves? I would like to switch over to the stable branch but don't want to lose my long game since I have managed to scrape together a load of jade gold and uranium to do stuff with along with a ton of silver.

the game is unplayable though just because of the nuisance of the script box popping up repeatedly.

I can give a save game file if you need, but I am not sure it will do much since I have a feeling this is somewhat related to my laptop. I would really like to know if me switching branches will delete my save game files though, since I know it did when you switched from 14-15 and 15-16.

Thanks in advance and to moderator lmk if you want me to get a save game file for you.
I have a 400 day old file I don't want to lose but I am having a bunch of script popping up on my screen in the development mode (it is red type with black background and all I can ever see is "wait" as the order for the pawn at the end of the script and it says development somewhere in the beginning (I think, I could be wrong on that)

So I wanted to try and switch from the development mode to the normal branch, both are A16 obv, just curious if I would lose my file if I do this.

Ty for help in advance
Ideas / I THINK I have a solid combat RNG idea.
December 17, 2016, 11:53:42 AM

A suggestion for combat, would be to have a multiplier for multiple pawns firing upon a single target. One of my pawns firing at one enemy pawn, the current RNG is fine. But when you have multiple pawns firing at an enemy target you get a multiplier to the success chance. This would be easy to implement I would assume and make things more realistic. Then to keep people from abusing it, have a max number of multipliers (maybe up to 5 or 6 pawns) that way you cant just control 20 pawns and have all of them target one enemy pawn, since if the multiplier went that far it would be way too easy to clear out a big raid.

Like 1.2x the normal % for 2 pawns firing on a target, 1.4 for 3, 1.6 for 4, 1.8 for 5 and 2 for 6+. I think this would have a good impact on the combat.

Also,  additional to that or instead of that, pawns firing from behind sandbags should get a boost to their chances to hit enemy pawn, which would make defending bases better, but also would make sieges far more deadly if you cant get to them before they build sandbags (they build sandbags so quickly that sieges would instantly become more difficult)

The current system for combat and especially hunting truly needs worked on imo.... Hunters shouldn't miss much, it is annoying watching hunters spend half a day firing at something, never hit it and go home cause they have run out of time before bed or something else they need to do. Hunters do not miss often IRL. As for combat, I know that one is tougher to mess with/get perfect, but it is still annoying watching 10 pawns miss 5-6 consecutive shots each, so missing 50 shots from 15 down to 8 tiles away as enemy pawn approaches with his granite club, then manages to actually get to my sandbags and land a single blow to one of my pawns, when 10 pawns (exact number in this scenario) fire.

The AI for the enemy should be different for each difficulty level (not each, but maybe 3 different grades of AI for the 5 difficulty levels, easy and basebuilder have one, medium and hard have another, and intense or whatever the top one is has another.  The difficulty levels are kinda rubbish, they just send more numbers, and change the attack type to "tunnel and sapper" and give slightly better weapons. It kind of sucks to play on high difficulty, not because of the difficulty but because of the way things get tougher. Also, the tunneling and sapper attacks ALWAYS ATTACK THE SAME EXACT SPOT OF BASES, so on my hardest level games, once you get hit once you know where to load up your defenses since 75% of attacks will be of that style.

Better AI could probably be easy to do? (I'm so far from knowledgeable on programming its not funny so I could be way wrong) If you had it to where enemy pawns when they approach bases, could slow down or stop movement when they are at the edge of the players pawns attacking range, allow them to bunch up a bit that way they don't run 1 at a time into a slaughter (this isn't a huge problem on the harder levels since there are so many of them that they don't usually get picked off 1 at a time due to coming in one at a time) I feel like that would probably be pretty easy to implement though and I think just that adjustment would make a ton of difference in the way people would see the AI, its kind of a bummer compared to the rest of the game, the game is so great that the AI drags the experience down when you are defending vs raids. 

All pawns should stay closer together in general when raiding you, they come in sometimes lets say a group of 8 pirates, 1 goes to attack a coduit another goes to attack your geothermal thing another is attacking a wall another is attacking an isolated building that you may not even use hardly anymore, and then the other 4 are going towards the base to raid. The 4 people going after isolated objects can sometimes be spread across the whole map, which is just bad. When enemy pawns target objects they should all be targeting objects within 25-30 tiles of each other.

Just making the enemy raids stay in a tighter formation would make them feel better. The mechanoid raids are fine to spread out IMO, they are strong, have a lot more range etc - ( you should allow for turning mechanoid raids off in the scenario editor though- I have wanted to play a game or two without the mechanoids but there is currently no way to do so, you can turn off the poison and psychic ship but not the mechanoids in general)

All I have, thanks for reading.
Ideas / Mercenary Trade Caravans
December 17, 2016, 11:38:40 AM
Title says it... Would be cool to be able to hire mercenaries to be apart of caravans whether you are going to raid another colony or just to trade. Or maybe sine hiring mercenaries seems like it may not fit, cause where would you hire them from? Perhaps being able to force prisoners to take part of caravan missions would be nice, so long as you have a brawler leading the caravan (or just on the caravan- and for raiding missions I cant imagine anyone would be taking any brawlers with them, so this would add a way to have use for more of your pawns)

Also, just wanna say, Tynan... you hit a home run on this one. I had 200ish hours logged on rimworld, lost interest (I mean, 200 hours is a lot) but I will find another 100 minimal cause of caravans. Superb job. Id pay for this update as DLC tbh. It is that great of an addition and has opened up a lot of possibilities for the next several updates.

Ideas / Man Hunter Packs- make warning a bit better
November 23, 2016, 06:41:09 AM
There is absolutely no defense for manhunter packs when you are spread out around the map, I would like to suggest that man hunter packs have a different warning system, such as "a colonist has spotted a large herd headed this direction" and then you are allotted half or equal to the time you are allotted when a raid comes and they "prepare to attack"

There is truly no defense for a man hunter pack when you are mining around the map or hunting already etc etc. I play the game on the perma death mode so I don't go restarting from previous saves, but I will admit to force closing rimworld with the task manager to avoid the man hunter packs that truly will wreck my colony cause half or more are out doing random jobs, I can handle losing one or two, but I think the warning system needs to be a bit better, they are more fatal than mechanoid attacks usually.

In return, I also suggest if there is a warning, that man hunter packs do not just down a pawn, but go for the kill as well, the way they just down pawns is silly. So a better warning system, and to kill pawns not just down them. I think this would make man hunter packs a lot better.
Could really use the ability to drag and switch the place each pawn/colonist is at across the top of the screen, dragging those icons is the best way to draft, but having a few that are not worth drafting means I have to draft all then undraft (while paused) who I do not want to take to battle, being able to sort that row up top would be very helpful

Animal traps, I have been playing on the ice sheet maps and there are nooooo animals at all, and every once in a blue moon I see a couple muffalo "moving" and I never can hunt them because they are just trekking across the map, so I am constantly praying for a manhunting herd of something not named boomalopes (boomalopes prob shouldn't be one of the herds in the ice sheet maps, same with elephants- I have had both on those maps- not that specific realism is the goal but they don't fit the map, maybe a couple of ice sheet specific animals like polar bears or boombears or something weird idk)

Anyways that got derailed by my rambling, try that again, ANIMAL TRAPS - animal traps could serve the purpose of trapping a specific animal type to collect that leather, so would be fine on any map, could be craftable/researchable. Small traps for small animals and medium traps or medium animals, and large animals are not trappable, the traps wouldn't necessarily be dependent on that animal being visible on the map, maybe it just has a 2% chance to catch an animal per in game hour, and you would build steel traps, and the crafting and research would be more for the development of "bait" or "scent bait" where you would use veggies and cloth for rabbits, and rabbit leather and rabbit meat to make some fox scent bait. So researching "small animals" and "medium animals" would be some much needed additional research and it would allow the player to play the ice map perhaps without having to start with the research hydroponics and to bring 3000 logs +++ right off the bat. Basically you can not play the ice sheet maps without editing the stuff you bring with you to allow you 15-20 days to start producing food.

The ice maps are a ton of fun though, it is a head ache trying to keep people warm and to obtain the capsules from all over the map because you may send someone to their death just to haul a load of whatever fell from the sky, but there has to be a realistic way to actually achieve on that map with any one of the standard start ups, which right now, no one could convince me that you can survive a year or more on that map without starting with research hydroponics, or giving yourself a load of food and wood to start. (well you have to have wood, there is no replacement for it currently as far as fueling stuff - so you must bring excess wood to make up for waiting for the right traders to obtain more)
Well this game is already pretty sweet. One of my favorites already. I just bought it a couple weeks ago, and have been looking for an update log to see what has been added and over how long but been unable to find one for some reason (usually steam has an update log for every game - its not on steam and I couldn't find it in a brief browse around this website) So basically I am just curious to how much longer this game is to be in EA and curious what kind of content will be added over the next while.

It needs a hand full of extra events to dilute what it has currently. I know several events just make you say F**K when they pop up, which is awesome (man hunting boomrats/boomalopes being the worst one to me personally)

So  I wanted to start a thread for extra event ideas, and with that in mind, make them easy enough to implement to where it is realistic they could be added so maybe this could be a growing thread of ideas instead of isolated threads for devs to look through. (I also have no clue how ludeon is with interacting with forum suggestions- I am used to a couple games that were very proactive in talking with their players in don't starve and clockwork empires)

1. Geyser explosions destroying your geothermal power source.
2. Replace blight (which is just your crops disappearing) with a herd of something maniacally eating your crops
3. Trojan Horse type capsules (where you normally get random things, maybe sometimes it is enemy faction luring you away from your base or poisoning you or whatever else could fit there.
4. Your "chemical fascinated" or "drug addicted" colonists could steal silver to purchase drugs. I could see this one annoying the hell out of people though, but it really isn't hard to filter prisoners to avoid having a junky in the colony. Basically a money sink since accumulating silver is fairly easy in the game.

None of those are major events (or events at all really) but its something. There is a lot of stuff I hope gets revamped before it is a released game (research needs to be a lot more in depth and more seemingly in order- and to draw the game out longer- the game if you just play to launch the ship doesn't take too long- but I don't care to launch I just keep playing for the hell of it.

If they add 5-10 nice sizeable events to the list of events that can occur the game would be pretty salty. It is a bit repetitive at times, though I have played 100 hours in 3 weeks somehow (I have not been working much in those 3 weeks haha) hopefully there is a lot more content to come. Love the game thus far though, probably have hit a wall with it for the time being. Next step was to join this forum and keep an eye on how it is continued from here.