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Topics - Curundir

I'm currently working on textures to replace the default power conduits with. I wanted to replace the TransmitterAtlas texture as well, for a fitting power overlay, but I can't find it's TexPath in any def... (I did a "search in files..." in the whole core mod folder.) If possible, I would like to be able to change this TexPath in a def.

EDIT: today I worked on new textures for the power cords (Wire.tex and OverlayWire.tex) but I couldn't find any defs for them either :'(

I really hope this will be possible to mod via defs in a future build. Meanwhile, if anyone knows how I could currently change these textures (for a mod I'm working on) I'd be happy to hear how to do it!
Mods / Looking for help
October 28, 2016, 01:24:23 PM
I'm the author of Floored (, a simple mod that changes the colors and textures of the in-game floors. While enough people seem to like it, there have been a number of requests from people that want only a specific tile replaced or added, and some people would like to see the new floors show up next to the originals.

So I started dreaming, and what I'd really like to add is an in-game menu system that let's the player choose wether they want vanilla, Floored or both at the same time, and this for each floor type. My gut tells me that this should certainly be achievable, but I have no idea how to go about it.

If at all possible, I would like the options to be shown on the mod info screen, below the mod preview image and mod description. Can that be done?

Secondly, since I have no experience with C#, I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the steps I need to go through to get modding. I'm a bit reluctant to decompile the source code and start diving in... Does someone know of a way to achieve what I want, without having to write custom code? That would be the way of the least resistance :)

If I need to learn C#, so be it. In that case, my mod must be able to update, create and remove defs for the floors. It will also have to be able to read and store the player's choices, I guess in the savefile. Would you think it is achievable? In a previous life I was fluent in Java and PHP, but it's 10 years ago since I last wrote any code...