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Topics - SuperSuit12

Mods / Request: Planning/Scheduling Mod?
February 17, 2017, 09:54:03 PM
I'm pretty sure we all have had to micromanage a doctor, making them keep a close eye on an infected colonist, right? Do you want your growers to haul everything in from the field before sunset, but not haul random rocks instead? Want to have that hospital cleaned regularly?

And maybe you only want Bill to get drunk and stoned when he's off the clock, for some strange reason only you can understand, despite the fact that being drunk and stoned OBVIOUSLY helps him sew shirts?

A simple action/policy change scheduler would solve this. You choose a task to be done, you choose what colonists can/should do it and when, and whether it should repeat. Everyone eats at 8AM and 8PM (if they're hungry enough.) Bill gets his infection treated at midnight every night. The prisoners are fed at 6AM and 6PM. Et cetera.

Things that should be schedulable:
-Policy changes (Work priorities, area restrictions, drug restrictions, treatment level, etc.)
-Treating a colonist (for infections and illnesses that NEED TREATED FAST but only at a certain time.)
-Performing a surgery
-Delivering food to prisoners and feeding patients (So you can deliver food at set times rather than it interrupting the flow of another job.)
-Eating and joy stuff probably would be nice but not necessary

Stuff it should probably do:
-Conditionals would be nice (Only eat if I'm hungry, only do this if I don't have other work prioritized so I don't get out of bed while infected, etc.)
-Configurable behavior when it fails (cancel silently, cancel and notify the player with the reason it failed, delay it by X amount of time, give it to another colonist capable of doing the job, stuff like that)

I know that Fluffy's Improved Work Tab will help with some scheduling stuff, but if I set my growers to hauling over growing later in the day, they don't always grab the crops they harvested because I can't restrict them to only haul from the growing areas...