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Topics - Sp0nge

Unfinished / [A17] [WIP] Rimblock
July 19, 2017, 04:32:57 PM
So I`m basicly trying to add parts of Minecraft into this game. First off ive done minor tweaks, and added a tools (its in all honesty a glove) that will affect mining and anything related to "Plant cut", like harvesting trees, growing etc. I cant do images better than a donkey, so i wont even try it.

V0.01 contains debuffs in any work related to mining and plant cut, with added tools (craftable in a craftingspot) to actually make pawns capable of doing some of the basic job.

Compability is not tested, nor will it at this stage. Inputs is always liked, this isnt a project that will be done by tomorrow, i wanna play other games aswell :)

Download V0.01

Dont try this on an existing save without a backup ...
Help / Making pawns not capable of X job
July 16, 2017, 03:50:04 PM
So im trying to make my pawns unable to do miningjobs, i did a simple xml like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    <description>Dig out areas which are have designated for mining.</description>


This semiworks, as in when i start a colony with 3 pawns, only the first 2 gets unassigned from mining, but the third one is still capable. Its deliberate that i have removed the Mining from the worktab, as i dont want it to be toggable.
Mods / [Mod request] RimWorld Skyblock
July 14, 2017, 03:47:39 PM
So I was tampring around with my own little XML knowledge and xpathing, but I soon realized that this wasnt something i was able to do on my own, at all! So here it goes:

A mod that in the start will suppress all workgivers defs right from the start, and where whenever certain tools, items etc were carried by a pawn, abilities would unlock. Lets say for starters you cant mine untill you chop down wood to make a pickaxe.

There is alot of mods that adds apparels and tools, so it should somehow be a mod that adds this workgiverdefs as xpath to whatever tools in question, making it compatible, and versitile to use with a large set of mods, based on whats "needed" to add.

Constructioncosts etc is a, imo a xpath away, but the basics isnt. Anyone up for the task?
Help / Trying to make a patch for the first time
July 06, 2017, 12:27:13 PM
So im trying to patch Weapon Tech A17 into Combat Extended on my own. Apparently it didnt go that well. I tried to patch one gun first, and load it up, but that gave me errors: Exception reading WeaponTech_Guns.xml as XML: System.Xml.XmlException: 'li' is expected  Line 49, position 8.

And this is the stuff i wrote up:

What did I mess up here?

This is the help i had on making this:
Sp0nges MMR (Modular Modded Rimworld) baseline

This will end up as modular way of picking and combining a pack of mods using the Steam Workshop. Goal is to have a baseline, then branch off where user can add more modules as they desire.

Additional info
This is ofc based somewhat on my opinion of what I prefer, there is no way to avoid that. The baseline is designed to not add anything like weapons, items and similar to the game, just what I would consider mods that will expand on the current vanillagame. Baseline can be played "as vanilla", just adding a somewhat better ingame controll over your pawns and actions.

Author/Mod Team
Only me. But I suck at graphical stuff, so if someone throws in a picture or 2 at some stage I would be thrilled!

How to install
Steam only!
Subscribe (to all), and thats about it! Mods will be automaticly updated as the modders update theyre mods!

Current modlist and permissions:
Hugslib - Feel free to use and include wherever. Credit is optional.
Better Workbench Management - GPLv3 license
Quality Builder - Everything is under Creative Commons License
Path Avoid - Allowed after asking on the steam workshop
Quality Surgeon - Everything is under Creative Commons License
Allow Tool - Feel free to use and include wherever. Credit is optional.
Miniaturisation - Can modpack makers include your mod in their modpack? Yes.
Hand Me That Brick - MIT license
I Can Fix It - MIT license
Medical Tab - MIT license
ResearchPal - Pending
Relations Tab - MIT license
HelpTab - Pending