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Topics - hoffmale

Inspired by this post I took a look at the calculation of body part efficiencies. In there a colonist died because his torso reached 0% efficiency, even though it should have been 0.0555...% efficiency.

After doing some quick tests, it seems that body part efficiency gets rounded to the next percentage, and that value is then used for comparison. This is sometimes beneficial (if it rounds up), but can also be detrimental to colonist health (they might die due to this rounding behaviour).

This means, a colonist dies when his torso or head efficiencies get lower than 0.5%!

This does seem a bit inconsistent, as body part health seems to be correctly calculated for at least up to 2 digits after the decimal point.

In the attached screenshot, the torso efficiency should be: 100% - 70% - 7.5% (3/40 body part health) = 22.5% -> get rounded up to 23%
In the linked post in the second screenshot, the torso efficiency should be: 100% - 70% - 29.9444... (10.78 / 36 body part health) = 0.0555...% -> get rounded down to 0%, colonist died

While it might be convenient to round these values for display, they shouldn't be rounded for gameplay calculations, as that might seem a bit unfair under specific conditions.

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