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Topics - Exortus

Help / Praying Spot Help
April 21, 2017, 07:15:42 AM
Dear All,

I have been playing Rimworld for a while now and have started adding mods recently. I have not found any religion focused mod so far that fits the concept I would prefer. So I thought I will try to make my own mini-mod for this purpose.

Basically what I would like to have is a praying spot, very similar to a party or wedding spot, or caravan spot in other mod(s).
I do not want to have specific religions or new mechanism, I just want to build simple shrines and temples where my pawns would go to pray occasionally (beside their rooms).

The problem is that I have absolutely no experience in Rimworld modding. I checked some info for modding but I found them quite overwhelming for this (seemingly) simple feature.

So can somebody help me with accomplishing this? I am looking for files to modify/add and the methods to do so.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.