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Topics - Brutetal

Stories / The aftermath of war
March 14, 2017, 07:02:12 PM
Hello all!
Welcome to a story of two brothers that survived a war and they're struggles to build up a new home.
Im currently testing with this, this is my first colony with a completely customized scenario. The two brothers are, of course, made with the "Prepare carefully" mod. No mods beside that.
WARNING; Text and pic heavy ahead!

The scenario
A war is raging in the hometown of our two "heroes".
Because of the horrors they've seen, they've decided to flee. Shortly before they could launch away with their drop pods, a chemical facility blew up, so now there is a permanent toxic fallout.

Starting conditions
- Tribal start
- 300 steel/wood
- 20 meds/components
- 30 survival meals
- 1 assault rifle/heavy SMG
- Start with "electronics" researched
- random landing site

The protagonists
(as long as they live at least)

He's the builder and grower mainly. But, starting with 4 in those skills and only a passion in construction, they sure will have to tightly watch over their building materials...

He has his advantages mainly in cooking and medical, starting with a solid 4 there. Also 3 points to research, without passion.

Both of them are nervous and pessimist.
The war sure left some mental scars on the two...

I will write the story from Jenkins point of view as some sort of a diary.
I hope you enjoy it.
(And I hope those guys live long enough to tell a good story)

Day 0 - Arrival

We made it!
Leroy and I managed to steal some supplies from our outpost. We heard rumors of the enemy who wanted to blow up our neuroatmine factory... We took the supplies, ran off to the drop pods and launched away. Through the window of the capsule I saw it...
They blew that damn thing up!
I'm seriously worried we'll be having lots of trouble wherever we will land... We're descending...

That was a rough landing. But we are okay, except for the hunger.
The area where we landed is on a coastline. Quite flat, not much natural shelter here.
As we were gathering our shattered resources, Leroy shouted;
"Jenks, what is this green stuff that falls from the sky?"
I nearly dropped a bunch of wood as I looked up. Fallout. TOXIC fallout!
I didn't say a word. I just hurried up and ran off to a ruin of an old building. I quickly closed some gaps with the wood, smashed two beds together and built a roof around our barrack.
Leroy looked worried though. Our stomaches were grumbling.
I built another wall outside or not-so-cozy bedroom and built a roof around it. At least we could store our things there for the moment, without getting them full of toxic waste. As we ate, Leroy looked around.
"Man, this place is beatiful but... Where are the trees and animals?"
I didn't notice it until now.
There. Were. No. TREES. Nor animals. Just plain, barren ground.
"How long do you think will the survival packs last us?", I asked worried.
"10 days tops..."

We will have to do something. Growing some potatoes won't work with this toxic stuff everywhere.
I'll build a research table. Leroy will think of something to help us survive.

Day 1 - Lack of... everything

Sleep really helps with getting ideas.
I built some more pillars to hold roofs. Now, if those crops die because of the fallout, we'll take that danger away and they should be fine! Luckily my brother did know the blueprints of some wind turbines, so I built one and a sunlamp, to help our crops grow.
Also I started mining some steel from the nearby hill. Because no tree can grow here, we'll have to take steel for building. I saw some big veins of steel here and there, more than enough so we can build us a nice little shack. Maybe even with separate bedrooms, Leroy screams and shouts when he is asleep...

Day 4 - Problems
Well, our plan with the wind turbine is quite sub-optimal.
The turbine doesn't deliver a constant supply, so the plants died off already two times. Leroy is researching how to build solar panels. I can't see him, but his swearing indicates he isn't as fast as he should be.
Also our food supply starts to swindle real fast. Those crops better survive, or we won't either.
But, good news, a crash pod landed nearby and held 9 units of penoxy! I just hope we will not have to use them anytime soon.

Day 5 - Fresh meat

Life is funny, isn't it?
In our darkest hours, out of nowhere, this woman just wanders by and goes like "Yup, I'm going to stay with you crazy a**es."
I asked her three times, if she REALLY wants to join us. She insisted and... began to mine. I didn't to be rude, so I let her. But now we have one more mouth to feed. And if it comes down to "an eye for an eye" I ain't taking my brother's eye...
But wait.
That also means one more person to help my brother with the researches!
I'll build another research table. I hope it fits our small barracks...

Day 6+7 - Troubleshooting

One of the local tribes seems to have a problem with us. Or maybe it was just a spy? Who knows.
As he fell down to the ground, mumbling strange things, I took a closer look at him. Not a lovely person this "Snipe", but a damn good researcher and trained archer. I quickly build a shack near our mining area and put up a steel bed (how comfy).

Leroy will try to recruit him. Maybe he can help us with the researches more than Elk.
Besides that, our rice crops are growing. Veeeery slowly, but they're growing. I hope we'll soon have solar panels. The food will only last us
one or two days more...

Day 9 - Crimes

Oh my God.
I... I can't believe it...
Yesterday we ate our last meals.
And our rice is still not ready to harvest.
We went to sleep, hungry, but it wasn't that bad. But after a few hours building and researching well... Leroy was on the brink of a breakdown. He stared me in the eyes and nod in the direction of the prison cell. I've shaken my head. He said it "Fu** this, I'm not gonna die of starving!" and stomped into the prison cell. I heard a scream, a shot - silence. Then this unbearable noise. Leroy dragged the body of Snipe to his butchering table.
I went off, mining. Tried not to think of what my brother was probably doing right now.
My stomach grumbled, I fell on my knees. I would eat anything now at this point. Or anyone.
I hauled back some steel. Elk and Leroy were sitting on the ground, feasting on raw... I can't say that. It was disgusting. I sat myself behind the pillar and ate, trying not to think of WHAT I just ate.

But I couldn't.
I wanted to vomit, whine, scream, beat my brother up!
I just felt this heat in my whole body. This anger and disgust.
Don't remember much of what exactly happenend. Leroy told me I tried to shoot him and Elk in my raging anger. I only remember waking up in the midst of morning in my bed.

Day 10+11 - Breaks, breaks everywhere

I woke up today and just felt empty.
As if something inside of me died yesterday.
I didn't want to talk or see the other two, so I decided to take a walk in the afternoon and think.
Even the damned fallout didn't bother me a bit.
Not much else happenend besides. And if so, I wouldn't even remarked it anyways.

My brother went full berserk like me yesterday.
I think  he was angry at me because I just left and wandered around.
We will try to avoid him. Good news is, our research is nearly finished! If Elk could sneak in and finish it, we may even get some stockpiles before winter hits.

Day 12
We have finsihed the research!
I'll promptly build a panel to power our sunlamp and then...
Damn I have to build a second panel. The fallout blocks out sunlight. The panel caps at 1537 W power, which isn't enough for the lamp.
Meanwhile Elk and Leroy start researching air conditioning, so we can build heaters when winter comes to heat us - and our crops.

Day 14
Just another raid, two people this time. I got a little crack, nothing serious.
And I'll be damned, but I think things are going good at the moment. Crops are growing, we can cook normal meals... Only the sleeping situation is a bit uncomfortable.
I hope this luck stays a bit.

Day 20 - Preparations

While winter is getting nearer and nearer, we are preparing.
I will wall of our crops soon. We already have freezers and coolers, so we now research batteries, so our heaters won't cut out if it's night.

Day 24 - Hope

We are good prepared I think.
But, as always, my brother threw a drama.
"I hate working in the dark", "I have no table to eat at" yadda yadda.
And suddenly without saying a word, he went outside and wandered around. A bit later I did that too to calm my nerves.
War has changed us, and not for the good. I want to hope that we'll find a way to survive this mess, but... it's hard to believe that.

To  be continued.

Feedback is very welcome.
If you see heavy grammatical or other sorts of errors, feel free to say them. I'm not a native speaker, so I'm not always sure if I word things right.

Ideas / Disease Overhaul
February 22, 2017, 04:30:03 AM
So it came up in a thread in the general discussions forum that the disease could get some work.

It would feel more appropriate if disease were more bound to environment.
Like this; If you have much dirt and vomit laying around in your buildings, all pawns crossing those points can get infected with sleeping sickness.
Malaria is bound to hot(ter) maps, starting at 30° Celsius. Also Malaria has a higher chance to strike during heatwaves. Poor cleanliness will higher the chances dramatically.
Mechanites on the other side can't be gotten randomly anymore. Instead you can get them when:
- you send colonists into an ancient danger temple (guaranteed)
- you fight mechanoids (chance)
- you dissasemble mechanoids (high chance)
- installing scyther blades on colonists (chance)

There could be also new diseases which will seem much more reasonable this way. A flu could occur if temperatures drop under 5°Celsius. Working outdoors with no insulating gear then increases chances greatly.

This way we could also do something against disease before they break out. Now you just play the waiting game till everyone in your colony got all diseases...
Ideas / Conveyor Belts
January 23, 2017, 07:00:15 AM
Hi y'all!
I'm relatively new to the game and started a few colonies which are running pretty decent. I love this type of games, but the constant hauling to keep crafting up par to raw material production can sometimes be difficult.
So it struck me; why not conveyor belts?
Of course they'll have to be balanced a bit, so the "haulers" won't get obsolete. Constant and high power consumption, failures like the BZzzt!-Event and so on. I think it would be way more rewarding to manufacture hightech goods like rifles and so. Also one could generate real production chains.
And it could be possible, with dispensers and hoppers already ingame, to make some automated crafting stations. Maybe even link them with the belts. Every station would require a conveyor belt line leading to it in order to work. Could be mainly used for the smithy or stone cutting. Feed metal slag to belt, into automated smithy, get steel - profit.
Even for the machinery thinkable. But I think it would need a REAL downside there. Otherwise it would be too OP. Like only generating poor to normal qualities.
What do you think?
(Sorry for grammatical errors I'm not a native speaker :))