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Topics - boxing123

Mods / Remove Turret barrel replacement in B19?
October 05, 2018, 06:26:11 PM
Is it possible to remove the need to change barrels on turrets at all? I don't want it for every game but I'm trying a Zombie Land play through and any sort of turret just eats steel.

Mods / [Mod Request] All Available Prisoners Tab
May 24, 2018, 11:46:46 PM
Is it possible to implement a tab like Fluffy's Animal Tab or the Wildlife Tab whereby after a raid or such even it will list all the pawns on the map that can be taken as prisoners with their traits/stats listed. Then you could click one and quickly focus on someone you wish to capture.

I find myself post-raids clicking on 30+ downed pawns trying to sift through who I could take and I just thought something like this could help expedite the process.

My understanding of creating mods is non existent so I understand if this is impossible or impracticable or if there is something out there that does similar things could someone point me in that direction.

Mods / Inspiration notification mod.
March 01, 2018, 08:54:32 PM
Hi all.

I'm pretty sure I saw a mod on here that keeps a notification of the current inspirations that your pawns may have but I can't remember where I saw it.

Am I imagining it or can anyone point me to where it is.
