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Topics - PhileasFogg

Good day, ladies and gentlemen!

First of all: please excuse my bad english, I didn't have a lot of practice in recent years.

As in a previous post mentioned, I worked on spliting this mod in two separate mods, so everyone can use "Diseases overhauled" without the need for Ykara's "EPOE". After finishing this, there are now three mod instead of three mods: I extracted the expanded body simulation. It is now a separate mod and needed for the other two: "Diseases overhauled" and "Crafted Mutants". All three mods and there content will be outlined in the following sections. Detailed information are available in the second and third post in this thread. All download links are at the bottom of the third post.

[A17] Extended Human Body Simulation (v1.0.0)

1) Additional bodyparts
The current human body simulation is rather limited. I expanded it with fibulas, patellas, ulnas, a spleed, two lobes for your pawns liver and a hidden intestine (which makes it possible to remove stomaches without killing the patient - because humans can live without a stomach; it's no fun but possible).

2) Harvest and reintegrate all available bodyparts
Nearly every single bodypart is now harvestable (exceptions: torso, shoulders, head, neck, skull, intestine). So you can replace every part your pawns might miss with freshly harvested natural equivalent (which needs to be stored in a cold enviroment as natural bodyparts start to rot after one day). This also applies to all parts of the now expanded human body structure, which includes: fibulas, patellas, ulnas, a spleed and two lobes for your pawns liver.

3) Replace missing bones with surrogates
Buy a surrogate to replace the missing bones. Your trusted exotic, pirate or combat merchant may have to offer some.

[A17] Diseases overhauled (v1.1.0)
Depends on "Extended Human Body Simulation"

1Overhaul of all existing diseases and adding new ones
Every single disease / condition has been changed and more than thirty new ones have been put into RimWorld. Have a look at the second and third post for more detailed informations.

2) Additional drugs
There are six new drugs in this mod included, that either may help your pawns recover from disease or improve their abbilities for some time - at a price.

[A17] Crafted Mutants (v1.0.0)
Depends on "Extended Human Body Simulation" and "EPOE"

1) Installation of new bodyparts (third eye, more arms, supporting organ parts, etc.) and some experimental brain surgery
Harvested bodyparts and organs can now be installed at "unusual" places (for example as a third leg). But as your pawns bodies and brains aren't prepaired for this, their benefits are limited.

2) Harvesting of mechanoid bodyparts for simple prosthetics
You can now harvest more than blades from scythers. You can get light rezeptors, simple prosthetic arms, hands, legs and feet, artificial noses, brain stimulators and centipede tails. Some of these parts can be recived from both mechanoid versions, some only from scythers (like blades), others only from centipedes (like centipede tails).

Mod list order

If you're using all three mods, please ensure that the part of your mod list, which includes these, looks like this: