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Topics - Walkaboutout

So I haven't played in a couple months, but I do believe that this was not the case before.

Screen Edge Mouse Scroll does not scroll the screen in the corners, meaning northwest/northeast/southwest/southeast. If this is intended behavior or was always this way, I apologize for the report, but I'm pretty sure it isn't, and wasn't.

I have no mods running, and Royalty and Ideaology installed and active. Windows 10, running the 64 bit Rimworld.
Some pawns do not properly acknowledge the presence of the Beautiful/Pretty traits on other pawns (and probably the same issue exists with Staggeringly Ugly/Ugly). This seems to happen rarely. I had to roll up a start scenario group of pawns, using the tribal start in this case, a dozen times or so before getting a pawn which demonstrates this bug. I noticed it originally in a couple of different starts previously, but don't have saves for those starts.

Load the attached save, and take a look at the pawn whose name on the game screen is "Pretty2". Notice that 4 of these tribal pawns have either beautiful or pretty, and a fifth one has neither. For some reason I do not understand, "Pretty2" does not receive the proper relationship adjustments for any of the other 3 pawns that have the relevant traits (and of course the normal pawn works properly on her, because there is no modifier).

When you mouse over the tooltips in the social tab, you can even see that the appropriate entry is there, it just doesn't apply the relationship modifier. For example, instead of saying "Physically stunning: 40" in the tooltip, it will say "Physically stunning: 0".

I'm not aware of any scenario where something like this should happen, so at this point I think it's a bug of some kind. "Pretty2" is not, for example, blind or something, she's in good health. And everyone else gets modifiers appropriate to her pretty trait, but she simply does not get correct modifiers for everyone elses beautiful/pretty traits.

I will be emailing the save to [email protected] because even zipped it's just over the 1000KB limit for the forum. When I email it, I will reference this post in the body of the email.
So what are your thoughts on the new royals in town? Why do you think you should cooperate with them, or resist them, or even stay neutral to them?

Do you think the fallen empire remnants are rightful rulers of the area, and therefore it's right to stay in their good graces, and treat with them? Or are they pretenders, driven from their old homes, and trying to assert their dominance through strength of arms, and therefore need to be resisted? Or anything else in between?

I really want to experience the Imperial favor side of things, but the part of me that thinks these people are outcasts and should have no say over my freedoms (but still wants to experience the new content, via the rebel) wants to tell them to take a hike. I find myself surprisingly torn in my first play through though, at the point of decision with the appearance of the runaway.

Of course, I'll most likely do all of this through various play throughs, but I'm really curious what you all think about decisions on this matter.
Tynan's notification that a Stranger in Black has been added, who helps you when you are really in trouble, has me curious. Sadly, I have no access to the game at this time, and so am wondering if anyone has any experience with this yet?
I made the colony in the last patch 1961 it was, I think? Regardless, my pawns won't attack/hunt with range or melee. They just "Stand".

I've disabled mods, and still get the behavior. Tried drafting and undrafting, tried dropping weapons, and picking them up again, just get the same thing.

I'll leave this for the moment (unless a mod wants to delete). This must be a save version, or mod issue, because a brand new game works fine. Sigh. Ah well.
So, in an effort to shift the discussion in the "1.0 unstable now available" thread, before it gets out of hand and earns Tynan's ire for being in said thread, I thought I would post a topic related to this. More than that though, I think the subject perhaps deserves a thread, and some discussion of its own.

To be clear, this subject came up only because it was a side comment, not intended to be anything major. But, it prompted some debate afterwards, and so here I am making a thread.

The subject being debated is whether or not playing the game and re-loading when things go bad, or simply taking that shot on the chin, and moving forward with the story of tragedy as part of your history, is somehow "okay", "not okay", "wrong", or "right".

I feel the need to say to anyone who might think otherwise, that there is no right or wrong. Everyone makes their own enjoyment, in their own fashion, be it through reloading, or through accepting tragedy and moving on. I believe in this position, and will argue passionately against anyone who tries to tell me otherwise. I accept other peoples' routes to fun, challenging, and compelling gameplay, and I expect that people should, at the very least, respect my own path to such as well. There are many such paths.

Is my way for everyone else? Absolutely not. But who is anyone else to judge, how I or anyone else should receive my fulfilling gameplay?

Now, for those who are curious or care to know, I will tell you that I am a re-loader. I don't usually escape the planet in Rimworld, I build as sustainable a colony as I can possibly make. This is, in small part (and grossly over-simplified) because I play games to escape from the (often) disaster that is the real world, with lack of respect, empathy, caring, justice, etc.

I love a challenge. And there are times in Rimworld where I lose. People die. I pay my personal game play price not in loss of in game assets, but in personal time. By that, I mean that by re-loading and replaying portions of things I've already played and lost at, I pay not in moving on with losses, but in real life time. I am okay with this. Because to me, that is fun time, well spent. And through my mistakes, I learn new methods, and apply those methods to scenarios where I previously failed. And yeah, sometimes I just get lucky the second time around.

To me though, such second and third attempts are time spent on the real challenge, that exists in my own head. To enter in to a game space as a quasi-force-of-nature; my characters don't know I exist, but nevertheless I'm there, guiding certain actions. It's my challenge to see them through it. And when things go wrong, it's my job to rectify it.

This doesn't mean I don't take things on the chin, in terms of Rimworld. Sometimes someone has to lose a leg, or a hand, or something.  And yes, often enough someone dies, and I move forward. But my ultimate goal, in the end, is to see that things work out for these people. The way I wish they would for my self, and for everyone, in the real world.

Gaming is my escape. Let me find fulfillment where I can, with the systems available to me to do so, in various games. Don't judge me for my brand of play, or my play-style as it were, for I will not judge you for yours. I will advocate all day long that you be able to have your style of play and fun, even when it's not for me, because why shouldn't we all have a multitude of options in our gaming?

I would much appreciate it if others would do the same for me too. To each their own.

How do you like to play Rimworld? Build the ship? Make the colony last? Reload? Permadeath? Build a colony until you can't resist the tide of raiders?
General Discussion / Melee Weapons in 1.0
July 09, 2018, 01:32:02 PM
So, without the game in front of me at this time, can someone school me briefly on melee weapon effectiveness, in terms of sword vs. mace, as it is in 1.0 at the moment?

Typically I've just made plasteel longswords when able, as the apex of my melee combat. Am I missing a bet though? Should I be making jade (?) maces? I know a lot of end game baddies are coming armored, and I want my melee pawns to be effective against that, but there's plenty of squishy targets too.

In the end, what do you think is the lesser evil? Sacrificing some damage against unarmored, or sacrificing some damage against armored targets?

Also, is jade for blunt and plasteel for sharp melee weapons still the best way to go?
Ideas / Couple small QoL suggestions (1.x).
July 04, 2018, 08:10:12 PM
One; standing lamps (not sun lamps). I'd like to see a radius indicator, like the sun lamp itself, or like the moisture pump, on the standing lamp. I like to make sure I've lit my base well, with the 50% lighting, but it's sort of hard to do at times. I'm sure I could save a lamp or two also, because I'm overlapping them where I don't need to. A simple radius indicator for their light range would rock.

Two; now that we train our animals repeatedly, I have to keep going in and removing the master on the animals I don't want assigned. I know I can uncheck following in the field and such, but I just happen to like to have the master unassigned on an animal unless I have something in mind that I want to do with them. I'm constantly opening that tab and unassigning masters from the same animals over and over. If that behavior is intended (and not a bug or oversight), then a simple "unassign all" button of some kind would be nice. Yes, I'd still have to click some, but it's better than doing 5 unassigns everytime I go into the animals menu.

Thanks for listening! :)
So, I'm curious. I didn't want to just necro the old thread from January, but with the rapid-fire pace of 1.0 test updates happening, what aspects of the below linked thread have made it in, in terms of tamed animal feedback?

That is provided anyone even knows; I've read through a lot of the updates, but I may have missed a post by Tynan. It seems like maybe the changes to missing projectiles hitting stray targets a lot less has certainly alleviated some of the friendly fire issues for pets, but I haven't really played enough of 1.0 to know.

Anyways, if anyone has specific observations about 1.0 as it pertains to Tynan's question in the linked thread, I would love to hear your thoughts.
So I'm curious as to what your favorite biomes are, and why?

I've been playing again after taking a break, and my first game was temperate forest. I liked it well enough (I started on it primarily to try collecting Boomalopes for their chemfuel), but for various reasons, I've started a second game.

This time I started in my old favorite, boreal forest, and I'd forgotten how much I liked that setting. I love the atmosphere, the dangers that winters can represent, and the animal diversity. I miss the wild Boomalopes, but my thought is to buy a couple or to catch a lucky herd migration event or something. The Elk and Caribou herds are awesome for meat, and the mix of arctic and timber wolves are enjoyable (if occasionally dangerous). Plus the occasional Warg is neat, though they're a bit harder to maintain if you tame them. Need to make sure there's meat around or stuff on the map for them to hunt, etc.

At any rate, I would love to hear your thoughts! I've never done arid shrubland, but I think I'd like to try it, just for the wandering Elephants alone.