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Topics - Axebeard

Short and sweet, I'd love to replace all of the boring Earth creatures in the game with more interesting exotic lifeforms. I'm a digital painter, and I could do graphics in no time at all, but I am veeeery new to messing with Rimworld and adding in creatures looks to be a PITA. If anyone wants to link up and make this happen, let me know and I'll start on some graphics.

My short list of creatures:
Bullsquids & Gonarches from Half Life (maybe Headcrabs)
Bloodsuckers, Fleshes, maybe Blind Dogs, maybe Dwarves/Burer from STALKER (I'd like to mostly avoid humanoids).
Anything else that looks cool, including some random stuff I could draw up.

I think the best way to make this thing accessible to everyone is to have a version that replaces all the vanilla creatures, and another version that adds in the new ones without replacing anything.

So uh, yeah. Let me know!