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Topics - VincentJ

Support / Change game settings once it's started
April 23, 2019, 05:46:12 PM

I started a game with "all no-players characters nude", instead of "all players characters nude", it was a mistake : instead of having to find clothes to my pawns at the beginning, every one that enters the map is nude.
I think I can change it with the developper mod, I have been looking for it, but don't know exactly where it is.

Please, any suggestion ?
General Discussion / How to improve soil tiles ?
July 13, 2018, 01:07:24 PM

I don't know about you, but in my opinion, when I begin a map I always seek the best tiles to begin my crops.
Then, I always look for better tiles. I don't know if the vanilla game includes ways to make better soil, I saw a little "water pump" technology, maybe it transforms mud tiles into normal growable tiles.

There's a thing I like to do, find maps with a lot of mud, and with the mod "land fill" (or "land fill+"), transform muds into super rich soil. You build "super rich soil" with devilstrand and corn. It's very long but very profitable.

Another way to improve your soil, are "vegetable garden" mods, by Dismarezo.
You can let your potatoes rot, turn them into fertilizer, and build fertilized soil with it.
The result is just very ugly I find. Why just display rich soil tiles, not brown/yellow tiles ?
Plus, the research needed is very expansive.

Dubwise tried to add this option with his mod "dub's mad hygiene". There's an irrigation tech I never tried. And a new option to turn sewage into bio fertilizer. I don't understand yet well how it works. Before, you had a lot of sewage out your evacuation pipes, you had to clean.
Now there's nothing. I really don't know how do you create biofertilizer

Obviously, I could do hydroponic things, but I always begin with a beautiful little tribe that I can't imagine under neon tubes.

I read the 1.0 version was nearly out, but I don't think the creators of the game are really interested by these features of the game, players want more guns, more suits, more machines, more animals...

And you ? What do you do to improve your soil ? Have you tried these mods ? Maybe you use other mods I don't know.
General Discussion / Minimum science level for tech
June 06, 2018, 04:17:26 AM

I get a pawn with 1 in science skill but passionate. He can't do any researches. Is that normal ? Is there a way to involve his skill ?

(I use tribal essentials so for now I have just researching spots)

One of my scientists has taken a big punch in the head. It seems the brain is running at 60%... assuming the game has just begun and artificial brains can't be crafted now, how can I keep a good research rate ?
I was thinking, maybe put him on drugs ? What drug can you advise ? "consciousness", should be the thing to improve, it's 60% only.
If he dies it doesn't really matter

I've received a transmission from an incapacited starsailor, certainly crashed down from space, two walking days from my base.
Fearing an ambush, I sent a negociator and three shooters, because even with a tribal start I have fireguns.

Once everyone've been on the site, my squadron approached the incapacited people, waiting for the bandits to come up from the... the void ? And nothing happened.
I healed him (or her, I can't remember), and then, what sould I do ?

By left-clicking, I had a "bring the refugee to your base" or something like that.
If I do that, my healer leaves the area alone carrying the incapacited refugee, creating a caravan alone, and the three other pawns escorting him stay here.
I gather everything I can pack on the area and walk out, creating another caravan.

I can merge the two caravans, food for two days, SIX WALKING DAYS to come back to my base !!! :o
WHY !?

I really don't know what to do. The only thing I see I could do, would be 1/establish a little camp here 2/gather all the food I can find on the area, 3/ come back to my base.

I have an alpaga whith me.

I started a game a few weeks ago, a beautiful valley in front of a big marble base. I saved my game and digged a little hole in the marble wall, just to see.
There was a mechanoïd. I've been able to escape without injure.

So I placed my tribal pawns out of range, and waited.

After several loadings (yes, it's cheating), the mechanoïd got out the marble base and went behind. So I sent everybody inside the marble base, checking all the time the movements of the mechanoïd.

I put steel traps.

Trying to kill one of my hunters, the mechanoïd's been killed by a trap.

I saved, tried to open the sleep chambers which are inside the base, and 5 angry space marines get out from it :O

I loaded my game, and don't really know how to kill them.

There are several plans :
1/ First I wanted to find an expandable pawn, who could open a chamber, be killed. After that, space marines are trapped inside the base and put fire to the walls (I don't know why, maybe to escape) and die cause of the flams.
I can take back their cloths and weapons but I lose someone

Fate sent me a cursed female artist under luciferium. Maybe if all I try doesn't run, and she runs out of luciferium, I can send her open a chamber.
Maybe she can do the same without diying, thanks to the luciferium.

2/ I find an animal able to do the same

3/ I put fire to the chambers. No loss, everyone safe. But I don't know how to provoke fires. Maybe with ratabooms ?

4/ Another idea I just had : I destroy the walls. Roof collapses on the chambers, killing or injuring space marines, I create another wall around them to isolate them. They feel trapped and burn their environment.

I think I will try the last, seems to be the easiest way. But I'm open to every strategies.