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Topics - Alerter

Ideas / Balance Chemical Interest/Fascination traits.
September 20, 2018, 06:10:45 AM
Right now those are one of the worst traits in the entire game (probably right after pyromaniac). For me personally its not bad just because those people are constantly going on drug binges and ignore the policies (although it matters), but because those traits are simply threatening pawn's life. Tolerance is just going up so fast sometimes and you can't do anything about it. It leads us to addictions, organ damage (brain, especially) and death.

So here is what I suggest: if colonist has chemical interest/fascination trait, tolerance must go down much faster. They want drugs? Let them have it. But it shouldn't kill them while they do.
Pretty simple. If colonist doesn't want to work, he must seek any reason to avoid it. Also, I just don't like straight drawbacks like that; slothful trait can single handedly ruin colonist, while industrious can make even bad pawn "usable". Those small changes can make players more tolerant to specific traits. Maybe an industrious/hard worker can be also changed this way?

P.S. I haven't found similar topic, please tell me if we already have one.  ;)
Ideas / Predator that can swallow whole animals/corpses.
February 09, 2018, 11:07:20 AM
Hi everyone!

I was reading another topic (about boomalope hunter predator) and I thought that it could be very efficient to add gigantic creature, that might consume whole animal instantly (except few largest ones). I am imagining creature that looks like an elephant with trunk-like mouth. It would be a good solution to control population of some explosive animals (if developers will someday add breeding in wild), since game will consider them as "vanished" (not "killed").
There are still few things that I must mention:
1. Creature must be dead or downed to be consumed by predator.
It would be frustrating if your colonist or animal will suddenly disappear from the map. Predator should do some damage (likely non-lethal) before consuming process will start.
2. Consuming process will look like standard eating, but with longer animation.
Player must have time to react, before his/her pawn will be eaten. Of course, you can be a master of map controlling, but some pawns (especially with "wimp" trait during mental break) can get in trouble very quickly. I think, consuming should take 8-10 seconds on maximum speed (maybe more, maybe less). Any damage taken by predator during this process will cancel it and he will attack his threat.
3. This creature probably should have stun attack (like some others animals).
Its simple: we don't need to chase those fast runners if we are big and slow.
4. Consuming big creature should allow our predator to last several days without food.
This should allow developers to create stable ecosystem, if they actually gonna add wild breeding someday. Having 1-2 of those on standard map will help players to control average population of animals. Also, its realistic. Predator might even have hunger stages ("full", "empty"), which can affect his model in game.
5. If player will tame this predator, it should be beneficial.
I love taming. I love farms. Imagine my frustration after taming my first thrumbo and discovering, that you can't use it in any way (only sell it or send to fight). Its hard to keep this creature (since you have to feed it with corpses/animals), so I think player must be rewarded for doing it. Maybe, just like boomalope, it can be milked for chemfuel?

Anyway, thats pretty much it. Sorry for my grammar, trying my best here.