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Topics - RimManiax

There's some very nice mods that should have been updated... but not seem to be yet.
Any one knows if they will be, are or will never be on this list :

- Smokeleaf Industry
- Gloomy Furniture, Gloomy Extra
- Cupro's Drink
- Medical IV
- Biomes
- Rim of Madness (chtuulu bundles)
- Jewelry
- Ceiling Lights
- Red Horse Furniture (created by RimmuNation)

Or if you add any suggestions of mods that could be similar and nice to have... tell us.
Hi everyone !
I'm a huge fan of the game... just like each one of you. So I need your help. (Sorry for my english, I speak French most of the time)
My problem is this ... I'm not familiar with the debug system / fix errors.
I got a great list of mods... but it seems to have few errors (dont know if they are critical... doesnt seem cause the game dont crash). But I'm a perfectionnist and I want to get rid of thoses errors.

My RimWorld version : B18
Link to my log files :

Please help me to get it right and maybe helping me add factions to it (ex: Medieval or others suggestion)
