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Topics - Captain_Silver

Allright here is my situation. Been playing for about 2 in game years and the infestation event has occurred. Thankfully it occurred near a small wall in  cave system a good distance from my actual base however as I've been told it will expand until it becomes a massive swarm.

I need peoples advice on a few plans I have devised for the situation.

Option A:
I attempt to kill the 7 megaspiders. Will never work in a million years because i dont have the equipment.

Option B: Burn em' out
Maybe. Ive got stuff ready to burn but i dont have any molotovs or anything to light it with. I'll just pray for a caravan I guess.

Option C: Start Packing
Essentially im gonna pack non-essential things up and make some packaged meals then move a hex away and set up a new settlement. Would be the easiest solution and might even be the smartest. I have some exceptionally talented colonists that aren't that great at fighting. I dont want to lose them.

Option D: Leave em alone and probably die.
Kinda self explanatory.

Give me your opinion on what I should do.
General Discussion / The Infestation
April 05, 2018, 12:02:56 AM
Allright, so this is more of a question then anything else. My colony that comprises of a large base with about 7 colonists (was 8, one guy had his heart blown out from a single lance rifle round). I've had a infestation spawn in a cave a good distance from my base.

From my understanding these swarms grow and expand. At the moment there are only 2 hives (one is dormant the other is growing) 3 megaspiders and a few scarabs. I managed to throw some wooden floods and walls down around the cave entrance. Would it be worth it to light a fire inside, block it off then stand outside and wait till they try to flee? Or would it be a better idea to GTFO pack up everything that can be carried and move my colony to a new location? I have a few pieces of armor on some characters and mediocre weapons (grenades, rifles, shotguns and machinepistols) Most of my pawns are decent at shooting. Or alternatively I could simply leave them the fuck alone on their side of the map. I'd just like some advice before I continue.