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Topics - the_red_kraken

So is it just me, or do normal raids not simply do not go through killboxes, but try to (as far as I can tell) individually dig around your base as if they were small groups of sappers?
General Discussion / Has the psychic lance been nerfed?
October 21, 2018, 02:42:27 PM
So a sapper raid came. I tried to use the lance on the one carrying the rocket launcher. However, I could aim it (passing the mouse through the raider, it showed the little red cirle aiming sights) on every single one of them, except the one carrying the rocket launcher. Is it some kind of protection of the sapper party leader or something, that they cant be hit by the lances?
General Discussion / On trading X minimizing wealth
October 18, 2018, 10:29:50 AM
So, I'm a pretty casual player who had sucess on the lower difficulties but is looking to climb up. My strategy used to be beer production to trade. That would allow me to buy all the other things I needed.

However, I constantly read in this forum about the raid escalation problems that occur with wealth on the higher difficulties. So, my question is, is it still worth to mass produce beer to trade for things as weapons, or would it be optimal to just produce weapons myself, that way the wealth is not spiking up?
So, I really like invading rival settlements. However, they are not that impressive. This is kind of a ripoff from prison architect idea (they have a prison escape mod that lets you use players prisons).

I think it would be a great addition to Rimworld, we could use a system similar to theirs. Players can upload their bases to steam, or whatever platform, and others could download them and have them spawn as rival settlements. That way it would be a nearly infinite variety (as much as you want to download) as well as creativity from players into building truly hard to invade bases, or whatever kind of madness of a colony players choose to build (and you to download them)

What are your thoughts on this?
So, I really like the warfare part of the game. However, some things I think are lacking in vanilla are:

-More interesting rival settlements. If there were really powerfull bases, it could be a great addition to the game. Like, a powerfull extremely difficult to invade settlement, but with great rewards inside (gear, silver, rare items, w/e)

-Actual reason to invade other than roleplaying. For instance, for smaller/medium settlements, instead of just getting their stuff, the reward could be their submission, sort of like a vassal state, and they would be forced into sending x ammount of resources/time. Could even go further into slavery by forcing them to send a certain type of colonist ("I want all the best crafters in the region or I'll burn their bases").

-More dynamic diplomacy. Maybe, when all-out wars are declared between factions, there could be a period of intense raidings, where they try their best to invade your bases (real tough raids) and we try to invade them as well, and whoever wins gets X rewards (war tribute, w/e).

Are there any mods similar to those things? Sorry if its an obvious question, I did search a bit but couldnt find it, Im new to the game.