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Topics - Daracke

As a lurker, who's been recently feeling the urge to create/update/texture things in rimworld, I stumbled across this thread

I wasn't around for this mods alpha 4 and 5 release, but it seems like people liked the mod, and there was a request for it to be updated to the current rimworld. I figured I'd take a look at it, though I'm new to modding the game.

Now I've looked through the modding tut's on the wiki and such, but I couldn't find what would generally need fixing to make the mod updated and working. I know this is probably a big request by someone who's new to the forum, but this mod really caught my eye and I would love if I, or if I fail someone else, to work on this. If I could be pointed in the right direction on here that would be amazing. If it needs explaining to me more I'd be willing to share skype and whatnot.

Seriously, all help is greatly appreciated and I will love you.


(Also if this is in the wrong area of the forums I'm sorry, I looked around and this place seemed like the best place for this.)