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Topics - rabitibike112

Ideas / Water update, maybe
August 08, 2018, 07:25:10 AM
Ideas for an update (rather big one) to focuses on water.

Right now water has very limited uses in the game, such as the bridges, the slow penalty for walking over it and the opportunity to generate power with the watermill. What if we could make water a bigger part of the game, maps with lost of water could be much more interesting and maybe we could have entire runs on 50% water maps or such.

Lets get to the point:
1.Fishing in deep water/shallow water. This could make water useful to have near the colony because you can get some food out of it. The success of fishing could be based on the animals trait and it could have a small chance to reward you with some random things (0.5% chance to fish a small pile of jade/ 1% chance to fish some wood).

2. Aquatic animals. lets have piranha in deep water that can attack people passing through shallow water or something, this could help you when you have a water base when enemies attack or backfire when you are not paying attention and one of your colonists gets attacked. Maybe have a random even when your colonist walks near water a fish flies out of water and said colonist sees it and gets a mood boost (flying fish +3 or something)

3.Water moving items. When a raider dies in water it just lays there if you don't interact with it. make it so that once a day or twice it gets closer to the closest deep water tile near the shallow water tile the corpse is on until in falls in the deep water (just like in real life. if you drop something in water the waves gradually pulls it in the ocean or something). Some small items could get lost in shallow water as well (knife/drugs/chocolate/hats).

4.Water mining. I think that water should hide the more important resources. it is disappointing to find steel on a water mining facility, much more rewarding to find uranium and jade or plasteel.

5.Random event (one that randy would abuse the hell out of it). The event consists of a rise in the level of water on the map. 1 block from the deep water shallow water becomes deep and near shallow water the soil becomes shallow water. If you have a wall near water this could destroy that one wall, or just damage it, it will destroy plantations near water and stuff. if the soil under an item becomes shallow water than the 3rd point could activate and start moving said items.

6.Aquatic plants. We could have some plants that grow in shallow water or even in deep water. for example: sugarcane that could be used in the production of chocolate together with milk and koko seeds. Maybe some medicinal plant that grows in deep water and harvested gives herbal medicine but more than the one that grown on soil. some plant that when harvested gives some fabric that is like simple cloth but water equivalent.

7.Boats (this is unlikely but maybe possible). We can not pass oceans on the big map right now but with a boat/ship we could got to other continents as well. it also works as a muffalo so you can transport food and stuff with you. Random event, maritime/oceanic encounter. You can be atackedon water by other trader ships or pirates.

So far these are my ideas regarding what we could do with water in Rimworld. If i come up with any more idea i'll edit the post or if in the comments there are good ideas i'll include them as well. Upvote this so Tynan see this.