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Topics - hazael

Help / help to get free VK]Twst Hair
May 09, 2023, 03:22:49 PM
I would appreciate it if someone would help me by sending me the updated [VK]Twst Hair file that I have tried to get for you by land and sea and nothing has been posted on any other page so I would greatly appreciate your help
Help / help with a mod
February 14, 2023, 03:23:13 PM
Greetings, I wanted to know if someone can help me to get this mod, since I don't have steam and it's impossible for me, the mod is [VK]Twst Hair, I would appreciate it if someone could help me, they can send it to me here or by email vimaji1971@
Help / zombieland compatibility bug
October 18, 2022, 12:09:05 PM
which of the two mod has conflict with zombieland
simple sidesrms or Babies and Children please i need your help

this is my loading order
Humanoid alien race
Character editor
Wd realistic darkness
Rim cities
NL facial animation  wip
NL facial animation experimental
wanted a facial anim extensión
Simple sidearms
Run and gun
Comigo's Majestic trees
Rational romance
Pawn targetfix
Beatifull bodies
Pick up and haul
Lolidrop's hairshop
Kv rimfridge
Advanced parka
Wd soil contract
Un colony continúe
Un furniture continúe
Lwms deep storage
Cp rimmunatio - clothing
Jds simple storage
Vee apparel retexture
Vanilla expanded framewoelk
Vanilla apparel expanded
Glomy hair Mk2
Won hair men
Won hair women
Vanilla hair expande
Sy4 vanilla friendly weapon pack
Afu women hairstile
Fe3h ashe wolves hair
Afu men's hairstiles
Animal reskins
Ayer processor framework
Rim cuisini 2 core
Realistic rooms
Rh2 hand to hand
Rh2 bcd firt
Fashion rimsta
Jds eft apparel
Fe3h black eagles hair
Fe3h Golden deer hair
Fe3d  blue lions hair
Fe3h misc hair
Fortification neolithic
Apparello 2
Glomy furniture
Morhs assorted hair
Spoons hair mod
Weapon racks
Children schools and learning
Tmc weapon pack
Simple more meele
Roppoi hair
NL custom portraits
Babies and children
Campera +
Kv show hair with hasta
Z levels beta
Buildable terrans v1
Korean armory clothing rok navy
Clean texturas
Mo haré framework
Help / help with a mistake
October 18, 2022, 01:20:20 AM
this is the error and an impressive amount of this appears, I don't know what generates it please help me

Root level exception in Update(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorld.MusicManagerPlay.StartNewSong () [0x0000c] in <a614afa193f349e2bef17a9751230ace>:0
  at RimWorld.MusicManagerPlay.MusicUpdate () [0x003d8] in <a614afa193f349e2bef17a9751230ace>:0
  at Verse.Root_Play.Update () [0x00037] in <a614afa193f349e2bef17a9751230ace>:0
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
Verse.Root_Play:Update ()
October 13, 2022, 11:37:22 AM
I need your help, I don't know if you have any idea what mod conflicts with zombiland, because I've tried and nothing at the moment the zombies that are coming out of the ground are generated, they start producing wounds without anyone attacking them and everyone is dying I don't know what to do, I don't know if it's Simple sidearms or some other mod, I appreciate your help so I don't have to try it with each of my mods, it would take a long time
Help / zombie
May 01, 2020, 03:32:48 PM
I have a problem with the zombiefied mods for version 1.1 I start by installing harmony, then the kernel, from below jecstool, and husglib, and there is the zombie mod but it sends me permanent enemy errors, and I don't know what else to do not I see a solution, I would like someone to give me a hand in this, see how I can solve it
specifically the error is this

XML error: <mustBePermanentEnemy>true</mustBePermanentEnemy> doesn't correspond to any field in type QuestNode_GetFaction. Context: <li Class="QuestNode_GetFaction"><storeAs>raid1/enemyFaction</storeAs><allowEnemy>true</allowEnemy><mustBePermanentEnemy>true</mustBePermanentEnemy></li>
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlToObject:ObjectFromXml(XmlNode, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlToObject:ObjectFromXml(XmlNode, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlToObject:ObjectFromXmlReflection(XmlNode, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlToObject:ObjectFromXml(XmlNode, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlToObject:ObjectFromXmlReflection(XmlNode, Boolean)
Verse.DirectXmlToObject:ObjectFromXml(XmlNode, Boolean)

3 of this same error
I would appreciate your help and prompt response
Help / ...
January 04, 2020, 06:16:05 PM
where can i download the mod [NL] Facial Animation – WIP but the July update of this year that has compatibility with carefully prepare
Help / new hair concepts
June 13, 2019, 12:06:47 PM
I have some concepts of hairstyles for those who want to create a mods are great I would like someone to dedicate themselves to make them, that would love me and I know that the rest, whoever is interested can take them, as they are perfect

[attachment deleted due to age]
May 19, 2019, 06:00:26 PM
me gustaria saber quien tiene el mods [L] MangaFace 1.0 ES DE LOLIDROP que me lo pueda mandar porfa que solo esta en steam y me place optenerlo, agradezco la ayuda de ustedes
Mods / nuevos peinados
November 22, 2018, 04:59:19 PM
estos peinados quedarían full para rimworld... están dando los derechos para que los modifiquen y los pasen ala v1.0 ya que solo están hasta la b18... agradecería que los pasaran al 1.0 por que están muy bueno y se que al resto de la comunidad de gustara... les dejo el link para que los vean...........    ...... contacten a este men           
      @ Urumi333    y el les dará las instrucciones.. pero los peinados no quedarían mal.