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Topics - bullwinkle

As the title states, really happy to see performance worked on! I've always had issues where after year 3 the colony just wouldn't run smoothly enough and i would hav to give up a great colony and start over.  :(

I see guys posting 10 year old colonies and am just baffled. Thank you for working on this!!!! ;D  ;D
General Discussion / Turn OFF seiges?
December 23, 2014, 09:47:32 AM
As the title says, is there a way to turn OFF seiges? I'm not a fan of them and would rather just be raided..
Ideas / Custom storyteller?
December 21, 2014, 10:45:35 AM
Hey I was just thinking if we could have a custom storyteller? You can set the difficulty like now but you can stop certain events from happening. Like sieges, I hate sieges, I'd rather just have assaulting raids. Make it so we we can check which events we want included in the game. Don't like blights? Don't include it. Want more slave traders? Make it unlimited pop cap.

This way you can customize each game to your liking, with a storyteller still telling the story. Just without the stuff you dislike.
Off-Topic / Hobbies
November 09, 2014, 06:57:49 AM
Hey everyone, I thought I'd start a thread about hobbies anyone has. I searched for a similar topic but found nothing.

Now other then playing countless hours of rum world or any other games what do you do with your spare time? I race cars on dirt oval tracks in southern Ontario l, western New York and even Quebec. I've raced for 9 years now, in Ohio, Pennsylvania ", North carolina, and Florida. My dad and I love doing it.

So what are your hobbies? Anything from chess, to comic con, to hunting. Let's hear it. Pictures if possible too!

Bugs / Hunters wont Hunt
November 08, 2014, 09:31:41 PM
hey guys, thought i would submit this error to you, my hunters wont hunt anything automatically, i have to force them to hunt everything. i get this error in the readout....

also, i have them set to hunting priority "1" and thats all they have set to "1"

im running alpha 7... not sure if its completely updated.

no idea what caused it or when it started as i just noticed it.

General Discussion / Performance Issues
October 27, 2014, 12:09:17 PM
Hey everyone, I figured you guys could help me out. I've been playing this game for awhile now but just noticed a performance issue when either big fires are on the map or big raids. Now I feel like my computer SHOULD be able to play this game with ease but I'm no expert. So my question to you is, is my computer good enough? If so, what can i do to make sure I'm getting the best performance out of it?

Processor: Intel Core i7 - 3300 CPU @ 3.40GHz
RAM: 12.0GB
System 64-bit Windows 8.1
Video: AMD Radeon HD 8570
HD: 2.0 TB

I've tried cleaning the C: drive and defragmentation... nothing really helps.

Thanks for your help!
General Discussion / Switch story tellers mid game?
July 17, 2014, 03:26:52 AM
Hey guys, I thought I saw a thread or post somewhere that talked about this. Not sure if possible but can you switch story tellers mid game? If so how?
