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Messages - Distman

Oh, and this is not the first party I've had in this colony. This is maybe the third party. Earlier parties had no problem ending like they should.

Strange indeed...
I'm having problem with my colonists starting a party that never ends. While this is very realistic, it's devastating for the future of my colony.

It's most likely due to a mod bug. Getting a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object
" somewhere in Verse.AI.Group.Lord

Is there any way to force a party to stop using DEV tools? You can start one but...

Thanks in advance,
Quote from: Harry_Dicks on December 23, 2017, 10:07:01 AM
Please update the non-Steam download link in the OP. It leads to an outdated version - if I hadn't checked the second page on this post, I wouldn't have realized I downloaded the wrong version until trying to start the game. Thanks!

Thanks for the heads up. Link is now updated!

Releases / Re: [A17] Gas Traps (damn those infestations!)
December 21, 2017, 06:33:35 PM
New update:

Added gas shells for mortars. Fart at a distance, why not!? Insect traps removed.

Non-steam download:
Updated on steam as well.

Releases / Re: [A17] Gas Traps (damn those infestations!)
December 21, 2017, 06:31:38 PM
Thanks, but please remove non-offical version. Mod is updated for Beta 18. Also: added gas mortar shells.

Quote from: ColtSub on December 17, 2017, 06:12:56 AM
Non-Steam B18 Link for the impatients -
Help / Re: Trade moding question
October 09, 2017, 11:31:02 AM
I don't see how that would work since every artwork is of different quality/market value...

I think stockable is basically "Can traders stock/sell this item?".

Quote from: Teneombre on October 08, 2017, 11:02:20 AM
Hi everyone :)

I started moding rimworld since the a17 now and if I still don't touch any .dll, I'm quit used to .xml (creating object/recipe etc).
I'm currently trying to modify the way arts are show in the trade HUD. they are currently display one by one, in a really long list in my case. I want to make them act like body part, guns, cloth and other thing that are not stackable ingame but are stacked in trader HUD. I was try to use the <tradeability>Stockable</tradeability> but that won't work.

So my question are :
- how to stack arts in trader HUD ?
- What the "stockable" entry for tradeability is used too ? (didn't found any entry in the Core files)

Thansk everyone for reading it, I hope some of you have the answers I need.

PS : I'm pretty sure it's obvious but English is not my main language. I hope though his topic is still readable.
Help / Re: Random value
September 20, 2017, 07:17:31 PM
Not really possible in defs, as far as i know.
Help / Re: Help making psychic weapon
September 20, 2017, 06:10:46 PM
You have to get down with C# coding. Specifically by making a custom version of the CompUseEffect_Artifact class (remove the destroy line to make it usable infinitely). Same with CompTargetEffect_PsychicShock class. Need to implement the skill related modifier here.

Or you could make a weapon def with a custom class. Will probably be easier. Do Jec's Plague Gun tutorial and you got all you need.

Good luck!
Help / Re: Separate animal pack leaders?
September 19, 2017, 06:47:12 PM
Well, you can define the alpha animals and set their spawn rate really low, but that could end up with no alpha or 4 alphas, while still not really be "connected" to the pack.

I dunno but the caribou and muffalo spawn in packs, and seems to stick together. Could possibly solve this with a Harmony patch.
Help / Re: Separate animal pack leaders?
September 18, 2017, 12:54:55 PM
Spawning will be hard, at least for natural animals (=biome related spawns). But you can make a custom game condition, like manhunter event where you can force spawning of one or two alpha animals.
Help / Re: Empty outposts / bases
September 13, 2017, 02:01:57 PM
I've had similar issues. Don't think many mods (yet) messes around with quests.
I have a feeling that quests are not yet fully fleshed out for a17. But don't know, rarely play vanilla nowadays...
But still no way to have CutoutComplex for worn apparel and weapons?
Would love to have that for some shaman head dresses i'm working on...
Yes, your definitely on the right track. Look at Alcohol hediff def for inspiration on stages.
You can also have a HediffGiver under a stage which could trigger another hediff. Look at flake or yayo for this.
Help / Re: Drugs - modify how long they last
September 08, 2017, 07:06:09 PM
Between the <comps> tags under the hediff def.

Help / Re: Custom CompProperties?
September 08, 2017, 11:33:19 AM
While this is the perfect first mod project, Shear Wool text is handled elsewhere. Some jobdriver or... I don't know what classes handle pawn interactions.

The comp only handles the ref to the resource def and checking if a pawn is ready to be sheared. Wool growing is most likely handled by a pawn related class.