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Messages - Rathlord

General Discussion / Food Sits on the Ground
November 07, 2013, 07:37:41 PM
Heya guys,

Not sure whether this is a bug or just me not understanding the game correctly.

When I get food from planting crops, it just sits on the ground. It goes neither to my stockpile, nor to my nutriment machine. It just sits, and occasionally my workers pick it up and eat it raw. I have a 6 person colony right now, and hauling is enabled on all of them. Even tried setting one worker to only haul, they still just sit there.

Any ideas?
General Discussion / Re: Recruiting Citizens
November 07, 2013, 07:31:41 PM
Thanks kindly, Tynan.
General Discussion / Recruiting Citizens
November 07, 2013, 07:19:27 PM
Is there currently a way to recruit new people without taking them hostage?

For instance, I have someone who was injured when her escape pod fell to the planet, but I can't seem to find any way to help her that doesn't include making her a prisoner. It seems like they'd be grateful for the help and possible future home.

Perhaps this is something that is planned but not implemented yet? Using the social skill to talk to these people would be a nifty way to do it.
General Discussion / Re: Call for Linux/Mac testers
November 07, 2013, 07:13:08 PM
• What's your experience with testing systems?
Been testing both closed alphas and betas for about 5 years now. I have an incredibly wide range of testing experience, so I know the ropes. I'm currently a moderator and closed tester for Project Zomboid, as well.
• Ever used a bug tracker before? Does the Ludeon bugtracker look foreign to you or familiar?
I almost always use JIRA (from Atlassian) over Mantis, but I have used Mantis a few times before.
• What OSes do you have?
OS X 10.8.5 and OS X 10.7, also can dual boot to Windows 7 if it was ever needed
• How much time do you have to test?
I can offer a few hours a week. I'm fairly flexible, but occasionally could have overlapping times with Project Zomboid testing. Shouldn't be common.

Feel free to ask if you have any other questions or are curious about my other previous experience.
Bugs / Re: Resizing Window, OS X
November 07, 2013, 05:38:40 PM
Having trouble with the website modifying my post.

Sorry, I should have read the bug reporting guidelines before posting. I know that this isn't a version specific bug and that none of the info I omitted will matter, but to be clear:

OS X 10.8.5
Version 0.0.250
Bugs / Resizing Window, OS X
November 07, 2013, 05:36:34 PM
Using the keyboard command "Command" + "f" to put Rim World in windowed mode rather than fullscreen causes this to happen:

The window is way bigger than the screen. If you resize the window, the game doesn't actually resize, so you're only ever going to get that top corner of the game. This can be rectified by relaunching. It's usually a good idea to relaunch games after messing with resolution anyways, but it might be nice to have smooth fullscreen/windowed transitions at some point.
