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Messages - bluestrike15

General Discussion / Re: Call for public testers (Alpha 7)
September 21, 2014, 04:07:57 AM
Alot of people for the first time posting on the forum :/ Anyways i would like to join as well.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 6) Project Armory (v.2.13)
September 16, 2014, 07:51:28 PM
Im a bit worried that the RPG-7 is a bit weak, ive made direct hits with targets and they only get hurt a small amount not to mention the splash is small. Also seems to be this way with the grenade launcher(don't remember the name)
Ideas / Re: Hunting zones
August 30, 2014, 09:12:40 PM
+1 I like this idea!
Thanks for being a responsible dev and fixing it :D
I'm having that weird color issue when i press escape with this mod enabled. Everything becomes a bright color and it really hurts the eyes. But when i press escape again and go back to the game it works fine. When its raining it is fog/clouds instead.

Torches are burning out again... WHY! Whats the code for them in this version or is it still the same?
Seems to have worked. Thanks!
So for some reason, When I deleted the " = 54000" part of the "private int burnDelay = 54000;" the torches are still burning out. If anyone could help me make it so the torches stay instead of going out I would appreciate the help.
Thanks, couldn't stab it, had to resort to deleting " = 54000"... Not the same satisfaction.
Can't stand the torches. Where in the code is the variable that makes them burn out. I would like to stab it.
Ideas / Automatic Day By Day Meal Production
February 28, 2014, 09:46:54 PM
Just a little suggestion asking that there be a bill in the at the cooking table that makes a specific amount of meals at a specific part of the day. Say I want my cook to make 10 meals in the morning. Just enough meals to feed all of the residents and prisoners and I don't need to micro the kitchen at all every day.
Ideas / Hotel rooms and Bars
December 08, 2013, 12:39:27 PM
So I came up with this idea while watching some of the drifters walk by. Aren't you hungry or tired, why not stay at our colony?! So then I thought of the idea of building a hotel which would allow drifters to enter your base for a while and rest. They aren't actual colonists so they wont work and might mooch off your food but if you treat them well and they like what they see they might join you instead of eventually leaving on there path to... Somewhere. That's were the bar comes in, have a character with a high social skill (useless people) work at the bar as a bartender and try to convince the drifter to join without inprisoning them. The bar should also have some games like pool and every once and a while colonests will come in to let off some steam and talk to the drifters, other stuff like bar fights and allowing colonists to take a break if their moral is low would be nice
Outdated / Re: Rhodes Mod List
November 19, 2013, 05:38:50 PM
Question. How would you include more than one mod? I would like to use the Wall mod and the x5 mod , But i assume that i can only use one
General Discussion / How to properly use Auto-Turrets
October 29, 2013, 07:31:40 PM
I finally got it threw my thick skull that the poor things are weak health wise but are a great way to keep your base safe. Anyone have a good way of using them besides putting on the front line or putting them behind your militia causing friendly fire?
Ideas / Debris Compacter
October 26, 2013, 12:41:37 AM
After watching a few Pre-alpha videos i noticed that their was a extensive amount of debris laying around from fights and general events. So i thought up the idea that what if you could combined or break down the debris with some kind of machine that for a random chance or if a certen number of debris is inputted would output some metal.(Ex they were twisted bits of metal in the debris or the debris could be converted into metal) Thus reducing the amount of debris filling up the garbage area. The process would take a while and/or have a bad chance of success giving a small amount of metal, keeping it from being a main source of metal. What do you guys think?