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Messages - A_Soft_Machine_Man

Quote from: rooki1 on January 07, 2017, 04:18:09 AM
Anyway, next update will be "The meatballs of death" edition.

Can we eat them? Do they drop plasteel like the tasty, tasty bions do?
Quote from: AzharNoordin on January 06, 2017, 12:52:29 PM
Cool can you share the mod file to me after you do that please? i also like the previous art style

edit: Rooki actually included the old textures with the new release, so what you do is you go to defs and everywhere you see <texPath>Things/A16/[weapon name]</texPath> just replace "A16" with "A13"
Mods / Re: Editing scyther arms
January 06, 2017, 12:21:33 PM
No problem, man! Although I do advise caution when messing with core defs, you might wanna make some backups of your unmodded files in case something goes seriously wrong. I tried modding neutroamine to be craftable and it basically obliterated my game until I undid it.

As for what the actual string means, the <partEfficiency>0.2</partEfficiency> hard-caps the scyther blade at 20% efficiency as compared to the base arm. So, that means that having a colonist with two scyther arms would bring their manipulation down to a measly 20%. To increase the efficiency just change the number and save the def before opening the instance again. For example, <partEfficiency>2.0</partEfficiency> would hard-cap it at 200% upon reopening the instance after saving the def. 
Mods / Re: Editing scyther arms
January 06, 2017, 11:56:24 AM
Hey man, what you wanna do is open your files and go to the Core subfolder where it's listed under the Mods folder and then go to the defs subfolder within that. So your file explorer should say

Rimworld1393(OS here)>Mods>Core>Defs

Now you want to find the subfolder marked "HediffDefs." Once there, click on the file labeled "Hediffs_Local_AddedParts." This lists all of the bionic/prosthetic parts in the the base game. Once there, scroll down until you find <defName>ScytherBlade</defName> and from there scroll until you see <partEfficiency>0.2</partEfficiency> and change it to what you like.
Cool update, really digging the modular concept on the Greydale weapons. Although, I  must say I rather preferred the more recent ultra-detailed art over the more vanilla-friendly designs. I think I'll just port over the old art into the new mod.

That being said, the new cover splash is lovely ;)
Outdated / Re: [A16] RimMeth - My first Rimworld mod
January 05, 2017, 03:30:16 PM
"I am the one who knocks!" Rimworld edition.

Quote from: rooki1 on December 13, 2016, 03:18:46 AM


Working on next update.

Oh hell yes
Quote from: Kolljak on December 01, 2016, 11:31:40 AM
Good luck banana i asked that a while ago and was ignored.

We basically ignored it because at that time the Combat Realism mod had stopped being supported by the author at the A14 patch. So you asking if there was a patch for an A14 mod in an A15 mod seemed somewhat nonsensical. Now that the community has made an A15 patch for CR, there may be an update in the future (if A16 is not released before then).

So no, there isn't. Rook1 may work on it in the future, or he may not.
Quote from: Rafe009 on September 13, 2016, 09:53:19 PM
Also i'm not sure how I feel about humans chowing down on some mutated hulk of a humanoid that was just firing a rivet gun at them. For cannibals it makes sense though.

Rimsenal Federation Bions actually work the same way. Even better, they actually produce 15 plasteel along with their meat when butchered (to represent their mass-produced, cyborg natures).
Stories / Re: Family Problems
August 05, 2016, 12:49:20 PM
I've noticed that the longer a colony goes on, the more likely there is to be family drama that would make Jerry Springer blush. By the tenth year in nearly every one of my colonists had been forced to kill their raider aunt-cousin-grandmother-ex-spouse.
I always keep a melee equipped "finisher" for just this purpose.
Quote from: Dimbledorf on July 10, 2016, 11:34:35 AM
Could you update this to a13?

I can't say anything officially, but I think if Rooki does update this mod he'll wait until A14 since it's going to change up animal pawn AI behavior.
Hey Rooki, in the downtime between releases may I ask what program you use for your textures? I always really liked the aesthetics of your mod and am curious on how you did them since I really want to actually start making mods for myself rather than just altering the defs of other people's mods to suit my tastes.
Quote from: Ordessa on April 27, 2016, 05:42:34 PM
This feels like a stupid question, but how do I make rib implants and what-not?

You have to research them first, once you get the research done you can craft and implant them.
Ideas / Re: Fruit trees? Bio-Engineered trees?
April 26, 2016, 02:24:45 PM
Totally can +1 this, little micromanagement needed and adds more differentiation on a reasonable level.