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Messages - cucumpear

Outdated / Re: [A17] CCP's Mods (2017-06-01)
June 02, 2017, 02:12:29 PM
@MrWeeGee Seems like I fail at clarity once again. I though I expressed that they don't seem to count as walls when it comes to temperature at all. I did the same testing you describred myself.
I don't mind personally, I just use them as vents. :P
Outdated / [A17] CCP's Mods (2017-06-01)
June 01, 2017, 05:18:05 PM
CCP's Mods

I'm terribly lazy about writing forum posts, so I'm just going to add all new mods here (as I remember to).
As a general rule you can find things on steam or github.
My Steam Workshop
My Github

Matching Embrasures

Embrasures for your enjoyment and protection. Originally based on skullywag's version, but at this point both textures and coding are original. The main difference to any other embrasures mod I've tried is that I do my best to ensure that they actually match the vanilla walls. This means that they will look like planks for any wooden materials, smooth for metals and like bricks for stone, no matter if the material is modded or vanilla.
As of A17 it appears that opponents will not have any more trouble shooting through than your colonists. Also embrasures might as well not exist as temperature is concerned. if two rooms share a wall that contains even a single time of embrasure you cannot place a working cooler in it. Makes sense, considering that there are literally holes in the wall, right?
Luckily the embrasures work just as well as normal walls for bedrooms, prisoner rooms etc.

Available via my Github

Storage Solutions

A number of basic shelves and crates for storing items. When building general-purpose shelving please remember to enable the items you want to store.
Also includes a nesting box for eggs. It will hold both fertilized and unfertilized eggs, with a default of fetilized at critical importance. If you place it next to a table people might even sit on the eggs.

Available via my Github

CCP's Storytellers

Both Reika and Bellatrix hit hard and fast. Call on them when Randy has turned into a comfy stroll through the park. Bellatrix might be less random than Reika, but don't underestimate her.
I highly recommend combining this mod with Marvin's Sometimes Raids Go Wrong for more hilarity.

Available via my Github

No Death Cooties On Armour

Colonists will no longer care if armour that's reasonably cleanable, i.e. made of metal/plastic, was worn by a corpse.
Please note that this will override all vanilla helmets and power armour and will be incompatible with anything that also alter these items.

Available via my Github


Boomalopes are weak, you say? How about some doomalopes, then? What could go wrong?

Available via my Github
ADS Patch on dropbox

How to install
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

- This mod may be added to modpacks as long as credit is given.
- Derivative mods may be created, including translations of course. I don't require notification but would like to see what people come up with.

Feedback is, as always, very much welcome.
Mods / Re: Community Animal Pack
June 01, 2017, 02:49:16 PM
Yes. Only two or three left. Off your butt, young man! :P
I had the same issue with my storytellers, turns out there were some changes between the unstable A17 versions and the release version. Let the mod creator know to check that their storyteller has the population curve instead of the desired population and the base storyteller abstract.
Not specifically, but we have some quite similar patterns for the domestic cats and there's a lion and tiger, of course!

(That's only the felines of course. I think we're at around 55 animals...)
I have the mod done, just need to actually update the post. ;)
We're not planning to have legendary cats or custom behaviour, but the animal pack that should be coming extremely soon does have adorable domestic and wild felines.
Mods / Re: Community Animal Pack
May 01, 2017, 01:51:17 PM
Quote from: SheiFoxy on May 01, 2017, 12:42:35 AM
Thanks for the info. I'll poke around. I want to make a fennec fox. :)
I hate to tell you, but there's a fennec in vanilla RW. ;)
Mods / Re: Community Animal Pack
April 30, 2017, 05:42:11 AM
For the mod we're working on we're mostly focused on terran animals and some engineered variants, but we've talked about making a separate mod for new/crazy/fantasy/alien animals after.

As for learning to make new animals: we all learned by poking around the core files. Just make a copy of Core > Defs > ThingDefs_Races and dig in. The tags are pretty self-explanatory and using something like Notepad++ will really help keeping everything organised and seeing where you're missing brackets etc. One thing that you'll want to pay attention to is capitalisation, just pattern names and labels after what you see in the core files.
Quote from: Ruisuki on March 26, 2017, 11:44:25 AM
synleather and synwool?  those are new items arent they? yeah im just looking for a way to combine all leftover leathers into patchworks so my place isnt littered by trashstacks

That's exactly what my synthleather and wool are for, you craft them using leather and textiles. :P
Because the storyteller I'm playing is a bit silly.
I'm currently fiddling with synthleather/synthwool production, but since it's in testing it's in my mixed WIP mod which isn't really that useful for most people and would add more things than you want.
Quote from: Ruisuki on March 08, 2017, 07:17:56 AM
Playing the game without mods taught me so many things, but not being able to use interesting mods without a new save really hits you after you finally have a decent base.

I understand the frustration, but I'm afraid that's just a reality of modded games. Even a minor mod update can break saves, much less adding mods. Personally I make it a habit to download or subscribe to all interesting mods as I continue my current game and just review the mod list every time I start a new game.
I really wish I could make LED Lights save game friendly, but so far I have not been able to find out what exactly causes the problem.
Mods / Re: Community Animal Pack
February 28, 2017, 08:00:13 AM
Quote from: Raccoon on February 28, 2017, 04:37:05 AM
is animal coding c# only?

Most things can be done just by editing XMLs, some things require multiple XMLs to be changed (like animals with eggs or wool, unusual body parts that don't exist in vanilla or new attack types), but unless you want completely new behaviour making animals is pretty easy.

And as one of the people working on the animals pack mentioned a few times in this thread: our artist is working hard to make both existing and new textures a consistent style.
Mods / Re: Community Animal Pack
February 14, 2017, 08:59:30 AM
On one hand I don't really like the thought of passing over control of my mods, on the other I realise that we're at a point where all of the animal mods just create issues. So I'm tentatively in favour of your idea, as long as it also includes things like compatibility patches for A Dog Said and such.
My license (found here with the current version of Beasties) allows inclusion in modpacks and derivative mods, so you can include it anyway, I would just prefer to see this project go beyond an all-in-one mod.
I'd be willing to help out with basic coding (haven't learned C# yet, it's on my to-do list) and testing.
Outdated / Re: [A16] CPHaulage (v. 1.4) (2016-12-26)
February 12, 2017, 03:43:12 AM
Quote from: ambivalence on February 11, 2017, 02:57:08 PM
Can you add these animals, please?

And your pandas :3

Pandas (and otters) can definitely haul. And from what I can see in the files, both Spirit Wolves and Shibainu should be able to, as well. :D