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Messages - exbeer

Quote from: exbeer on June 09, 2014, 08:07:47 AM
yeee, that broke my game xD  bhaa, o well. still have  some issjus with other mods not beeing all that also with other mods, but somthing diddent click. nothing to do about it hehe i will start it off and then add mods to se if enything dosent work with it

: Edit : it sems that it broke becose of saved game , far as i can tell, so starting a new colony with the mods i have diddent crasj it, hopfully not later eather, so a new game is more or less needed , at least for me to get it to work.
yeee, that broke my game xD  bhaa, o well. still have  some issjus with other mods not beeing all that also with other mods, but somthing diddent click. nothing to do about it hehe i will start it off and then add mods to se if enything dosent work with it
soo,is it still " broken " ? if they can pass , then ill whait until its fixt :)
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 4) Droids v0.1
June 09, 2014, 07:18:39 AM
Quote from: gertvv on June 09, 2014, 06:30:48 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback, I will add them to the wish list.

Also, I wasn't aware that they slowly die over time. It might just be that they take small amounts of damage from all sorts of events and they don't heal like normal colonists do. Perhaps colonists should be able to repair them?

well if that is true, then yee, maby wen they get down to 25% or something and or they repair at a port if they can get to it, and the repair time takes lets say a few days depending on how dmg they are and so on .. :)
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 4) Droids v0.1
June 09, 2014, 05:08:27 AM
Quote from: Crimsonknight3 on June 08, 2014, 04:42:45 PM
This is an AMAZING mod! You should definately expand a little! Once the hauling has been balanced, expand upon them, make even more expensive ones that can open doors, and maybe even more expensive that can simply just cut trees/plant and one that just cleans and nothing else... Maybe even add in power requirements meaning they need to "charge" the possibilities are endless but well done this is great :)

ye , i was thinking the same thing , but as a recharge they need to go back to a robo port or a stasion , having them run on batteries ,in the same way the colonist  need sleep, and if they cant get back to there port then a colo. needs to go pick it up back to the port
Mods / Re: NOT HAPPY!
April 18, 2014, 10:13:40 AM
what i reeely want is a smal thingy that can deflect the solar array, becose that shit is annoying as F*** make it expensive and that it just covers a smal space so one needs more to cover a large place :)
Mods / Re: better marking for mods?
April 17, 2014, 05:09:34 PM
okey thank you jamieg, it was just a little frustraiting :)  but i can prob get a little better to understand the versions also :) thank you for taking the time to reply here :)
Mods / Re: better marking for mods?
April 17, 2014, 10:37:47 AM
ye i know it say alpha 3 and so on, but i get confused over alot of the V.numbers, and letters. like 3 V:A3E  and OUTDATED 532 Downloads " yes i know what outdated is, but ye you get it , but ye better marking for the mods i think woude make it a little better to know what is not uppto date and what is uppto date,  sp thank you for replaying :)
Mods / better marking for mods?
April 16, 2014, 11:34:44 AM
i love the game and all the mods, but im having some trubble seeing what mod is upptodate with what the current game, is itt possible to mark it better ? i see ingame the newst release but i cant figuer out what number the mods put in to what version i am having, sorry to be a pain but i do have problems with it. is it possible to mark it better and or what version is working with what release ? or if enybody can help me figuer out what mod goes to what build  ? ide be for ever thank full :)
General Discussion / Re: turret raid spawn increase?
April 16, 2014, 10:03:14 AM
i woude like to add that i had some prob with freandly fac. coming wen a raid is on and they get in the line of the crossfire and do not attack there enemy but get to become my enemy sins i have hit them more times so they get red , they just hang out around the bullets and its just a disaster wen all of the facs then become my enemy :P
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 3) Galactic Meat Trader
April 11, 2014, 06:01:55 AM
ididdent have eny problems. downloded fine for me, press the downlode here link, and just press past whatever, my adblock works with firefox, my virus program is one of the better and it diddent say enything about anything so eather you have somthing that blocks opp poppups in general i dont know , but workt fine for me :)   no virus