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Messages - Great

Quote from: Owlchemist on July 21, 2016, 02:04:59 PM
Quote from: Great on July 21, 2016, 12:54:55 PM
Hey,how do i use the repair kit?

They're used as somewhat of a "fuel" for the mending bench, so you gotta build that too.

Oh...also,any one know if there's a chance he add a mod that allow you to move crafting bench around like furniture?it's realy painfull right now to modify your base.

and what anyone know what is the best way to train crafting?And how do you use the mending workbench?
Hey,how do i use the repair kit?
There's no sand on tropical map.How i get glass?
Quote from: Owlchemist on July 19, 2016, 07:30:15 AM
Quote from: shocker154 on July 18, 2016, 10:05:08 PM
Faq says misc but anyway i checked every menu and couldn't find it. Even tried usimg debug for all research

edit: I checked and in the production tab there is only the paste dispenser hopper and aquaculture hopper. but no regular hopper.

I noticed this too. From what I've seen so far, the tooltip is a bit misleading as you said. However, they work fine without a hopper, as if they have one built in. If I had to guess, you research hoppers later and their purpose is to basically expand the fuel buffer.

Btw I wonder what's wrong with quarries? I've had one going in my A13 game, they seem fine to me?

How quarries work?you just put them anywhere?Also it's possible to repair armor?
Also how quarry work?I can just put them anywhere?
Is melee viable in this modpack?How the Alnico power armor shield&other armor integrated shield work?
It's possible to also be able to download older version?I don't know if it's included in hardcore SK.
i can't download it,the github link load forever and give me a blank page.That would be great if you added mirror.
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
December 18, 2015, 04:36:26 PM
Quote from: WinterFlare on December 17, 2015, 01:57:41 PM
I didn't say the miniguns range is fair, because it definitely isn't. It makes sense for scyther attacks to cover the entire map, but centipedes are basically heavy tanks. I'm more afraid of them than I am of 6 scythers. Whenever mech's arrive I send everyone inside and try to lure a centipede to a hallway that grenades will work well in. Getting shot at by a minigun from across the map is a death sentence.

One weird thing I did see (Not with Mechs though) is that suppressing fire will work on units with shields.

Quote from: Great on December 17, 2015, 12:14:07 PM
Also,the fact peoples die instantly from random wound(not headshot) and not from reaching 0 hp.I mean,seriously,i killed a trumpoo by shooting at it,nothing got below 270 hp,and he fall dead,with only minor blood loss.The same,my bionic super soldier die from losing one lung instantly-or torso bruise-.

Well I mean if you were running around in a cloth shirt and got hit by a bullet to the heart or liver I'm pretty sure you'd die too. Put something heavier or your people or be more careful with their placements. I've been having a lot of fun letting enemies come to me while I use rapid-fire short range weapons.

You don't die instantly.And you don't die from a bullet in the liver lol(from infection later,of course,unless you are treated)!Also,i said bionic super soldier.They run around with +90% armor.
short range weapon strong?In this modpack?In my game every one only have long range burst like pulse and optic/shard.Short range is suicide.(for all-mechanoid included-)

Also,man,later in the game,you get more than 1 centipede in event/spaceship crash.If they have more than 1 minigun,it's gg,don't matter all your dude are demigod with 90%/110% dmg res.
And about the mecha *realism*centipede are not mecha,the federator and his melee version are mech(they also have pilot)-and they are balanced,the fed have problem hiting moving target and long coldown,the melee one is slow and,well,melee-.centipede is just a mechanoid-robot-.

And if we follow *realism*,my dude in closed heavy armor should be immune to minigun fire because of all this sloped armor..
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
December 17, 2015, 12:14:07 PM
Quote from: WinterFlare on December 17, 2015, 12:26:15 AM
As far as I can tell mechs are supposed to be overpowered because of combat realism, you essentially need to have a decoy who sits behind a high health wall while other people toss grenades at it, if it stops firing make sure it initiates its attack against your decoy again. It being a minigun with such a long range though (considering the centipede is a fucking tank) is pretty lame though.

I need to know though, is there a way to replace or repair a colonists shoulder? I've tried looking for a harvest option, but I can't harvest shoulders. I also can't attach arms (I only mention this because Ultimate Overhaul let you fix shoulders by replacing arms, you could also make artificial bones with plasteel to fix shattered bones.)

I have Medicine 3, and have checked the Prosthetic Bench, Bionics Bench, and Organ Vat for a way to fix my colonists, but I've had no luck.

As a note, I have -NOT- upgraded to v.1.22 just yet (Only 1 version behind), but from the patch notes this isn't addressed.

TL:DR, Some jerk shot/cut my colonists shoulder off, and I can't find a way to fix him (Medical 3, checked Prosthetic Bench, Bionics Bench, and Organ Vat)

It's funny because the lore say they fought mech with heavy armor(siege armor)and shotgun(siege,again).Yeah,no,artificial and unfair difficulty is not fun,a lot of moder think it's,but it's not.(Like Misery for example,where you go up a cliff and instantly get one shoted by a grenade even while wearing the best armor)

Having one shot minigun centipede with a gigantic range is broken(other centipede are okay i think-maybe i did not see all of them)

Also,the fact peoples die instantly from random wound(not headshot) and not from reaching 0 hp.I mean,seriously,i killed a trumpoo by shooting at it,nothing got below 270 hp,and he fall dead,with only minor blood loss.The same,my bionic super soldier die from losing one lung instantly-or torso bruise-.

Quote from: Britnoth on December 17, 2015, 04:46:25 AM
Funny you say that. My last try with this modpack it did exactly end my game. Day 51 psychic ship popping out 1 centipede only.
I was a bit more lucky. It was later on in the game and an Ancient danger room I opened myself so I had time to save load and plan. And I had a desert eagle on the guy I was working with. At any rate, stone and metal walls last a lot longer than other walls. It takes a long time to wear down a centipede and feels like abusing the limited AI of the enemy. If you do it right he'll never relocate to a point where he could actually kill you easily. I didn't notice him repairing himself either.

Yeah,there's only one way to kill them,it's abusing the AI,it's not fun-again,it's like Misery-
Uh.They are broken(centipede) and antifun is this.Pinpoint accuracy and so much dmg&burst.