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Messages - Reviire

Quote from: grepet on August 25, 2016, 06:19:03 AM
I too am waiting for Federation and Feral to be updated to Combat Realism.. Wish you the best as you work on this!
I've sorta been putting it off because I got pissed off with something not working. I'll finish it at some point, just dunno when.
Quote from: Pax_Empyrean on August 20, 2016, 03:19:26 PM
What's the formula for armor damage reduction? I know it works on a flat reduction basis, but beyond that I really have no idea. What does "30%" mean in Combat Realism, for example?
I'm going completely off an assumption here, but I think the damage might be calculated with something like Damage x ((Armour - Penetration) / 100). Plus a deflection chance based on armor.
Quote from: DariusWolfe on August 16, 2016, 08:12:18 PM
Quote from: Reviire on August 16, 2016, 07:45:43 PMIt's only in modern times that walls have been an obsolete structure, because there are just no major threats that can be stopped with them. No one runs at our cities with swords and spears any more, and a wall isn't going to stop a plane or a bomb vest.

My fellow Soldiers and I are deeply grateful you're not in charge of planning the layouts of our COPs and FOBs in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Walls are most decidedly NOT an obsolete defensive structure. They're not used in our cities and towns because there is no reasonable expectation that we're going to be assaulted by an external force, and that is the sole reason. In any part of the world where there is active conflict, you can bet your ass that walls are absolutely everywhere.
I didn't know that you setup fortress-esque walls, forgive me, I don't live in a warzone, nor do I work in one.
Quote from: JT on August 17, 2016, 03:45:24 AM
I seem to recall that in an older A12 version of CR, all of the weapons had very long ranges with vanilla-like accuracy (i.e., very low), and it generally played out very poorly; there was too much exchanging of fire for absolutely no use, especially when hunting -- where pawns deliberately try to fire at maximum range.  So, count this as a vote against! =)

Since the tech is spacer level in general, I'd say just give everything a modifier to the base CR stats, e.g., "pistol" + 20, "rifle" + 20, etc. for each of the different weapon types.  So, for instance, the Lynx would have a range of 30, the GRM rifle would have a range of 87, etc.
I've just been giving everything double range. It seems to be alright for the most part.

On a related note, something is breaking and I don't know how to fix it. So this is fun.
Quote from: PotatoeTater on August 15, 2016, 10:29:55 AM
I think children should age normally, add that extra level of difficulty. I mean, in real life a child is a very big time taker and would be very hard to handle in a survival situation.
The game doesn't really play in that timeframe, though. It should be scaled with the rest of the game, and only take 4-7 years at most to reach adult-hood, or at least an age where they could become a functioning member of society.
Yea, if you don't want walls you'll need to just straight up remove enemies. It's only in modern times that walls have been an obsolete structure, because there are just no major threats that can be stopped with them. No one runs at our cities with swords and spears any more, and a wall isn't going to stop a plane or a bomb vest.

I mean, I guess there could be a different AI that's more of a "Village simulator". Something that sends much smaller raids that do not scale with time, since it's kinda silly when an 80 man siege drops in on your tiny little camp.

But back to the main point, we still need more incentives to build outside, and a pretty good one would be nerfing mortars, because you cannot counter them directly. Even endgame raid bullshit can be countered, even if with killboxes.
Quote from: Peng Qi on August 16, 2016, 05:57:53 AM
Why not just let raiders attack with poison gas? Heck, even primitives could just start a big fire at the entrance if smoke dangers were added to the game. Make the smoke spread faster onto tiles with a rock layer above them and spread very slowly to tiles with open sky above (average spread speed to roofed areas).

There's a reason ancient people built castles instead of digging big cave complexes.
That reason being the labor and planning required being much to high. You can throw up a castle much faster than you could dig one out.
Quote from: Kagemusha12 on August 15, 2016, 09:02:07 PM
Are there any colonist weapons that use the Scythers 5x35mm Charged Cartridges?

Charge Rifles use 6x24mm, so they seem to be useless for them ... therefore I currently wonder whether I should melt them or if there is some other weapon further down the tech tree (haven't reearched everything yet) that uses them
Specifically for the Scyther charge lance, IIRC. Melt them down.
But you're missing the point, current mortars are literally the same thing you are saying direct fire mortars will be. You're also wrong. Currently, mortars ignore all walls, and will cause heavy damage to an outside base, while doing absolutely nothing to a mountain base.

Direct fire siege weapons on the other hand, would be able to do something against mountain bases eventually. But they would also have reduced effectiveness on open bases, because if you prepare, you can counter them with perimeter walls. Just like an old castle wall being hit by a catapult.

I just don't understand how you can say this is worse, you can't be more wrong. You can't go from highly damaging weapon that ignores all defenses, to direct fire weapon that can be countered, and call it worse.
Quote from: b0rsuk on August 15, 2016, 05:35:53 AM
You know what would strike a big blow against fortress colonies (underground and above ground) ? Wall maintenance. Walls currently never deteriorate. If you can build Wall of China on your map, it will never need any repairs unless a sapper team breaks through.

Wall deterioration speed would depend on craftsmanship. An awful piece of wall would deteriorate faster than an excellent one. Pre-existing walls on the map would be assumed to be leftovers from great crafters (because everything else had already fallen into dust).

Currently Constructors have little to do in late game colonies because everything is already built. If walls deteriorated, they would constantly have work in a big base.
I wouldn't mind a very slow deterioration rate, at least for walls that aren't steel or plasteel. They very slowly lose hp, and you need to mark them for repair with a custom designation. It just can't be too fast, otherwise it'd just be a stupid mechanic for any base.
Ideas / Re: Fishing in deep water
August 15, 2016, 04:32:52 AM
This could probably be modded, as a building that can only be built on deep water tiles.
Quote from: Prowler on August 14, 2016, 01:50:59 PM
Quick question did you set ferals and federation (excluding conscript) to un-recruitible? Would make sense.
If I remember correctly, yes.  (EDIT: That may have been aimed towards Rooki, idk.)

To Dragon, thank you. I'll see if I can reproduce and fix the issue. As for the Tactical machinegun, it has the wrong projectile. Having a look, I think I know what the issue is, although I'm just guessing. Because the projectiles are classed as explosives, they can't actually hit the target. I probably can't fix this until Combat Realism gets fixed. I'll quickly upload the mod with Tactical machineguns fixed, though.

Mod order:

EDIT: Ok so I'll probably re-upload it later tonight. I'll most likely be able to fix the whole thing where Federation weapons can't hit their target, I think I know why they're doing it. But maybe not, because apparently it won't start because I left the ferals half done. I guess I'll finish up on their ammo stuff, and upload it tomorrow.

What do you guys think of this idea? Give all weapons long range, say 150 tiles. So all weapons will be able to fire at the same range, but some will be completely and utterly ineffective. A few exceptions, such as shotguns.
Releases / Re: Rimsenal
August 14, 2016, 01:30:49 AM
Quote from: Dragontamer on August 14, 2016, 12:45:41 AM
Hey I'd love to see a fully fledged and functional version of Rimsenal that works with Combat Realism.

I grabbed that mod Reviire posted and I've been playing it. It's very enjoyable but the accuracy on some of the weapons is just... it needs work. I have a character with 15 shooting using a Crucible Precision Rifle and she can not hit the broad side of a poison ship from 5 tiles away - she literally shot herself after about 59 attempts. As a matter of fact, I've never seen her or the federation pawns that use that rifle hit ANYTHING. It's laughable at the moment, it makes a nice explosion and sounds awesome but it is just so... inaccurate. Some of the shard based weapons have the same problem but the fire rate is much faster so, eventually, one of those shots hits something. I know you mentioned that you didn't know how to balance accuracy properly, but it seems that accuracy needs serious work right now. Still love it though.

I like that you're working on making rimsenal work with combat realism though, please do keep that up. I'll post more issues I find as I find them.
Well, I haven't actually touched weapon accuracy yet. All weapons currently have identical accuracy. But input from people helps. Although for future reference, I'd like input on both their automatic fire accuracy, and their single fire accuracy. Automatic fire is subject to recoil, which has it's own value. So, I can both increase their general accuracy, and I can also decrease their recoil.

Thanks for your input anyhow! I'll probably re-upload the mod later tonight. EDIT: I said that, but I didn't do much. Ferals are partly done though.

Another edit: Are you sure it was the precision rifle? I just looked, the intercessor has better stats than the standard sniper rifle. Bions have the same aim stats as Mechanoids. More feedback would be appreciated.
Quote from: Exende on August 13, 2016, 10:29:11 AM
Random question:  Are hash collisions a bad thing?  Because I am playing with the error and thus far have no adverse effects that I am aware of.  I know the error is because of me changing the mod order of CR
Errors in general are generally bad.
Quote from: Kegereneku on August 13, 2016, 05:52:26 AM
Changing AI-tactic against Mountain-base is one thing, but I would rather have them use non-extermination method. Like setting crops/base on fire, or stealing anything they can go away with. (I wish a raider would use EMP on a turret... and STEAL THE TURRET)

Direct-fire Mortar-cannon" would worsen the problem, I don't see why you would think otherwise.
It would basically act as a fixed-rocket launcher with easy ammo and utterly destroy any non-fortress base, making the only way to play would be to build one or several ablative walls perimeters (or game the system by building those just in front of their "cannon", if you can't have a guy to bait their fire). No rework like limited range or small-impact explosion would prevent that.
So how would this be worse than explosives that completely ignore walls and blow up your buildings anyway? I don't understand how you came to this conclusion.