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Messages - qurffe

Quote from: DoctorVanGogh on July 15, 2018, 06:02:49 PM
Quote from: qurffe on July 15, 2018, 04:56:55 PM
Hi, using the "unstable" version of Extended Storage and it has little problem when i load a save, it spits everything from storage all around, even destroying walls if there is not enough space in stockpile.
Please upload savegame someplace and give a link. That sounds like a nasty issue to reproduce and needs a bit more of a look.

Here is the link:

also tested a little and it happens whenewer i have other mods or just extended storage enabled,
also on Load it throws a lot of yellow errors of type: "Trying to get valid region at (116, 0, 146) but RegionAndRoomUpdater is disabled. The result may be incorrect.", they just have different coordinates, i would assume its where it spits the resource at

Did 1 more little test, it has nothing to do with rooms or stockpiles, it just spawns the resources around the storage. Same behaviour like if you would try to spawn resources via Dev option on the same tile, except that it actually destroys anything that is in the way
Hi, using the "unstable" version of Extended Storage and it has little problem when i load a save, it spits everything from storage all around, even destroying walls if there is not enough space in stockpile.
Releases / Re: [A17]DESurgeries - 7/7/17
October 24, 2017, 10:45:44 AM
No herbal means you cant use Herbal medicine... and you have to use something better.
Outdated / Re: [A14] Community Core Library v0.14.1
August 07, 2016, 12:09:46 PM
Quote from: Havan_IronOak on August 07, 2016, 12:05:02 PM

Is this related to why I'm seeing two techs, Research Locker and Hide that both have themselves as prerequisites? I don't recall seeing them before in any of my other play-throughs. Though I am using a different combination of mods this time out.

I see those only when i have Dev mode ON, if you turn it off they are not there anymore.
Quote from: RandMckikas on August 03, 2016, 02:06:49 PM
Not sure if its already been fixed or not but when making vancidium the ingredient list says 1 gold but requires 20 gold, version 1.71

That is not a bug. Gold is small resource so it requires 20x more. its even written in the bill tab itself.
i am personally using work tabs 1.0.2 since all the newer ones dont really work for me
1.0.3 doent eve nlet me get through map gen to picking colonists
1.0.4 throws error every time i try to randomize guy (have to close the error message and click again for every random i try)
Didnt you just open "ancient danger" room?
Quote from: sefin_88 on July 31, 2016, 08:44:53 AM
I dont know if this is working as intended but the Extended storage *half works*.  When I say that I mean 50 food items stack on one side of the tray but not on the other.  The same goes for the pallets, food basket, skiff and fabric hamper (havent tested the others yet.)  While its still a vast improvement over vanilla storage rooms.  Im not sure if its the way its designed to be.  Here is a picture of the food and basket storage.

It is designed that 1 structure for 1 type of resource, so you need to set what resource you want in there, and it works by moving the resource from one tile to the other, until it hits the limit so you will always have a lot on 1 side and normal stack of resource on the other. (something like 900 steel/75 steel on skip for example) That is how it was made to work.
Quote from: Igan on July 30, 2016, 01:43:34 PM
Those vents and coolers mod are just graphical, right?
It is safe to put them in A14 or they really need tweaks to work today?

They are not just graphical and they certainly do not work.
General Discussion / Re: Gut Worms
July 30, 2016, 10:43:53 AM
Quote from: Naeem on July 30, 2016, 10:32:13 AM
Today 2 of my colonists got gut worms. I was just wondering does this go away or is it permanent? If it is Ill kill them I swear!

Its just one of the diseases you can get, they will go away but it takes time and medicine.
Quote from: RaginCajun on July 30, 2016, 09:37:13 AM
Must be related to tech levels of your starting pawns I guess but one world I had the stove right away and current world I only have the fuel burning stove but don't see any research that specifically unlocks the electric stove.  I have electricity, coolers set up, solar generators, etc.  Just no electric cooking source.

Well maybe you are using mods? They do change all kind of stuff.... Vegetable garden for one changes it so you need to research something before you get electric stove.
Quote from: skullywag on July 30, 2016, 06:47:01 AM
ok storage is updated, i fixed the detour (dont ask).

Im just gonna go outside and scream now....excuse me...


When i click on extended storage the name that pop ups on github is ExtendedFabrics-1.8, but the downloaded filed is ExtendedStorage, might want to fix that. :D
Quote from: eberkain on July 28, 2016, 06:36:11 PM
Anyone else getting this problem with the Embrasures being very dark, I've been trying to debug and fix this for about an hour and I think I give up.  Screenshot is a steel embrasure with a steel wall, plus the icons are really dark, but I can live with that.

I dont think that is bug, but the actual way they look.
I am using forums right now, i will try to check it myself tomorrow, maybe its something strange beetwen mods i am using.

Did some small amount of testing and i can confirm that any Enemy siege i spawned with mercs did not construct mortars and such, BUT when i spawned friendlies siege event (helping through siege tactics) with merc faction they did construct stuff. Output_log is not throwing any related errors at all.
My mod list:

Interesting, tried it today and they work normally, so no idea. Propably just something in how exactly did i do my mod order or something but whatever it seems to work just fine now ....
I think i got interesting bug, i got siege from mercenery faction and for some reason they didnt attempt to build anything, they just stood there for days, doing nothing and after some time they went aggro and attacked my base.