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Messages - Drusek

Quote from: skullywag on August 09, 2016, 03:07:33 PM
confused if your building them physically ON the wall tile then the light will go both sides.
I prefer that than cables sticking from the wall :)

Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on August 09, 2016, 03:20:36 PM
Quote from: Drusek on August 09, 2016, 01:21:13 PM
Additional Lightnings - wall lights can't really be build IN the walls in this mod... I have edited textures so now I can build them in the walls without those ugly cables sticking outside connecting to nothing. Attaching the files.

Sorry if do realize this, but just in case... Are you attempting to build them in constructed walls or into the unmined rock walls? Rock walls you can not build anything into them. With constructed walls, you can.
On(in) constructed walls. By saying they can't be build in walls I meant then won't look correct when you do that.
Additional Lightnings - wall lights can't really be build IN the walls in this mod... I have edited textures so now I can build them in the walls without those ugly cables sticking outside connecting to nothing. Attaching the files.

[attachment deleted by admin - too old]
Quote from: Drusek on August 07, 2016, 11:55:07 AM
There is ExtendedSurgery from Skullywag - you can remove some body parts using that. One of them are pelvis and spine - removing on of those also keeps your prisoners in bed ;)
Can i ask you if you use DESurgeries AND ExtendedSurgery without bugs/errors/duplicates ? you know just searching for bugs BEFORE they bother y'all :p
Yes I was using both and didn't notice any problems/weird stuff/etc.
There is ExtendedSurgery from Skullywag - you can remove some body parts using that. One of them are pelvis and spine - removing on of those also keeps your prisoners in bed ;)
I have a bug with taming (probably also training) animals. First if my pawn can't carry all that food it throws "10 action" error on pickup. Second when pawn can carry it he just picks it up and immediately put it back on the floor.
On reddit someone posted that you need to only remove
and you keep the reloading.
That was for weapons, not sure if it will work for turrets.
1. Start new world and build quarry, save.
2. Open that save and your current save in text editor. (Backup your current save first)
3. Search for "quarry" in both of them and compare the differences. Obviously ID of the quarry and placement will be different but there might be something else missing. Add that from new world save.
Outdated / Re: [A14] Colony Manager
July 28, 2016, 12:04:39 PM
Quote from: eberkain on July 28, 2016, 11:56:14 AM
Quote from: Drusek on July 28, 2016, 11:47:57 AM
I have a suggestion: to allow to unrestrict forbidden corpses and items. For example when animal dies for some reason somewhere I want the manager to unrestrict it so my pawn will bring it. Or a supply drops somewhere. Or someone dies somewhere and leaves items on the ground.

I'm pretty sure there is already a setting to unrestrict animal corpses in the hunting job.

It actually never unrestricted any animal corpse for me. But I only have 2 animals selected - not all - don't want to hunt all the animals.
Outdated / Re: [A14] Colony Manager
July 28, 2016, 11:47:57 AM
I have a suggestion: to allow to unrestrict forbidden corpses and items. For example when animal dies for some reason somewhere I want the manager to unrestrict it so my pawn will bring it. Or a supply drops somewhere. Or someone dies somewhere and leaves items on the ground.
Yes Im using that version.
After 1h of playing withour Work Tab I started getting that error again.
This should show it:
I was still sometimes getting conglomerate and errors on deconstructing Quarry - only disabling Fluffy's Work Tab mod fixed all that...
Any way to remove bionic parts from dead bodies without using dll?
Mods / [REQUEST] Removing bionic parts from bodies
July 27, 2016, 09:11:14 AM
A mod that allows of removing not destroyed/damaged bionic parts from dead bodies.
One minor issue when I use Colony Manager and Work Tab  - there is no manage work in detailed priorities work tab.
You can turn gravel into sand at stonecutters tables. Im not sure if every map has gravel but if not then you can turn chunks to gravel.