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Messages - PhileasFogg

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I love this movie - if it's appropriate to talk about "love" considering the message of this movie (capitalistic destruction of nature and, at least, of humanity itself).

So I tweaked this mod a bit to, first, align it more with the movie and, second, reduce the OPness of this mod - at least a bit:
- There aren't Soylent Cola and Soylent Medicine anymore. You can produce "Soylent Blue" (Animal Meat), "Soylent Purple" (Insect Meat), "Soylent Red" (Fruits & Vegetables) and "Soylent Yellow" (Animal Products) instead.
- You need to butcher the corpses (humans, insects and other animals) before you can "transfer" the meat into the corresponding "Soylent Type". So you will have some mood debuff.
- You can only process five pieces of ressource per action. So production time has been gone up quite a lot.
- Additionally "Soylent Products" aren't that OP anymore: one junk of meat / fruit / vegetable will be one piece of Soylent; Nutrition was reduced from 0.15 to 0.05.
- "Soylent Products" will rot eventually. But before they will last very long - even longer than pemmican (50% longer). And if you refrigate them, they will theoretically last forever.
- Research costs have been increased and electricity has been integrated as a research prerequesition.

But I also integrated some simplifications (and so raised the OPness of this mod):
- All "Soylent Products" will stack up to 500 items per tile.
- There is an additional research step: "Advanced Soylent Production". After researching that, you can mass produce all "Soylent Products" (100 pieces instead of five, at a 35% reduced production time). Also you will be able to produce "Survival Meals" out of "Soylent Products" and/or pemmican (at a higher ressource cost than regular "Survival Meal" production).

Download: Soylent Production


Good evening, Dragoon.

Could you be so kind and specify, which vanilla stats get changed?
This would help me a lot in finding and deleting them.
Thank you very much.


Good day, ladies and gentlemen.

It seems that LewisDTC hasn't been arround for quite some time. So I updated his mod for Alpha 17. To be honest: I increased targetVersion.
And fixed some minor bugs, put prerequesites into some research projects and rebalanced the research costs (most often: increased the costs).

DTC Weapon Expansion - Firearms 2.2
DTC Weapon Expansion - Melee 2.1
DTC Weapon Expansion - Misc 2.1


Outdated / Re: [A17] Organized Research Tab v1.0.3
June 04, 2017, 05:11:56 AM
Thank you very much, SpaceDorf!
And, of course, Lazevedo. :)