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Messages - just_a_random

General Discussion / Re: [B18] Coldest or Hottest Seeds!
November 19, 2017, 05:26:00 PM
this sounds interesting, but probably would be better if you used celsius degrees, because most of the world uses them, nobody outside USA uses Fº.
but great post
bucause i found out that apes from rimword of the apes dont get their blood back, i decided to make a list of species that are compatible with the blood mechanic and that are not
compatible : so far Orassans, Apini, all of the included in the xen's races thread and crystalloid
not compatible: all of the apes races from walkingproblem
my intention isn't to critisice anyone but to provide information
for what i know, the orasans dont have this problem, haven't tested other races yet
fantastic mod, but i found one small compatibility issue, when a vampire from jecrell's vampire mod drains blood from the apes, they dont get it back, so now my smart ass chutulu preacher orangutan only has half of his blood :(
hi, im having two small problems, and i don´t know if they are intended or bugs, 1st my converted vampire (prisioner i gave vampirism) doesnt move from the sun when starts getting burned so i have him incapacitated half of the time. 2nd when one of the vampires enters on The Beast doesnt move just stands there.
19. Put a turret at the exit form prision because you want no fugitives?
That living batteri mod is very useful, finally a use for those useless prisioners.
also is that inspired by matrix?
Sad, this mod was very promising, hope your situation gets better
Releases / Re: [A17] GHXX's Tech Advancing (1.7.5)
August 27, 2017, 07:18:01 AM
One little doubt, how does this mod interact with reapetable researches? like the succesful cults ressearch from rim of madnes cults mod