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Messages - Ink.

Mods / [Mod Request] Raiders with no weapons
September 27, 2019, 08:41:59 PM

Does anyone know of any mods that make enemies spawn with no weapons at all? Better yet, one where I can make it so they might only and very rarely spawn with a knife or pistol (say 3 of 30 raiders would have one)?

Planning on a playthrough that is just a bunch of fists and beating the crap out of each other.

If such a mod doesn't exist, is it possible to create/modify one of the original factions to only use specific gear and set the likelihood that they spawn with them?
Mods / [Mod Request] Weapon Flashlights
September 17, 2019, 02:08:37 PM
Is it possible to have a wearable/usable item that also illuminates light around it as it moves? Ideal implementation being something like a weapon flashlight?

I play with realistic darkness on and sometimes rooms and stuff are very dark. Perhaps there could be a way to equip a pawn with a weapon flashlight so when he clears a room he can illuminate it and I can better see inside of it?
Quote from: Wanderer_joins on September 14, 2019, 04:18:36 AM
@Ink. it means when an experienced colonist die, the raid discount is more important than when a rookie dies. An experienced colonist may weight as much as 3 times as a rookie colonist. They gain experience in battles.

That is awesome. I really like that idea compared to basing off wealth. I like the idea that you could have a complete badass that they just send hordes to try to take down.

Is that experience that the pawns gain in battle visible anywhere or is it all hidden for the storyteller to use and manipulate?
CP, now seeing that you've figured out a decent way to get helicopters and aircraft into the game, any chance of bringing a motorcycle into the (Rim)World? Such as the HD Fat Boy in Terminator 2 or the HD chopper from Easy Rider? Nothing says badass more than a killer on a motorcycle.
This sounds like a neat story-teller. I always disliked the way raids were based on wealth and more colonists = stronger raids so that'll be interesting.

You mentioned that "She'll adapt much more significant to the death of experienced colonists or when your best shots are on the roads" and I was wondering what that means exactly?
Quote from: rawrfisher on May 20, 2019, 03:31:36 AM
I'm fairly certain Ballistic shield would be a CE thing.

Makes sense to me. I'll post there.

By the way, CP, Last Man Mercs + Zombieland mod is some quality 'badass raider organized militant group' immersion. Plus I love the Glock in the mod, once it's CE compatible it'll be my go to for sure.
Hey CP, quick question because I've found what appears to be a bug but I can't be certain if it what produces it comes from one of your mods or CE itself. Anyway, the question being: does Rimmu-nation Clothing and/or weapons introduce a ballistic shield or is that a CE thing?

Because if it is, I'm not sure if you know or not but I've discovered recently that when you give your colonists a bionic arm (whether it be vanilla or EPOE), they no longer can wear ballistic shields as it says they're missing a required body part. I'm not sure if ballistic shields come from you or CE, so I figure I'd mention here before CE.
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on May 17, 2019, 09:06:49 PM
CE adds the loadout interface to the assign tab. If one of your mods is doing something weird to it it'll conflict.

Yep. But that's where I'm drawing a blank as I've disabled the only mod I knew of that modified that tab and I had the same issue. So I'm trying to determine what else would be using it.

Edit - I've found what it was. It was actually 'Better Pawn Control'. Which is odd because I'm incredibly certain that has been used with CE even recently, but who knows why it all broke. I found I hardly used the different policy features anyway versus the combat mechanics.

Appreciate the info and brainstorming help!
Quote from: NoImageAvailable on May 17, 2019, 06:24:27 PM
Quote from: Ink. on May 17, 2019, 11:43:39 AM

Unless the versions are labelled diff, looks like. I've always kept it just to auto update via workshop.

E - My game was showing I had an older version of CE, so I switched to it just to see. A lot of errors went away and an issue I was having stopped happening. Still some errors but it's info. Simple Sidearms does not work at all for me now, when before it used to to some degree.

If you want to make sure you have the latest release, grab the one off of GitHub. There's a couple Steam releases that are now deprecated.

Gotcha. Less errors on start up now, but still some issues. Particularly the most noticeable one, the main issue I've been dealing with no matter what CE version I'm on, is that my assign tab does not work. It doesn't open and spawns an error in my debug log on pressing. I had this before with CE (which is why I disabled it then). I think there's a conflict between one of my mods and CE. I'll try to remove a few and see what happens, cause I think I have an idea. Either way, here's a log with the error in case it sparks anything.

Unless the versions are labelled diff, looks like. I've always kept it just to auto update via workshop.

E - My game was showing I had an older version of CE, so I switched to it just to see. A lot of errors went away and an issue I was having stopped happening. Still some errors but it's info. Simple Sidearms does not work at all for me now, when before it used to to some degree.

Sadly I've been running into issues and I'm trying to find out what's causing it. I've manually removed and tested for over 20 mods and still keep launching with errors and then having things not work right. Reading through my debug log hasn't been helpful as I can't make much sense of the errors or what's causing them. So here they are and my mod list. If anyone has an idea of what the issue might be. I was running a pretty similar config to this before and it worked, so I can't see what's breaking it now when everything I remove doesn't seem to fix.

Thank you if anyone can help me narrow this down. I miss using CE.
Hi there. I've actually found the Hediffs_Local_Infections xml but not sure if I can do it here.

Basically, I just want to make it so that certain diseases (i.e. gut worms) last forever, but have a much rarer chance of spawning. Thus making them a permanent condition, IF in the off chance one of your colonists gain them. Any ideas where/what I should be looking to edit?
Hey NoImageAvailable. I have a quick question.

We can modify the suppressability stat when starting a new colony/gamemode. How does this work? I assume it just changes the threshold for how likely someone is going to get suppressed.

The reason I ask is because I love using CE, but I find my pawns just get suppressed way too damn easy. I get that nobody wants to die, but the level 16 ex-military shooter can probably guess that if he just hunkers down where he's at, he's as good as dead anyway so he's got to take the risk and run away for safety. A few 9mm bullets is not a reason to stop in your tracks and let the horde rush you.

Is there any way to like, force my colonists to push through the gunfire and keep moving?
Releases / Re: [1.0] Death Rattle (2018-10-30)
December 30, 2018, 05:35:39 PM
Question: I keep having situations where someones neck gets blasted in a firefight causing oxygen deprivation. I provide them first aid to patch it and get them to my hospital, but they still end up dying. Is there anything I can do to stop this? Their lungs are fine. Case in point this colonist just has a severely damaged neck and therefore is about to die.
Hey Mehni, I'm sure this has been asked before but I've never seen the response. Is there any way to get a totals section of the Numbers tab per column. While it may be an issue for things such as equipment, simple numeric values such as kills would be easier and quite useful. Just for the sake of metrics and ease of use.

Can do it manually, but when you reach ~20 active combatants in double or triple digit kills, it's a bit time consuming and tedious to do.