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Messages - E-102

Releases / Re: [1.0] Psychology (2018-11-18)
September 11, 2019, 05:23:48 AM
There appears to be no psych tab for the mod. I am running RimHUD though but it says on steam that it's compatible. I've asked the RimHUD modder about this as well. Even in dev mode I can see the psych tab I also can press the button that brings up the sliders. Weirdly enough my pawns are never having elections or any social eents like parties as well but I do only have two pawns so maybe that's the issue idk. Thanks for the great mod btw!
I love the mod! But there appears to be no psych tab for on the RimHUD for the psychology mod. Also in dev mode there no button to change the psychology value sliders.
Quote from: Canute on September 10, 2019, 05:35:27 AM
I don't know all mods, but i don't see why it shouldn't work.
But you should move the bridge mod at the end of the modlist and check it again.
Thanks a lot for the reply I'll give that a go.
Quote from: Canute on September 10, 2019, 03:22:41 AM
I have no problem's to build steel (or other) wall's on heavy bridges.
You wrote "on some" does that mean you can build at some bridges but then not at other ?
Or you can't generelly build on them ?
I can't seem to build a wall on any of the advanced bridges.
    <li>Vegetable Garden</li>
    <li>prison labour</li>
    <li>705924057 Xeva's Rimhair</li>
    <li>725447220 Spoons Hair Mod</li>
    <li>727687246 Nackblad Inc Rimhair</li>
    <li>Lovely Hair Style</li>
    <li>RF - Fertile Fields</li>
    <li>RF - Realistic Planets</li>
    <li>1211694919 Nature's Pretty Sweet</li>
    <li>1478936958 More Vanilla Turrets 1.0</li>
    <li>1516356320 More Vanilla Turrets - Turret Extensions Patch</li>
    <li>RF - Advanced Bridges</li>
    <li>RF - Fishing</li>
    <li>RF - Rumor Has It</li>
    <li>VGP CoffeeTeaDrugs</li>
    <li>VGP_More Veggies</li>
    <li>VGP_Soylent Production</li>
    <li>933324235 Hardworking animals 1.0</li>
    <li>SafelyHiddenAway - Release</li>
    <li>SmartMedicine - Release</li>
    <li>TD Enhancement Pack - Release</li>
    <li>1508341791 [FSF] Rain Washes Away Filth</li>
    <li>1541978411 Veinminer R1.0</li>
    <li>Replace Stuff - Release</li>
    <li>1557850280 Less Default Hair</li>
    <li>1500981707 Harvest Everything!</li>
    <li>1207934602 ameiro anime hairs for 1.0 (female)</li>
    <li>725949967 Rimsenal - Rimhair</li>
Releases / Re: [1.0] Rainbeau's Mods
September 09, 2019, 11:29:02 PM
Quote from: dburgdorf on October 14, 2018, 05:49:38 PM

Last update: 12/05/2018

"Advanced Bridges," as the name so subtly suggests, allows you to build bridges which are, well, a bit more advanced than those available in vanilla RimWorld. (Well, technically, you could also create piers or even a boardwalk. It's really up to you.) All you need is wood, stone or metal. And a bit of extra steel for reinforcement if you're building over deep water. (Yes, this mod allows you to build bridges over deep water as well as over shallow water.)

Light bridges (built from wood) require no special research, and support light construction, so you can, for example, use a light bridge to run a power conduit across a river. Heavy bridges (those built from stone or metal) do require research, but will support heavy construction, so you can actually place walls on them.

NOTE: "Advanced Bridges" does not disable construction of default vanilla bridges, so you can actually use both types of bridges on your maps if you so desire. But you won't be able to build vanilla bridges over deep river water, and won't be able to place walls over them. (In other words, they'll function just like the mod's light bridges.)

- Rainbeau Flambe (dburgdorf)

Steam Workshop Link

Dropbox Link


"Advanced Bridges" can safely be added to a game in progress, but if you try to remove it from a game in which you've actually built any bridges, you will of course make the map unplayable.

The mod should be compatible with any mods that add additional water tiles to the game, so long as those mods have assigned the "bridgeable" affordance to those water tiles.

There seem to be some issues when using "Advanced Bridges" together with Jec's "Doors Expanded." I haven't tracked down the cause yet, but if a boardwalk or bridge is built under a large door or gate, the door will (not always, but sometimes) stop working properly. Doors seem to work fine if built on top of existing bridges or boardwalks, though, so if you must build a large door on top of a bridge or boardwalk, make sure to place the bridge or boardwalk first. But to be perfectly safe, try to avoid putting such doors on bridges or boardwalks at all.

If you want to be able to catch fish from your bridges, you'll need to utilize an additional mod to add that capability. Obviously, I'd recommend my own "Fishing," though it's not the only option.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you remove bridge tiles with dev tools, or "minify" them to move them (which isn't possible in vanilla, but might be thanks to other mods), you will end up with problematic "pseudo" terrain tiles on your map where the bridges used to be. Please don't do this! If you need to remove a bridge tile, deconstruct it properly!


The code in "Advanced Bridges" borrows a bit from Sulusdacor's "[sd] Bridges" mod. And obviously, the mods are very similar on a conceptual level.

The traditional Chinese language files were provided by Steam user Alane. The simplified Chinese language translation files were provided by Steam user kghostSATORI. The Japanese language files were provided by Proxyer.

I can't seem to build walls on the heavy briges from this mod. I'm not sure what the issue is. I'm trying to build steel walls on some steel heavy bridges. Whenever I try to build it says terrain type medium required.
Releases / Re: [1.0] [KV] Faction Control [ModSync RW]
September 07, 2019, 11:18:22 AM
Quote from: kaonasi on May 10, 2019, 03:30:58 PM
For some reason doesn't even seem to show up in mod options tab.
I was using the github version and it didn't show up but it showed up with the direct download version from the first page.
Releases / Re: [1.0] [KV] Faction Control [ModSync RW]
September 07, 2019, 11:13:37 AM
Quote from: kaonasi on May 10, 2019, 03:30:58 PM
For some reason doesn't even seem to show up in mod options tab.
It doesn't show up for me either

When I clear the log I get an infinite number of these:
Root level exception in Update(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.KeyBindingDef.get_JustPressed () <0x00029>
at Verse.ScreenshotTaker.Update () <0x00043>
at Verse.UIRoot.UIRootUpdate () <0x0001c>
at Verse.UIRoot_Entry.UIRootUpdate () <0x0001c>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root.Update_Patch1 (object) <0x0015b>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
I've tried to isolate the mod causing the issue and it started after adding some mods that add hair and change the default hair of spawned pawns. But when I ran just those mods it worked fine and them a different mod cause the reset of my modlist to just core so I'm truly stumped. I'm going to post modlists of when its been working and when the error appears. The I'll also post the hugslib log file. Hopefully someone can show me the steps I need to take to correct this.

<li>Giddy-up! Core</li>
<li>Allow Tool</li>
<li>Mod Manager</li>
<li>Remote Tech</li>
<li>Dubs Mint Menus</li>
<li>Dubs Skylights</li>
<li>Dubs Bad Hygiene</li>
<li>RT Fuse</li>
<li>RT Solar Flare Shield</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Battle Mounts</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Caravan</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Ride and Roll</li>
<li>Animal Tab</li>
<li>Colony Manager</li>
<li>Fluffy Breakdowns</li>
<li>Follow Me</li>
<li>Work Tab</li>
<li>Research Tree</li>

Working12: (no red errors only yellow errors mostly -> "<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated")
<li>Giddy-up! Core</li>
<li>Humanoid Alien Races 2.0</li>
<li>Doors Expanded</li>
<li>Locks (DoorsExpanded)</li>
<li>EdB Prepare Carefully</li>
<li>Mod Manager</li>
<li>VGP Vegetable Garden</li>
<li>More Vanilla Turrets 1.0</li>
<li>[XND] Turret Extensions</li>
<li>More Vanilla Turrets - Turret Extensions Patch</li>
<li>Miscellaneous 'CORE'</li>
<li>[sd] goodnight</li>
<li>Xeva's Rimhair</li>
<li>Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering</li>
<li>Alpha Animals</li>
<li>A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics</li>
<li>VGP Garden Canning</li>
<li>VGP Garden Gourmet</li>
<li>VGP Garden Dyes</li>
<li>VGP Garden Fabrics</li>
<li>VGP Soylent Production</li>
<li>VGP Garden Resources</li>
<li>VGP Garden Medicine</li>
<li>[sd] luciferium production</li>
<li>VGP More Veggies</li>
<li>VGP Garden Tools</li>
<li>VGP Garden Drinks</li>
<li>VGP Xtra Trees and Flowers</li>
<li>VGP Bulk Garden Drinks</li>
<li>Misc. MAI</li>
<li>Misc. Robots</li>
<li>Misc. Weapon Repair</li>
<li>Misc. TurretBase, Objects</li>
<li>Misc. Incidents</li>
<li>Misc. Bees'n'Honey</li>
<li>Misc. Training</li>
<li>Misc. Endgame</li>
<li>Better Pawn Control</li>
<li>Pick Up And Haul</li>
<li>More Faction Interaction</li>
<li>RT Fuse</li>
<li>Allow Tool</li>
<li>Mad Skills</li>
<li>Remote Tech</li>
<li>Dubs Mint Menus</li>
<li>Dubs Skylights</li>
<li>Dubs Bad Hygiene</li>
<li>Prison Labor</li>
<li>RT Solar Flare Shield</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Battle Mounts</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Caravan</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Ride and Roll</li>
<li>[RF] Realistic Planets [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0]</li>
<li>[KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0</li>
<li>[KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0</li>
<li>[RF] Fertile Fields [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Fishing [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Advanced Bridges [1.0]</li>
<li>Animal Tab</li>
<li>Colony Manager</li>
<li>Fluffy Breakdowns</li>
<li>Follow Me</li>
<li>Work Tab</li>
<li>Research Tree</li>
<li>Veinminer R1.0</li>
<li>Stack XXL</li>
<li>Spoons Hair Mod</li>
<li>More Random Seeds</li>
<li>Replace Stuff</li>
<li>Prepare Landing</li>
<li>Harvest Everything!</li>
<li>Interaction Bubbles</li>
<li>Hardworking animals 1.0</li>
<li>[1.0] Luci heals more!</li>
<li>Nackblad Inc Rimhair</li>

<li>Mod Manager</li>
<li>Nature's Pretty Sweet</li>
<li>Glitter Tech</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Core</li>
<li>Humanoid Alien Races 2.0</li>
<li>Doors Expanded</li>
<li>Locks (DoorsExpanded)</li>
<li>EdB Prepare Carefully</li>
<li>VGP Vegetable Garden</li>
<li>More Vanilla Turrets 1.0</li>
<li>[XND] Turret Extensions</li>
<li>More Vanilla Turrets - Turret Extensions Patch</li>
<li>Miscellaneous 'CORE'</li>
<li>[sd] goodnight</li>
<li>Xeva's Rimhair</li>
<li>Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering</li>
<li>Alpha Animals</li>
<li>A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics</li>
<li>VGP Garden Canning</li>
<li>VGP Garden Gourmet</li>
<li>VGP Garden Dyes</li>
<li>VGP Garden Fabrics</li>
<li>VGP Soylent Production</li>
<li>VGP Garden Resources</li>
<li>VGP Garden Medicine</li>
<li>[sd] luciferium production</li>
<li>VGP More Veggies</li>
<li>VGP Garden Tools</li>
<li>VGP Garden Drinks</li>
<li>VGP Xtra Trees and Flowers</li>
<li>VGP Bulk Garden Drinks</li>
<li>Misc. MAI</li>
<li>Misc. Robots</li>
<li>Misc. Weapon Repair</li>
<li>Misc. TurretBase, Objects</li>
<li>Misc. Incidents</li>
<li>Misc. Bees'n'Honey</li>
<li>Misc. Training</li>
<li>Misc. Endgame</li>
<li>Better Pawn Control</li>
<li>Pick Up And Haul</li>
<li>More Faction Interaction</li>
<li>RT Fuse</li>
<li>Allow Tool</li>
<li>Mad Skills</li>
<li>Remote Tech</li>
<li>Dubs Mint Menus</li>
<li>Dubs Skylights</li>
<li>Dubs Bad Hygiene</li>
<li>Prison Labor</li>
<li>RT Solar Flare Shield</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Battle Mounts</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Caravan</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Ride and Roll</li>
<li>[RF] Realistic Planets [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0]</li>
<li>[KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0</li>
<li>[KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0</li>
<li>[RF] Fertile Fields [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Fishing [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Advanced Bridges [1.0]</li>
<li>Animal Tab</li>
<li>Colony Manager</li>
<li>Fluffy Breakdowns</li>
<li>Follow Me</li>
<li>Work Tab</li>
<li>Research Tree</li>
<li>Veinminer R1.0</li>
<li>Stack XXL</li>
<li>Spoons Hair Mod</li>
<li>More Random Seeds</li>
<li>Replace Stuff</li>
<li>Prepare Landing</li>
<li>Harvest Everything!</li>
<li>Interaction Bubbles</li>
<li>Hardworking animals 1.0</li>
<li>[1.0] Luci heals more!</li>
<li>Nackblad Inc Rimhair</li>

only red error is TKKN_SmoothedLavaRock and TKKN_LavaRock both smooth to TKKN_SmoothedLavaRock
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
<li>Mod Manager</li>
<li>Safely Hidden Away</li>
<li>Nature's Pretty Sweet</li>
<li>Glitter Tech</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Core</li>
<li>Questionable Ethics Enhanced</li>
<li>Snap Out!</li>
<li>Animals Logic</li>
<li>[KV] Change Dresser - 1.0</li>
<li>Bad People</li>
<li>Humanoid Alien Races 2.0</li>
<li>Various Space Ship Chunk</li>
<li>Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack</li>
<li>Doors Expanded</li>
<li>Locks (DoorsExpanded)</li>
<li>EdB Prepare Carefully</li>
<li>VGP Vegetable Garden</li>
<li>More Vanilla Turrets 1.0</li>
<li>[XND] Turret Extensions</li>
<li>More Vanilla Turrets - Turret Extensions Patch</li>
<li>Miscellaneous 'CORE'</li>
<li>[sd] goodnight</li>
<li>Xeva's Rimhair</li>
<li>Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering</li>
<li>Alpha Animals</li>
<li>A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics</li>
<li>VGP Garden Canning</li>
<li>VGP Garden Gourmet</li>
<li>VGP Garden Dyes</li>
<li>VGP Garden Fabrics</li>
<li>VGP Soylent Production</li>
<li>VGP Garden Resources</li>
<li>VGP Garden Medicine</li>
<li>[sd] luciferium production</li>
<li>VGP More Veggies</li>
<li>VGP Garden Tools</li>
<li>VGP Garden Drinks</li>
<li>VGP Xtra Trees and Flowers</li>
<li>VGP Bulk Garden Drinks</li>
<li>Misc. MAI</li>
<li>Misc. Robots</li>
<li>Misc. Weapon Repair</li>
<li>Misc. TurretBase, Objects</li>
<li>Misc. Incidents</li>
<li>Misc. Bees'n'Honey</li>
<li>Misc. Training</li>
<li>Misc. Endgame</li>
<li>Better Pawn Control</li>
<li>Pick Up And Haul</li>
<li>More Faction Interaction</li>
<li>RT Fuse</li>
<li>Allow Tool</li>
<li>Mad Skills</li>
<li>Remote Tech</li>
<li>Dubs Mint Menus</li>
<li>Dubs Skylights</li>
<li>Dubs Bad Hygiene</li>
<li>Prison Labor</li>
<li>RT Solar Flare Shield</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Battle Mounts</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Caravan</li>
<li>Giddy-up! Ride and Roll</li>
<li>[RF] Realistic Planets [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0]</li>
<li>[KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0</li>
<li>[KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0</li>
<li>[RF] Fertile Fields [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Fishing [1.0]</li>
<li>[RF] Advanced Bridges [1.0]</li>
<li>Animal Tab</li>
<li>Colony Manager</li>
<li>Fluffy Breakdowns</li>
<li>Follow Me</li>
<li>Work Tab</li>
<li>Research Tree</li>
<li>Veinminer R1.0</li>
<li>Stack XXL</li>
<li>Spoons Hair Mod</li>
<li>More Random Seeds</li>
<li>Replace Stuff</li>
<li>Prepare Landing</li>
<li>Harvest Everything!</li>
<li>Interaction Bubbles</li>
<li>Hardworking animals 1.0</li>
<li>[1.0] Luci heals more!</li>
<li>Nackblad Inc Rimhair</li>
<li>Don't Shave Your Head 1.0</li>
<li>Less Default Hair</li>
<li>[SS]Lovely Hair Style</li>
<li>[sd] medicaddons</li>
<li>[FSF] Rain Washes Away Filth</li>
<li>Smart Medicine</li>
<li>Smart Speed</li>
<li>TD Enhancement Pack</li>

Added children and pregnancy mod and it died heres the log
its tto big and the share log button is gone!??!
I had unrecognised folders in my mod folder sorry.
The debug log is all yellow with mostly about target versions going from 1.0.0 to 1.0 but there are 3 red errors that are the same:

Unable to parse version string on mod  from Anonymous "Unknown"
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.ModMetaDataInternal:TryParseVersion(String, Boolean)

It happens on startup and when I go into mods. It only shows core is enable when I click mods.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Releases / Re: [1.0] Prepare Landing (v0.9.2)
March 20, 2019, 05:56:56 AM
This is a great mod I'd been searching for this for a while, but when I start a game in the AI Storyteller screen I get these two errors. As far as I know the mod still works though just wanted to report these errors:

[PrepareLanding] [postfix] RimWorld.PageUtility.StitchedPages: Found RimWorld.Page_SelectStartingSite.
Verse.Log:Message(String, Boolean)
PrepareLanding.Patches.PageUtilityPatch:PatchPage(Page, Dictionary`2, IDictionary`2)
RimWorld.Page_SelectScenario:BeginScenarioConfiguration(Scenario, Page)
RimWorld.Page:DoBottomButtons(Rect, String, String, Action, Boolean, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

not an error
[PrepareLanding] [postfix] StitchedPagesPostFix /!\ Error !!!! Required page not found /!\
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
RimWorld.Page_SelectScenario:BeginScenarioConfiguration(Scenario, Page)
RimWorld.Page:DoBottomButtons(Rect, String, String, Action, Boolean, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

[PrepareLanding] [postfix] StitchedPagesPostFix; Missing page type: RimWorld.Page_CreateWorldParams

...the rest of code for the secound error is the same as the stuff after the first.
Do you know why these errors are popping up? (Git report: (Never actually understood if this is useful or not but just to be safe))
Mods / Re: [(Modded)Error when generating world]
March 17, 2019, 09:41:39 AM
Quote from: XX|EBY|XX on March 17, 2019, 09:33:07 AM
I've been having the same issue I've searched on Youtube and the Ludeon forums and have yet to find an answer to this
I've literally been searching for the past 3 days and still no luck. I think my best bet is to either edit RCC to allow the use of Rimworld2150Win64.exe files or just add the mods one by one using this
I'm not sure how up to date it is though. What exactly do you do to get the error. What mods do you have? Maybe we can see mods we both have to narrow it down
When I try to generate world I get a list of errors and then it brings me back to the generate world screen. I've removed all the mods and then it worked so one of my mods are erroring up I've started to remove each mod one by one by it's taking me an age. If someone could tell me what the error means or point me in the general direction of what might be giving the error, whether it's world generation or pawn generation or something wrong with the mechanics? I know I've got the mod order right though because I used a massive public working mod list order to order it. I've also tried to used Rimworld Conflict Checker but it doesn't worl for my .exe bcause It's named Rimworld2150Win64.exe and it wants the exe to be without the 2150 part. In the mean time I'll keep removing mods one by one and keep you updated but at his rate I'll be done in a few days... If anyone could give me any advice I'd really appreciate it.

When I start the game I only get one error of:
Exception from asynchronous event: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.AccessTools+<>c.<TypeByName>b__1_0 (System.Reflection.Assembly x) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectManyIterator>c__Iterator12`2[System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.AccessTools.TypeByName (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.ThingDefGenerator_ReplaceFrame.NewReplaceFrameDef_Thing (Verse.ThingDef def) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.ThingDefGenerator_ReplaceFrame+<ImpliedReplaceFrameDefs>d__4.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.ThingDefGenerator_ReplaceFrame.AddReplaceFrames (Boolean addShortHash) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.Mod+ModStartup+<>c.<.cctor>b__0_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.LongEventHandler.RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

Here's the github error report:
Mods / [(Modded)Error when generating world] solved
March 17, 2019, 08:42:15 AM
When I try to generate world I get a list of errors and then it brings me back to the generate world screen. I've removed all the mods and then it worked so one of my mods are erroring up I've started to remove each mod one by one by it's taking me an age. If someone could tell me what the error means or point me in the general direction of what might be giving the error, whether it's world generation or pawn generation or something wrong with the mechanics? I know I've got the mod order right though because I used a massive public working mod list order to order it. I've also tried to used Rimworld Conflict Checker but it doesn't worl for my .exe bcause It's named Rimworld2150Win64.exe and it wants the exe to be without the 2150 part. In the mean time I'll keep removing mods one by one and keep you updated but at his rate I'll be done in a few days... If anyone could give me any advice I'd really appreciate it.

When I start the game I only get one error of:
Exception from asynchronous event: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.AccessTools+<>c.<TypeByName>b__1_0 (System.Reflection.Assembly x) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectManyIterator>c__Iterator12`2[System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Harmony.AccessTools.TypeByName (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.ThingDefGenerator_ReplaceFrame.NewReplaceFrameDef_Thing (Verse.ThingDef def) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.ThingDefGenerator_ReplaceFrame+<ImpliedReplaceFrameDefs>d__4.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.ThingDefGenerator_ReplaceFrame.AddReplaceFrames (Boolean addShortHash) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Replace_Stuff.Mod+ModStartup+<>c.<.cctor>b__0_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.LongEventHandler.RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

Here's the github error report: